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View Poll Results: sloth
of course 10 76.92%
yes 3 23.08%
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Old 03.31.2010, 03:13 PM   #1
verme (prevaricator)
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you decide.
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Old 03.31.2010, 03:14 PM   #2
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sloths, they just look cooler.
Sarcasm[A] is stating the opposite of an intended meaning especially in order to sneeringly, slyly, jest or mock a person, situation or thing

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Old 03.31.2010, 03:20 PM   #3
Keeping It Simple
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Koalas are SO cute, you want to hug them for hours.
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Old 03.31.2010, 03:51 PM   #4
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i once saved a sloth from a mob of children so they get my vote

they are cool as fuck
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Old 03.31.2010, 04:37 PM   #5
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i like sloths more, but koala would tear it to shreds i think. What is the vs points based on?
tiny and lost.
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Old 03.31.2010, 05:31 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Keeping It Simple
Koalas are SO cute, you want to hug them for hours.

i take it you havent seen their claws or heard them growl then
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Old 03.31.2010, 05:36 PM   #7
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i love how non australians have no understanding of how aggressive koalas/roos/possums can be. Platypuss have their poison burs. Cockatoos will eat your arm/legs. Jellyfish will sting you. Sharks will eat you. Snakes / spiders will bite you. Crocs will bite you. Goannas will bite you. Emu will chase you. Our bats will give you hendra.

Look, the whole country is full of angry sharp poisonous things, okay? It is best to just stand the fuck back.
tiny and lost.
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Old 03.31.2010, 05:38 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by phoenix
i love how non australians have no understanding of how aggressive koalas/roos/possums can be.
I don't think it's not understanding so much as not giving a flying fuck (if I'm being honest).
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Old 03.31.2010, 05:40 PM   #9
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i mean the idea that people think some of the animals are so cute and want to cuddle them. Maybe not you personally but i've met so many tourists who have this thought.
tiny and lost.
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Old 03.31.2010, 05:53 PM   #10
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Old 03.31.2010, 06:00 PM   #11
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Old 03.31.2010, 06:19 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i once saved a sloth from a mob of children so they get my vote

they are cool as fuck


second....I vote sloth. Koalas are cute but sloths are just plain awesome. I wanted to be a sloth for Halloween...
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Old 03.31.2010, 06:24 PM   #13
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Old 03.31.2010, 06:32 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by EVOLghost

i was working in the jungle (furrealz) and we were sitting in the evening drinking some beers when a crowd of kids go past the front of the store screaming and squealing with great joy.

they were dragging a sloth all over the streets (dirt streets, but still) kinda like they do on those westerns. had a rope around the neck and the kids were running all over. took a while to figure out cuz it was dusk and the animal was in a sort of fetal position so it was a dark bundle bumping up and down, but i manage to make out its shape-- something living.

earlier that day i had seen the kids climbing this tall-as-fuck tree-- my guess is that's where they caught him. place was like 2km away from the town so i wonder if they dragged the animal all the way from there or what.

anyway, i realized what they were doing, and propelled by my beer buzz and natural anger (which i have in spades) i proceeded to jump out of the beer crate where i was sitting and gave the kids a proper yelling (i can be a LOUD motherfucker as jennthebenn can attest) and asked them if they would like me to drag them by the neck with a rope like that. i peppered my speech with various cursewords with little regard for the townspeople-- see my username?-- it's for a reason-- anyway, they fled in all directions and i took the animal and proceeded to unravel the noose.

back at the work camp where i slept, after some attempts to feed him saline solution or sugar water or something so he'd snap out of his shock we took him out in the sticks under cover of dark and let him climb a tree far, far from where he had been captured.

he was cool as fuck and strong and had a super-tough hide-- which is probably what saved him. he had the coolest sad eyes ever. you could look into them and see something-- not like reptiles, who have nothing, but more like a dog, except that they look more like people (with very small foreheads), so it was almost human.

anyway, he was a sweet fucker, with huge scary claws, and was liberated, and i hope he recovered and lived many years afterwards.
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Old 03.31.2010, 06:37 PM   #15
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koalas are pretty viscous i heard. the other day a badger killed next doors cat and jumped over a fence with it. that was a weird morning i can tell you.
Sarcasm[A] is stating the opposite of an intended meaning especially in order to sneeringly, slyly, jest or mock a person, situation or thing

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Old 03.31.2010, 09:08 PM   #16
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koalas are cute, but they're some mean fucking marsupials. i'd take a koala over a sloth in a heartbeat.

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Old 03.31.2010, 10:22 PM   #17
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the real question at hand is, which one tastes better?

I vote koala.
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Old 04.01.2010, 06:04 AM   #18
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pookie that animation/sloth puppet is great!!! I want one!
tiny and lost.
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Old 04.01.2010, 12:14 PM   #19
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they're both pretty awesome, but the sloth does win for sure.
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Old 04.01.2010, 03:17 PM   #20
Keeping It Simple
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i was working in the jungle (furrealz) and we were sitting in the evening drinking some beers when a crowd of kids go past the front of the store screaming and squealing with great joy.

they were dragging a sloth all over the streets (dirt streets, but still) kinda like they do on those westerns. had a rope around the neck and the kids were running all over. took a while to figure out cuz it was dusk and the animal was in a sort of fetal position so it was a dark bundle bumping up and down, but i manage to make out its shape-- something living.

earlier that day i had seen the kids climbing this tall-as-fuck tree-- my guess is that's where they caught him. place was like 2km away from the town so i wonder if they dragged the animal all the way from there or what.

anyway, i realized what they were doing, and propelled by my beer buzz and natural anger (which i have in spades) i proceeded to jump out of the beer crate where i was sitting and gave the kids a proper yelling (i can be a LOUD motherfucker as jennthebenn can attest) and asked them if they would like me to drag them by the neck with a rope like that. i peppered my speech with various cursewords with little regard for the townspeople-- see my username?-- it's for a reason-- anyway, they fled in all directions and i took the animal and proceeded to unravel the noose.

back at the work camp where i slept, after some attempts to feed him saline solution or sugar water or something so he'd snap out of his shock we took him out in the sticks under cover of dark and let him climb a tree far, far from where he had been captured.

he was cool as fuck and strong and had a super-tough hide-- which is probably what saved him. he had the coolest sad eyes ever. you could look into them and see something-- not like reptiles, who have nothing, but more like a dog, except that they look more like people (with very small foreheads), so it was almost human.

anyway, he was a sweet fucker, with huge scary claws, and was liberated, and i hope he recovered and lived many years afterwards.

You should work for the WWF.
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