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Old 03.10.2012, 02:58 PM   #1
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I've spent my entire adult life, and a far too much of my adolescence, trying to expose people who would otherwise never get the opportunity, (friends, partners, family), to Sonic Youth's music.


I've tried. Believe it, I have tried and tried and tried. I have bought countless copies of DN, Washing Machine, Sister, Murray Street, and so on for countless people, usually depending on that person's taste. I have played SY for girlfriends, confident that they will be blown away. Then Kim's voice comes on, and I start to view what's happening from the girlfriend's perspective. I realize, at that point, that it appears as though I am playing some kind of joke on her. Or that I am insane. Or that, maybe, this is just really, really shit music. When I think about it from the point of view of an SY "layperson", I understand completely why none of my efforts has ever been effective.

Have you ever tried to get someone with no real experience with non-traditional pop music in to Sonic Youth? If so, how has it worked out?

For me, long ago, I, quite luckily, found a girl who loved the band almost as much as I do. But I've come to the conclusion that SY is not a "Man, check out this kickass new track!!!" kind of band, unless you're dealing with someone who's already into something similar.

Now there's a new person who I want to get into SY. Cool person, but limited music perspective, and low tolerance for outright noise. Would you be so kind as to help me create a playlist that will be more likely to catch someone's ear. It's not for a girl I like or anything, just a younger co-worker who was probably a toddler when Kurt Cobain died, and she could really use a history lesson on alternative music.

So please help me. Suggest songs for a playlist that I can give her that will turn her ON to the music and not OFF. Also, please tell me I'm not the only one who suffers from this. Tell me I'm not the only one who's interrupted a party to put on "Bad Moon Rising" only to be met with immediate silence, the focus of a hundred blank irritated drunk stares.

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Old 03.10.2012, 08:49 PM   #2
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I played a live show for a girl once. Shed never heard them before. As soon as Kim's voice kicked in I knew it was a mistake. I was even a trifle embarrassed, because I had talked SY up so much for so long. Then I gave some bullshit "aquired taste" explanation that sounded pretentious as hell I'm sure.

An intro SY tape would be hard to make. I'm sure it would depend on the person it was made for. But for the average modern alt rock fan I'm sure it would rely heavily on Dirty and maybe the Eternal. A punk fan might require more Sister. A hippie or guitar player would be more easily won over by ATL and MS.

But I want a go-to tape that I can hand to anyone that will put the bands sound into context and not bleed the eardrums.
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Old 03.10.2012, 08:50 PM   #3
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Diamond Sea radio edit would be essential.
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Old 03.10.2012, 09:21 PM   #4
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Ok 1st I'm glad your not a robot
2nd Sonic Youth is not something that you can really encourage someone to embrace. Either u get them or u don't.
3dly great effort in attempting to spread the sonic love
4tHly I would personaLly start out with these:

Drunken Butterfly
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Old 03.10.2012, 09:26 PM   #5
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have you ever played any songs from their later stuff? I don't know why anyone wouldn't be able to tolerate it... I have tried once or twice (keep in mind that I have absolutely no social life, no one to hang out with in my area either) and many times on the internet. Most people listen to 2 songs and say "yeah they're alright" and never listen to it again. This band demands lots of patience. I first listened to them when I was 14 maybe. Had no idea what to make of it... now they're easily one of my favorite bands of all time and possibly my biggest inspiration. I'm not aware of these people you speak of but where I live, majority are hooked to that fast paced life of clicking a button and listening to a 2 minute single. Observation of any kind is rarely done by them. If there are others they must be residing somewhere in the underground caverns of florida.

some of the easiest songs to get into for a beginner I guess would be Theresa's Sound World, Kool Thing, Catholic Block, Schizophrenia, Kotton Krown, Shadow of a Doubt, Expressway etc.

I haven't bothered with this kind of stuff anymore since nearly everyone disagrees with me about most things.
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Old 03.10.2012, 09:42 PM   #6
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SONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's assesSONIC GAIL kicks all y'all's asses
Yeah not many floridians dig the yout. Fuck em. We just know our shit baby
Old 03.10.2012, 09:43 PM   #7
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Ctoss the breeze
Old 03.10.2012, 11:10 PM   #8
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The key to getting a potential fan into the Youth is knowing what album to let them listen to...especially being that Sonic Youth has covered so much musical terrain as a band. If someone typically digs more chaotic noise rock, Confusion is a good start. If they like prettier stuff...maybe Murray Street. Pop boredom...Rather Ripped.

