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Old 01.26.2013, 02:04 PM   #1
E. Noisefield
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Read the news yesterday, and then more:

The Terror and stuff

forever torn between loving the music, and hating the douches who make it for their shenanigans and all the goddamn story-telling Wayne does at any given opportunity, I am skeptical to say the least.

Excitement mixed with fear, etc. Because I just love this band, and I hate it when they do stupid shit.

Anyway, if this is legit it deserves a thread. I loved Embryonic, and even Heady Fwends was good. But I don't like the sound of the album based on Wayne's pretentious explanation for its existence.

In guessing it will be awesome, and probably quite similar to every other lips albums from the past 11 years. I seem to recall someone saying it would be percussion-free ( ick ) but then again Thurston Moore said the Eternal would be reminiscent of black metal

the cover art is cool at least.
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Old 01.27.2013, 02:42 PM   #2
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Ahh... Nothing??? Really???? What the hell?

Why bother.
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Old 01.28.2013, 01:16 AM   #3
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Fuck that! I'm excited beyond comprehension for this muthafucker. I thought Embryonic was brilliant, and Coyne has me sold when he describes this. (If it sucks I'll burn him in effigy.) The tracklist shows 9 songs at about 70mins....that makes my nipples hard. I assume the superbowl/car song is not indicative (but I enjoyed it's vibe/energy, even though it is dorky.)
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Old 01.28.2013, 03:01 AM   #4
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Old 01.28.2013, 03:01 AM   #5
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Old 01.28.2013, 12:14 PM   #6
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You can say that again.
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Old 01.28.2013, 01:29 PM   #7
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Yeah...seeing the Lips live(more than a few times) kind of ruined it for me. Though...I still liked Embryonic...a lot. and...I guess I'll be checkin' this out on release...
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Old 01.28.2013, 09:18 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by EVOLghost
Yeah...seeing the Lips live(more than a few times) kind of ruined it for me. Though...I still liked Embryonic...a lot. and...I guess I'll be checkin' this out on release...

I haven't cared for at least 1/2 of the Lips shows I've attended. The other half, though, rank among the best concert experiences I've ever had.

Anybody else think the human bouncy ball thing is seriously irritating? Yeah, it connects Wayne with his fans... As they pass him back and forth like a giant Jesus Christ gumball... But it also detracts from the actual music. So do the dancing fans in plush animal costumes.

Still, I am looking forward to this very much. I'm hoping for "Jesus Shootin Heroin" meets "electro thrash" or whatever that weird quasi electro psych pop shit was that fueled Yoshimi Pt. II.
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Old 01.31.2013, 08:27 PM   #9
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I have to say I'm both surprised and .... Well, not.... that so few people here seem to give a shit about the flaming lips. On one hand it seems as though the Sonic Youth and lips fan bases would overlap quite a bit. At the same time, I can totally see Sonic Youth fans as the chainsmoking beatniks in black who gather in a circle and snicker at the ostentatious douchebg theatre kids [see: Flaming Lips] rehearsing their one-acts and doing voice exercises in costume in the cafeteria.
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Old 02.01.2013, 02:23 AM   #10
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i remember when i first heard them, i thought they sounded great. and then got into all the other albums, and i thought they were alright. and then came The Soft Bulletin. it's alright, but i can't really get into it. or anything after that.
i must say, their version of SEVEN NATION FLORIDA is one of the best mash up's i've ever heard.
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Old 02.09.2013, 11:55 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Skuj
Fuck that! I'm excited beyond comprehension for this muthafucker. I thought Embryonic was brilliant, and Coyne has me sold when he describes this. (If it sucks I'll burn him in effigy.) The tracklist shows 9 songs at about 70mins....that makes my nipples hard. I assume the superbowl/car song is not indicative (but I enjoyed it's vibe/energy, even though it is dorky.)

Fuck you wiki. Tracklist durations were all wrong before. Now I don't know how I feel about "normal" durations. I had visions of AMT sized freakouts, buildups and decays.
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Old 02.10.2013, 12:16 PM   #12
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Gotta say, "Sun Blows up Today" does not sound anything like what they're describing when they talk about the sonic vibe of the new album.

