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Old 06.20.2006, 11:20 PM   #1
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Personally I am a little sad it didn't work out, but not surprised.

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Old 06.20.2006, 11:25 PM   #2
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I'm glad personally. It would ruin the Pixies for me if they put out a shitty, cash grab album now. The tour is enough.
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Old 06.20.2006, 11:29 PM   #3
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That's too bad, but I guess we should be glad they decided to reform to begin with. So many fans never got to see them in concert when they were intially together, and all that time thier fanbase kept growing. I got to see them live and it was a hellva concert.
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Old 06.20.2006, 11:48 PM   #4
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Hmmmm, I was kind of looking forward to a new album.
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Old 06.21.2006, 12:09 AM   #5
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thats fucking great, they fuckin blow, most overrated band.....
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Old 06.21.2006, 12:25 AM   #6
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Cease to resist, giving my goodbye........
Confusion is next and next after that is the Truth.
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Old 06.21.2006, 12:42 AM   #7
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oh well. he shouldnt try to write songs that sound like pixies songs. he should just write songs that he and the rest of the band are happy with. he's a talented guy and i think the songs would be good either way.
but shit dont always work out like that. oh well
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Old 06.21.2006, 01:22 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by finding nobody
oh well. he shouldnt try to write songs that sound like pixies songs. he should just write songs that he and the rest of the band are happy with. he's a talented guy and i think the songs would be good either way.
but shit dont always work out like that. oh well

I agree. If the band put out an album that sounded like what the Pixies used to be but was subpar, then it would ruin their credibility of talented songwriters. You shouldn't always stick to a single formula. Frank Black and the rest of the band should just write whatever feels right and not be confined by trying to write songs that sound like their old records. It's all about trying new things and experimenting with what feels right for the time. Staying the same always ruins good bands.
"No way, man! Cuz dyin' would be a stone groove! Got any messages for Jimi Hendrix?"

"Yes. Pick up your puppy."
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Old 06.21.2006, 01:25 AM   #9
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I really wanted to hear a new record by the Pixies, though. I thought that it would be really cool for a band to get back together after more than a decade and come back with a kickass record to show all these shitty emo bands how it's really done. Maybe they will still release a record. Who knows? I'm still supremely satisfied having seen them twice live on their reunion tour. Two of the very best shows I have ever seen and will ever see!!!!!!!!!
"No way, man! Cuz dyin' would be a stone groove! Got any messages for Jimi Hendrix?"

"Yes. Pick up your puppy."
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Old 06.21.2006, 04:11 AM   #10
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not too fond of the pixies i'm afraid, saw em like and was kinda disapointed.
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Old 06.21.2006, 04:20 AM   #11
the end of the ugly
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pixies are up there, alongside sonic youth for me..
those are the two bands that defined life..

i am looking forward to a new album, but i'd rather be patient and wait for a decent album that the band is satisfied with, than having a crap album..
pixies songs are great, and they last the corrosion of time..
i've been listening to the same albums for more than 15 years now..
they are still great and kicking..

when the time comes...

i wish they'd tour around here as well...

nothing here...

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Old 06.21.2006, 04:30 AM   #12
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I can respect that.
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Old 06.21.2006, 04:41 AM   #13
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Pixies are one of those bands that I used to love but lost interest in. I know the songs are brilliant, but I don't get excited by them like I once did. I saw them four times the first time round, but by the time the reunion came round they just didn't do it for me any more and I wasn't interested in seeing them.
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Old 06.21.2006, 05:27 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by sonicl
Pixies are one of those bands that I used to love but lost interest in. I know the songs are brilliant, but I don't get excited by them like I once did. I saw them four times the first time round, but by the time the reunion came round they just didn't do it for me any more and I wasn't interested in seeing them.

Yeah, I'm in this boat. I like the Pixies, and I'll stick the records on every now and then, but they really don't excite me all that much these days. Whereas the Fall sound as exciting, if not more so, as when I first heard them.
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 06.21.2006, 05:46 AM   #15
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The three posters above said it for me.

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Old 06.21.2006, 08:55 AM   #16
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Old 06.21.2006, 01:55 PM   #18
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Duppy know a who fi Frighten

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Old 06.21.2006, 03:25 PM   #19
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Thank fuck. I love them and they really blew me away on the reunion tour, but it was made clear from the beginning that this was a semi/cynical cash in, and I really don't think a good album could come from that kind of attitude.
A good Frank Black/Breeders album or two should do me nicely.
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Old 06.21.2006, 03:54 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by fishmonkey
not too fond of the pixies i'm afraid, saw em like and was kinda disapointed.

The Pixies were never known for there live show. It's why they never got super big. It's the recorded music they have that's truley amazing. One of the greatest bands ever ever. They've inspired an entire genre of music. It's kind of sad that they're not going to do a new album.... but knowing Frank Black's genius... if he didn't think it was going to be good... then it probably wasn't going to be good.
i love guitar wolf.

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