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Old 04.24.2006, 07:17 PM   #1
Rupert 'Stiles' Stilinski
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I know people are upset that SY is touring with Pearl Jam because the shows will not focus very much attention on SY, they're expensive, and SY shouldn't be playing arenas, but I do think Pearl Jam deserves some props.

Here's how I see the good:

1. They play really long concerts (usually at least 2 1/2 hours) with varied setlists. This makes the experience so much better to never know what could be played on any given night. They sometimes even play really long shows (3 1/2 hours) on unexpected nights. And they always release their concerts on cd which keeps the fans pleased.

2. They've never really sold out. When they were at the peak of their popularity, they sort of retired into the backdrop keeping a loyal fanbase, but losing the casual fans. The best music they've made has been the stuff that most people haven't heard--it might be "rock and roll" but there's always an edge to it that is not mainstream.

3. They support really good music. The bands they tour with have included Buzzcocks, SY, Sleater Kinney, My Morning Jacket, Robert Pollard, and a shitload other ones that I can't remember. They also get their fans to listen to good music by often incorporating snippets of good shit into their live shows... along with many covers.

4. They care about the state of music and world issues/ they give lots of money to good causes.

5. Their music might not be the most original, but they have yet to put out a total stinker of an album.

I feel like people should maybe give some props to this band over the other "arena bands" out there. Although I like seeing small shows, a pearl jam show is quite an experience, and I think some of you would really see the band differently after seeing them. I know most of their fans are complete morons, but the band itself has had a career that I feel is a great model for how a (very famous) rock and roll band should behave.
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Old 04.24.2006, 07:19 PM   #2
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yes i love pearl jam they are a very good band, i own every album plus some early bootlegs from before they started releasing their own.

lol there goes all my """"""""""""indie cred""""""""""" lmao if i had any of the shit anyway

pearl jam are a great band and they do indeed rock live, and they didnt hit their peak until matt cameron join, although riot act is a fairly average album. and there is a new album this week
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Old 04.24.2006, 07:43 PM   #3
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Yeah I've said it a million times on here that I still love Pearl Jam! Eddie's voice always makes me feel good.....especially the slow "depressing" sounding songs. Binaural rules too! Nothting As It Seems! Parting Ways!
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Old 04.24.2006, 07:44 PM   #4
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release and indifference and immortality are fucking brilliant songs, vedder has an awesome voice
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Old 04.24.2006, 08:35 PM   #5
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Yield is my favorite album... it starts out so strong; "No Way" is just fantastic, then it slows down with "low light" and "all those yesterdays".. It is one of my favorite albums of all time.

The new one sounds great, too! I would rank it among their best!
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Old 04.24.2006, 08:42 PM   #6
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I like the new single alot, radio sucks for just playing the songs from the first three albums and then a new single like wow they are back

Binaural is a very over looked album, and stands up there with Ten
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Old 04.24.2006, 08:45 PM   #7
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Great band.

I listened to them alot last year.

No Code is hands down my favorite. I kind of lost interest after I heard Binaural and Riot Act. Those 2 are terrible.

Ten is overrated, but still a fun listen. Everything else is fab. No matter how boring the music itself may be, Eddie always comes in and revives the song. I love his voice.
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Old 04.24.2006, 09:16 PM   #8
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i'm surprised this thread hasn't been sabotaged by the anti-pearl jam fruitcake type yet.

i own vs., vitalogy, no code, and binaural, of which vitalogy and vs. are my favorites. though binaural has its moments (evacuation, nothing as it seems . . .). it seems like this board is filled with people who instantly decry anything that isn't completely "original" or otherwise obscure . . . honestly, i think they miss out on a lot of good music that may not be startlingly unique but still displays well thought out songwriting. pearl jam is a prime example of this . . . they're not quite as wild and left-field as sy but they're impeccable songwriters.
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Old 04.24.2006, 09:24 PM   #9
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I can't listen to Pearl Jam. I just don't like it.
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Old 04.24.2006, 11:39 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Rupert 'Stiles' Stilinski

The new one sounds great, too! I would rank it among their best!