It sounds like pretty much every non-embryonic lips song since Zaireeka. I mean, I like it. That's for goddamn sure. But it's got more of a "Yeah-Yeah-Yeah Song" vibe to it than I was expecting. And that song was... a mistake. A fun novelty that should have been a b-side to one of the two or three genuinely good songs on Mystics.

When Wayne says "punk rock" I feel kind of a Green Day reaction going on in my head. You know? Like someone who shouldn't ever be using those words is using them, and I wish they wouldn't.

Oh well. Here's to high hopes. Heady Fwends was damn good, so let's let this thing unfold a bit more, and have faith. The Lips are entirely capable of creating awesome music (Zaireeka, In a Priest Driven Ambulance, embryonic, etc) so I remain optimistic about this project.
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Old 02.12.2013, 11:26 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Severian
When Wayne says "punk rock" I feel kind of a Green Day reaction going on in my head. You know? Like someone who shouldn't ever be using those words is using them, and I wish they wouldn't.

yeah but Wayne was around when those two words first had meaning. The term has since been hijacked.

Punk rock is a rock music genre that developed between 1974 and 1976 in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
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Old 02.21.2013, 10:13 PM   #14
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Fuckin leaked already?
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Old 02.22.2013, 07:41 PM   #15
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What? Seriously?

What a goddamn world. I've never downloaded a lips album in advance. I bought the Convinced of the Hex iTunes single or whatever and that felt bad enough. Yet now I'm worried that it will be removed soon, and only a few assholes will have it. So I feel compelled to try for a download right away.

Rationalization. Plain and simple. Oh Autarch, may I stay strong!!
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Old 02.22.2013, 08:35 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by RanaldoNecro
yeah but Wayne was around when those two words first had meaning. The term has since been hijacked.

Punk rock is a rock music genre that developed between 1974 and 1976 in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

It just sounds a little forced. I don't mean that Wayne Coyne isn't just about as punk rock as the frontman of an arena headlining, platinum selling, Kylie Minogue covering band could possibly be... I mean, he obviously is. All I mean is that the words themselves sound a little clunky in the context of such an over the top song.

I really like the song actually, but... Man, I don't think anyone can pull off singing about "punk rock." Not even SY. It's not a "poseur" issue. The words just don't really roll off the tongue very well. I have a hard time saying "punk" out loud at all. But fuck it, Wayne posts nude videos of R&B singers and releases music via fetus. He's find of experimental noise, stage blood, fuzzy guitars and doing things just to piss people off. He's probably the most punk rock rock star in the world.
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Old 02.23.2013, 02:51 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Severian
What? Seriously?

What a goddamn world. I've never downloaded a lips album in advance. I bought the Convinced of the Hex iTunes single or whatever and that felt bad enough. Yet now I'm worried that it will be removed soon, and only a few assholes will have it. So I feel compelled to try for a download right away.

Rationalization. Plain and simple. Oh Autarch, may I stay strong!!

My rationalization for not downloading it: The first time I hear this thing is a) when the artists who created it want me to hear it, and b) when it is not some shit low quality leak that will cloud my first experience with it.
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Old 02.24.2013, 03:31 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
just got to hear their cover of Dark Side of the Moon with Stardeath and the While Dwarfs a couple of weeks ago. it all SUCKS beside "TIME/BREATHE (reprise)",... which is awesome.

I don't know why everyone hates it so much. I actually really like the whole album. Also, it got me into Stardeath and White Dwarfs, who's debut album shows a lot of promise. It's not great, but I see possible greatness in their future.
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Old 02.24.2013, 03:39 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Skuj
My rationalization for not downloading it: The first time I hear this thing is a) when the artists who created it want me to hear it, and b) when it is not some shit low quality leak that will cloud my first experience with it.

Well, I did download it, but I haven't listened to it. I'll be purchasing the album in three formats anyway, and one is already pre-ordered.

I did this with The Eternal too, I admit. See, I had pre-ordered the album weeks in advance (possibly months- I don't actually recall) and when the release date arrived and my copy was still en route from Amazon. So, it was either A) wait it out and break my streak of hearing every new Sonic Youth album since Washing Machine within 24 hour of release or B) or download the thing and get my well earned first listen on the proper day. I'm glad I did too, because the record didn't arrive for another goddamn week.
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Old 02.25.2013, 05:22 AM   #20
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it's really, really good.

That's all I'll say until I can buy it
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