It can be a challenge sometimes, sure.
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Old 03.10.2012, 11:15 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by ann ashtray
The key to getting a potential fan into the Youth is knowing what album to let them listen to...especially being that Sonic Youth has covered so much musical terrain as a band. If someone typically digs more chaotic noise rock, Confusion is a good start. If they like prettier stuff...maybe Murray Street. Pop boredom...Rather Ripped.

It can be a challenge sometimes, sure.

"How can you listen to this? "

That's the common reaction to Kim's voice. I never can quite explain why I love it so much.
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Old 03.10.2012, 11:20 PM   #10
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Played my grandmother 'Santa Doesn't Cop Out on Dope' - she disliked.
I could tuck you in and we can talk about it.

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Old 03.10.2012, 11:44 PM   #11
Magic Wheel Memory
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I've also tried to spread the sonic gospel over the years, and it usually doesn't work out. Once or twice, it has, and it was very gratifying. Those people may have never heard SY otherwise.

I guess SY just isn't for everyone. The fact that they sounded so unlike anything I had ever heard was a big part of their intial appeal to me. That may be the same reason other people can't grasp them.

Maybe it's for the best. Besides the Beatles, how many bands have made great, innovative music with mass appeal?
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Old 03.11.2012, 01:20 AM   #12
Mortte Jousimo
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I think the most of the people just donīt be as excited about any music as I am. For example my wife has never been as excited about the music as I am and I think itīs ok. As Sonic Gail said I think also SY is the band you really love or donīt like at all. Most of my friends don`t like SY at all and those who like havenīt listened it after Washing Machine. I think the certain music just hit you and there is no way to make somebody like the music he just donīt like.
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Old 03.11.2012, 11:53 AM   #13
E. Noisefield
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I have never been abl to do this either because it always seems like I don't know where to start!!! If someone wants to hear them, or I want to show someone what they sound like, I'm stumped, because I don't know whether to point them to ATL/Murray Street, or DN/Goo, or Evol/Sister... ah! Either way it feels wrong to me, like i'm not properly representing the band.
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Old 03.12.2012, 03:32 AM   #14
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don't do this to people

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Old 03.12.2012, 04:32 AM   #15
Mortte Jousimo
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Well, if somebody wanted to hear Sonic Youth who had never heard it and I knew he had quite ordinary music taste, I would put Rather Ripped on. If he had experimental music taste, I would put EVOL or Sister or maybe SYR1.
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Old 03.12.2012, 10:59 AM   #16
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Most people who know me don't even ask me for music recommendations....since my first is always Sonic youth.
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Old 03.12.2012, 11:34 AM   #17
Screaming Skull
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If accessibility is what you're after, make your friend the following mix:

1. Teen Age Riot
2. Hey Joni
3. Candle
4. Dirty Boots
5. Kool Thing
6. Disappearer
7. 100%
8. Sugar Kane
9. Purr
10. Superstar
11. Bull In The Heather
12. Starfield Road
13. Self-Obessed and Sexxee
14. Becuz
15. Unwind
16. The Diamond Sea [radio edit]
17. Sunday
18. The Empty Page
19. Disconnection Notice
20. Pattern Recognition
21. New Hampshire
22. I Love You Golden Blue
23. Reena
24. Incinerate
25. Jams Run Free
26. Sacred Trickster
27. What We Know
28. No Way

The production values of the pre-Daydream Nation albums make them difficult to "hook" the average listener with. Start with Daydream and give them the career overview listed below. If they're still not into it, they don't like Sonic Youth.
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Old 03.12.2012, 04:00 PM   #18
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Everyone has to find their own way
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Old 03.12.2012, 05:20 PM   #19
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I just wouldn't bother. It doesn't really work. You either like it or your don't.
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Old 03.12.2012, 06:01 PM   #20
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burnttriscuit has a couple of kiss-ass net friends
ya, i used to have that problem. i gave up in trying to get anyone into them. i might stick 'em on a mix cd or something but that's the extent of it. interestingly enough, i kind of know that feeling of people who don't get sonic youth's music. i was kind of that way with the grateful dead, my boss always had the dead channel on at work, and many friends were into them and played them for me. i just couldn't get into it until very recently. the dead aren't my favorite band, but they just 'clicked' for me recently.
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