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Old 02.28.2009, 02:22 PM   #1
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Who here has been in a real good fight? Whether you kicked ass or got your ass kicked is not important. I like getting in fights once in a while, it's quite liberating, and was a very normal thing to do where I grew up. I took boxing lessons for three years and have studied fighting here and there, and there really is a bit of an artform behind the various styles of fighting. I can't fucking stand when people claim to be anti-violence, anti-fighting, whatever, and then seem to always carry out thier grudges verbally behind people's backs. Letting the bad feelings linger on far longer than they ever should. A good fist fight is a way of resolving differences in a quick and easy fasion. So, tell us about a good fist fight.

Summer 2006; I was in Tucson for the first time for University of Arizona orientation. I was staying at a Marriot hotel with my parents, and there I met some kids also there for orientation. That night we went out and got real real wasted, as kids getting to know eachother will often do. We met a girl who's brother was in some fraternity, where she said we could go because she knew the two brothers staying there for the summer. So we went, drank, blah blah. The whole night one of the frat brothers was talking shit on my v neck t shirt for whatever reason. Not wanting to look like a raging pussy in front of these kids I just met, I decided I would take action. As we left, I went up to the frat asshole and said, "Thanks for having us" and he said, "No problem fag boy". I then instantly clenched my fist and hit him in the nose, square. He fell down, and then I just hit him over and over.He was going to be a senior, and I was going to be a freshman, so the severe and justified beating I gave this cocky asshole felt phenomenal. When school started I was pretty nervous that I'd have the entire Beta fraternity wanting me dead, but as it turned out, the guy must have been so humiliated he never mentioned it to any of the other guys. Just the pther guy who was there. I even saw him on campus a couple times that year and he never said a word. He was a pussy, plain and simple.

My brother and I have also been known to get into massive, bloody fist fights from when we were little to even ocassionaly now. Pretty strange but I prolly owe a lot of my ability to pack a punch to my brother. It just sucks that when we were little I used to beat the shit out of him easily, I was older. A funny thing I remember is that when I used to beat on my little brother, he would immediately go to throw my cd tower over because he knew how meticulous I was about the order they were in (chronological I believe), haha. Now though, I only weigh about 150-160 lbs, sometimes lower than 150 if I've been partying too much or something, and he weighs 210. He kills me now. Oh well.

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Old 02.28.2009, 02:36 PM   #2
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i used to love fighting when i was 13, i kicked everyones ass. didn't make anyone bleed though.
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Old 02.28.2009, 03:28 PM   #3
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its not that hard, one square shot to the nose (which is the easiest shot in the book if youre even slightly trained, all you gotta do is know your opponent, throw a quick fake upper cut with youre left (or right if youre a lefty) and hell drop his left sure as shit, ands then boom, face fully exposed) should get blood flowing fairly easy. 13 year olds prolly just dont pack that kinda punch yet.

i really wish i could go back in time and beat the piss out of some of those bullies in grade school and high school. those kids who went out of thier way to make miserable kids with no friends even more miserable. people like that dont deserve to breathe fresh air. much of my pessimism and disdain for humanity was inbred when I was young and watching these poor kids get harassed by these piece of shit kids, and not doing anything. When youre little, you just never do anything because you don't wana be the one to get teased. Man, if I knew now what I knew then.

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Old 02.28.2009, 03:32 PM   #4
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yeah, i wouldnt call myself a bully, i just really liked getting into fights :S
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Old 02.28.2009, 03:57 PM   #5
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I use to fight, I'm more peaceful now though
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Old 02.28.2009, 04:08 PM   #6
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too bad, ive met some canadien fellows who fight to the fucking bone.

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Old 02.28.2009, 04:10 PM   #7
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ive noticed that in general people from colder climates tend to be a lot tougher just because we are used to such extreme temperatures and extreme situations anyways. a swift shot to the jaw doesnt hurt nearly as bad as frostbite. think about it; scandanavians, icelanders, irish, northeasterners, canadians, etc.. steretypically tough fucking people.

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Old 02.28.2009, 04:10 PM   #8
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fighting becomes lame when you turn 16
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Old 02.28.2009, 04:29 PM   #9
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Im 15 in march, I think fighting is lame. But so many people my age that I know still love to fight. I don't see why they like to though, seems childish to me, the only time I'd fight is if someone reaally pissed me off.
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Old 02.28.2009, 05:08 PM   #10
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Me and a friend got jumped by a gang of cocky muslims last year and since then I've had the biggest desire to find out who they are, get them on their own and completely knock the shit out of them. I can't fucking stand gangs... just a bunch of pussies.
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Old 02.28.2009, 05:15 PM   #11
Toilet & Bowels
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Originally Posted by batreleaser
ive noticed that in general people from colder climates tend to be a lot tougher just because we are used to such extreme temperatures and extreme situations anyways. a swift shot to the jaw doesnt hurt nearly as bad as frostbite. think about it; scandanavians, icelanders, irish, northeasterners, canadians, etc.. steretypically tough fucking people.

you chat so much shit. what about gurkhas? all those boxers from central america? or philipinos with escrima? thai boxers? hong kong martial arts cats? the brazilian dude who was three times ufc champion?

as far as fighting goes it was something i wanted to be really good at when i was a kid but i was useless, i got in millions of fights at school but i think i lost every single one.
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Old 02.28.2009, 05:17 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
hong kong martial arts cats?

I want a picture of that. Wow. Actual cats? Wow.
Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.

Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 02.28.2009, 05:28 PM   #13
Magic Wheel Memory
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Yes, fighting can feel pretty good. I got picked on and ended up in fights quite a bit as a kid. When you stand up to a bully and kick his ass, it feels good. And even when he kicks your ass, you feel better for having fought back.

Having said all that, fighting really should be a last resort. Anyone who goes out looking for a fight is probably an asshole. If you feel the need to get it out of your system, then join some sort of martial arts club, where it's controlled, with rules, and all participants are consenting adults.
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Old 03.01.2009, 02:54 AM   #14
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I got in a fight in junior high and that was about it.

Some times I've heard I get pretty aggressive when I'm utterly smashed.
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Old 03.01.2009, 05:02 AM   #15
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Being able to fight or play football were the only ways to a girl's heart when I was at school. I was rubbish at fighting but was redeemed by my clinical finishing.
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Old 03.01.2009, 06:02 AM   #16
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you screwheads...
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~The Rex~, stalkin' yr shit since 2008.
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Old 03.01.2009, 06:42 AM   #17
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I punched my older cousin in the face when he wouldn't give me the lego piece that I wanted. That was when I was 5, and is about all the interest in fights I've ever had.
I am a lovar not a fighter now.
tiny and lost.
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Old 03.01.2009, 06:43 AM   #18
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it's funny which threads are popular, isn't it.

The forum is full of stoner bullies who love taking photos of themselves, getting drunk and drugged up, and and watching movies all day?
tiny and lost.
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Old 03.01.2009, 07:06 AM   #19
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I've only being involved in a fight at school once, and won it. I hate people who think like batreleaser at once, even though I'm 100 % sure he would be his misfortune to find himself confonting me physically while I'm in a bad mood.
Old 03.01.2009, 07:21 AM   #20
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On the other hand, this girl on my way to work renewed my love for tough women a while ago. It was freezing cold outside, and this meatheat had a problem with her opening one of the windows lined up on the upper deck. He was saying some pre-lingual shit, went to shut it, to which she responded by slamming it open without even paying attention to him, all while she was on the phone with someone. He muttered shit on his way out while looking at her. Awe. Some.

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