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Old 09.11.2011, 02:10 AM   #1
the end of the ugly
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So i've been digging deeply into the "Krautrock" scene lately, as I have noted in other threads. I was surprised to learn that Tangerine Dream were not always a terrible new age easy listening synth group, but were once leading figures of the German avant-improv electro-acoustic quasi-psychedelic freak-out scene. I've only heard their first two records, and they actually are pretty cool. Some here may not agree, but some might. Upon hearing the first track "Genesis" on their first album "Electronic Meditations" released in 1970, I thought I had landed in the middle of some unknown unreleased Thurston Moore/Tom Surgal release reminiscent of "Piece for Jetsun Dolma" or "Klangfarbenmelodie..." (some of my favorite Thurston solo releases) with guest flautist and violist. Tell me I am wrong:


and about 1:15 into the last track "Resurrection":


The rest of the album does not really give that same impression, but is nonetheless pretty cool in it's own right. album cover is pretty awesome too:

If i continue to listen to their records in chronological order, I expect I will get bored/disgusted by the mid-late 70's maybe?
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Old 09.12.2011, 08:52 PM   #2
invito al cielo
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I love Electronic Meditation. Fucking amazing record. I like a lot of their straight up synth stuff too, actually, and think only a small fraction of it really veers too far into new age dreck territory (though it's true they increasingly did so).
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