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Old 04.19.2007, 12:47 AM   #1
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Old 04.19.2007, 12:52 AM   #2
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Old 04.19.2007, 12:55 AM   #3
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I don't know what to feel about it.
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Old 04.19.2007, 12:56 AM   #4
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wow...sway and i agree on something.
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Old 04.19.2007, 01:31 AM   #5
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I don't see how anyone can think such a violent act is civilized.

Pro-choicers are pro partial-birth because they believe that any lenience towards the pro-lifers is going to completely reverse Roe V Wade, which isn't gonna happen.

I'm sort of with swa(y) on this.

I think that the best thing could happen with abortion is if condoms were made more available to students, females were taught more about rape and what to do after being raped, (like going to a rape clinic, which a lot of girls don't do, which is stupid because they can get DNA evidence for persecuting the rapist) and lastly if all pro-choicers would make it clear that it is a hard decision to make and a serious one. (some pro-choicers treat it as if it is like washing your hands.)

Oh fuck I just made an idealist statement. So I gotta clear my name. Let me just say, something like that would never happen because we are human, we have always been human, and we always will be, and our world will always be fully flawed.
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Old 04.19.2007, 01:43 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by swa(y)
well....a girl getting raped and not going to a clinic, as "stupid" as it may sound, is understandable.

i wouldnt be suprised if alot of girls dont even report it period man...i imagine its a very embarassing situation to deal with.

my main issue is when some girl who wasnt raped wants an abortion, fuck that, take responsibilities for yr actions. "oh but im a student", "oh but this can change the rest of my life", "oh but im not prepared/financailly stable".

shoulda thought about that shit before spreading yr legs and not using a condom/birth control (and yeah, i realize its just as much the dudes fault as it is the girls). there is a such thing as adoption...

It is understandable not to go to a clinic after being raped, but it really isn't in a girls best interests. I really don't think that they educate young girls enough about rape and that is a huge part of the problem.
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Old 04.19.2007, 01:43 AM   #7
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im for it.
Old 04.19.2007, 01:53 AM   #8
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But they can give her a morning after pill.
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Old 04.19.2007, 02:14 AM   #9
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True, but atleast the child isn't really developed yet. A rape victim is probably going to get one anyways. If she doesn't get an abortion she's an amazing woman.
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Old 04.19.2007, 02:17 AM   #10
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oh i really dont see it like you do kegmama, i dont see the fetus as a living human being.
Old 04.19.2007, 02:28 AM   #11
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It sounds like you Kegpapa's mom was a kickass strong woman. No wonder he chose you.
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Old 04.19.2007, 02:30 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by swa(y)
who knows.

thanks goodness chances of rape victims actually getting pregnant are pretty slim.

Yeah. . . my mom was telling me that recently.
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Old 04.19.2007, 06:11 AM   #13
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i personally would never have an abortion. i don't have a strong feeling one way or another for other people.

but i actually took some of the argument in one of these cases when it was before judge casey in new york - a seriously right-wing, catholic judge. he was one of the judges who held that banning the procedure was unconstitutional (read that over so the un/ban negative thing doesn't get you.)

on the face of it, you'd think that the late-termness of it makes it horrible. but what i learned during the arguments and testimony was that a seriously high percentage of people who go through this procedure - i'm talking like 80 or 90 percent - i can't remember exactly - are women who want their babies but there is a medical deficiency with them; like the baby is going to be born brain-dead or something and will have to be kept on a life support or something like that. so the women who have this procedure are sometimes forced with the option of going through the pain, mental process of delivering a child that will soon die. and when this happens, they're in the maternity ward on a floor with all these joyous women who are celebrating the birth of their child. as far as the pro"choice" aspect of it, both of their choices suck. and so the way it seemed to me, as well as this seriously right-wing judge, is that this case was totally brought just for the exact purposes of appalling people with terms like "partial-term abortion" and the visions of the actual process, when really, it's not teenagers using this as birth control, it's really and truly a medical procedure. anyway, i just thought i'd shed some light from actually hearing testimony and arguments on the matter. it was all very shocking to me. this was probably two years ago, whenever it was before judge casey.
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Old 04.19.2007, 06:15 AM   #14
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sensitive issue,

i would like to however say where i stand on the subject

i am Pro-Choice in where i belive the woman has the right to choose, Abortions are not preformed in Ireland which means Irish girls have to travel to the UK the get them done, i believe that they should be available in Ireland. i take onboard what constitutes are human life and not but i do strongly believe in Pro-Choice, maybe its my case of oppression in a country where this is really really frowned apon and i want the best for the people.
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Old 04.19.2007, 06:19 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
oh i really dont see it like you do kegmama, i dont see the fetus as a living human being.
Same. I'm pro choice, though I don't really think it should be treated like
Originally Posted by Abortion Noob
Ahh shit i'm pregnant, honey. Going to get an abortion now, seeya soon!
A woman should have a right to do what they want, it is their body after all. It was a privelage for the child to be created, so beggers (the fetus) can't be choosers.
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Old 04.19.2007, 12:22 PM   #16
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There is a lot of misinformation floating around regarding these issues. I recommend this article from the Nov. 2004 Harper's:


A good read.
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Old 04.19.2007, 12:23 PM   #17
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i read this yesterday morning and it's such a fucking disgrace i refused to post it here for discussion. i'm still refusing. too pissed off to discuss it right now. fuck alito.
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Old 04.19.2007, 12:36 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i read this yesterday morning and it's such a fucking disgrace i refused to post it here for discussion. i'm still refusing. too pissed off to discuss it right now. fuck alito.

I completely agree that it's a disgrace. A step in the wrong direction, without question. Gonzalez has my attention right now though, not Alito and that gang.
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Old 04.19.2007, 01:14 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
I really don't think that they educate young girls enough about rape and that is a huge part of the problem.

Whereas I think it's the young boys who need to be educated.

The possibility of being raped is a very real thing to every female. The ones who don't "get it" are the boys/men who are actually responsible for the crime. If they understood anything at all about rape, they would stop doing it, plain and simple.

No matter how much you educate girls about the threat of rape, and tell them to never go anywhere alone at night or in unfamiliar places, the fact of the matter remains that it's up to the men in our society whether or not rape actually stops. Many of us girls are already doing everything we know how to in order to prevent being raped, but that alone is not going to make a significant dent in the rape and sexual abuse statistics.

Basically what I'm saying is that it's up to you retards.
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Old 04.19.2007, 01:16 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by luxinterior
Whereas I think it's the young boys who need to be educated.

The possibility of being raped is a very real thing to every female. The ones who don't "get it" are the boys/men who are actually responsible for the crime. If they understood anything at all about rape, they would stop doing it, plain and simple.

No matter how much you educate girls about the threat of rape, and tell them to never go anywhere alone at night or in unfamiliar places, the fact of the matter remains that it's up to the men in our society whether or not rape actually stops. Many of us girls are already doing everything we know how to in order to prevent being raped, but that alone is not going to make a significant dent in the rape and sexual abuse statistics.

Basically what I'm saying is that it's up to you retards.

Agreed, I think males should be thaught not to rape.
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