Awesome! I heard Jeff saying good things about it. I pre-ordered it.
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Old 04.24.2006, 11:43 PM   #11
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i thought riot act waas a great album! in fact, the only release of theirs that i don't know front to end is "no code", but even that album has some strong points.

i'm a total pearl jam dork. i own too many of their bootlegs to be proud of.
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Old 04.25.2006, 12:13 AM   #12
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i'm not a pearl jam fan, i love vitology and like yield and vs and to some extent (because it's totally burnt out) ten. i haven't really heard no code but the songs i've heard from it are really good.

but i just wanted to point something out. pearl jam HAVE sold out. they now play overpriced shows sold by ticketmaster, which was something they were dead set against in the middle of their career. and i know you can justify it by saying that it's not in their control and that they can't play the places they need to play without ticketmaster but they are PEARL FUCKING JAM, they have 30 trillion fans and make millions of dollars and if they really wanted, they could do things differently.

so it's not a bad thing or a good thing, it's just a thing and face it. they have sold out
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Old 04.25.2006, 06:33 AM   #13
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i'm not really a PJ fan, but i do take on board your points and you do make sense.
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Old 04.25.2006, 09:08 AM   #14
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I've never really been a fan. I think it may be mostly due to the assjocks that always have their popular singles playing during weight-training sessions at school.
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Old 04.25.2006, 09:37 AM   #15
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It's partly because they're one of the few "grunge" bands still around that people call them sellouts. I loved Vitalogy and Yield, although haven't heard anything they've done since Binaural.
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Old 04.25.2006, 10:16 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
i'm not a pearl jam fan, i love vitology and like yield and vs and to some extent (because it's totally burnt out) ten. i haven't really heard no code but the songs i've heard from it are really good.

but i just wanted to point something out. pearl jam HAVE sold out. they now play overpriced shows sold by ticketmaster, which was something they were dead set against in the middle of their career. and i know you can justify it by saying that it's not in their control and that they can't play the places they need to play without ticketmaster but they are PEARL FUCKING JAM, they have 30 trillion fans and make millions of dollars and if they really wanted, they could do things differently.

so it's not a bad thing or a good thing, it's just a thing and face it. they have sold out

I would have to disagree with this and think that it has to be looked at from a different perspective.

The idea of a large scale production is far more difficult to keep "uncorporate" than a small scale production. I'm more upset when Sonic Youth uses clear channel venues than when Pearl Jam uses Ticketbastard because Sonic Youth would have no problem doing a full scale tour that avoids those particular venues. Pearl Jam had the ambition to fight ticketmaster, but did not have the forethought that the fans would be the ones to suffer. When they did that, everything completely went to shit; they almost broke up; their fans bitched because they could only play about ten shows at the height of their popularity.

I was far more horrified (though completely delighted at the same time--they're my other favorite band...) when Dino Jr. came back around on tour with the original lineup. Everyone pretty much confessed it was for the money, and though J played with more intensity than when I saw him in 94, he was going through the motions.

A "sell out" (generic term) is a band that willingly compromises their ideals to make a profit. In that situation the fans lose. Pearl Jam has always kept the fans in mind, and even though I'm intimidated by their "machine", they at least have enthusiasm.
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Old 04.25.2006, 12:41 PM   #17
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i tried listening to ten the other day (havent in ages) and i just couldn't stand it. the sound was so polished and precious and yucky. and eddie vedder's growling was over the top. i haven't listened to them in ages.

however since this is the "intelligent discussion" thread (not the ass-kissing thead, not the irrational hate thread) could somebody point me in the direction of what they are doing recently that might be of interest to someone who hates "ten"? or is there no such thing?
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Old 04.25.2006, 02:35 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i tried listening to ten the other day (havent in ages) and i just couldn't stand it. the sound was so polished and precious and yucky. and eddie vedder's growling was over the top. i haven't listened to them in ages.

however since this is the "intelligent discussion" thread (not the ass-kissing thead, not the irrational hate thread) could somebody point me in the direction of what they are doing recently that might be of interest to someone who hates "ten"? or is there no such thing?

Try Binaural....or any past Vitalogy really. Most of the over the top Ten growling is pretty much gone now.
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Old 04.25.2006, 02:44 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Rupert 'Stiles' Stilinski

A "sell out" (generic term) is a band that willingly compromises their ideals to make a profit. In that situation the fans lose. Pearl Jam has always kept the fans in mind, and even though I'm intimidated by their "machine", they at least have enthusiasm.

That's my point too. But really I could care less if they've "sold out." I love their music and that's the most important thing to me. Sure ticket prices suck but they charge what people will still pay. Can you really blame them? Plus they have a buttload of people to pay behind the scenes that make the show go. It's all gravy though.
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Old 04.25.2006, 03:54 PM   #20
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Hmm. Their music does rank fairly highly in my list of bands for whom their success completely repulses me; however, I do admire their ethics, which, although confused in parts, and never as radical as some people would like, are pretty spot-on for such a major league (and horrifically conservative, to my mind) band.
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