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Old 06.09.2006, 10:12 AM   #1
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i was surprised to read in the paper yesterday that when David Beckham goes into a supermarket he has to buy 20 Pot Noodles, no more and no less 20 on the button! and Steven Gerrard has to wash his hands 15 times a day.

I have to dry my hands with a specific towel and drive the house nutz when i cant find it and throw a pure spaz attack when its in the wash in which case my hands have to dry naturally, i'm also a bit odd about masturbating in the shower - and my friend, this is a good one, MUST flush the toilet before he steps out of the shower - this makes for great humour when he stays in my house and has a shower. i.e. the toilet is a good distance away and his struggle to flush with his feet, about as firmly as you can get in a wet shower and his body dangerously streaching the whole length of the bathroom to reach the flusher

do any of you good people have some sort of funny thing or ritual that must be carried out in order for you to live some sort of god forsaken normal life?
"Pescescimmia ha grandi bulbi oculari blu, ognuno attaccato su un lato della sua testa, in modo tale da risucire a guardare indietro senza girare la sua testa pesciosa"
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Old 06.09.2006, 10:15 AM   #2
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I used to live with a guy who would happily eat on semi-clean or dirty plates/ knives, but would clean the forks for about 30 minutes before eating with them.
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 06.09.2006, 10:17 AM   #3
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Oh, and there's a chap down the road with a garage full of newspaper dating back about 15-20 years. He's building a shed for more storage. He is quite, quite creepy.
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 06.09.2006, 10:29 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Glice
Oh, and there's a chap down the road with a garage full of newspaper dating back about 15-20 years. He's building a shed for more storage. He is quite, quite creepy.

wow, that is kinda freaky.
"Pescescimmia ha grandi bulbi oculari blu, ognuno attaccato su un lato della sua testa, in modo tale da risucire a guardare indietro senza girare la sua testa pesciosa"
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Old 06.09.2006, 10:36 AM   #5
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I have a friend who brushes her teeth 7 or 8 times a day.
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Old 06.09.2006, 10:42 AM   #6
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beckham also has to have his fridge stocked with an even number of pepsi cans arranged in a square, if there are any left over they go in a cupboard.

My girlfriend checks she's set her alarm every night about 4 or 5 times
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Old 06.09.2006, 11:26 AM   #7
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I've never been diagnosed, but I am pretty sure I am OCD.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a psychiatric disorder, more specifically, an anxiety disorder. OCD is manifested in a variety of forms, but is most commonly characterized by a subject's obsessive (repetitive, distressing, intrusive) thoughts and related compulsions (tasks or rituals) which attempt to neutralize the obsessions.


I get both of those. I do have those kinds of thoughts, and I will compulsively close doors and turn off lights, etc.
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Old 06.09.2006, 11:42 AM   #8
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ok, here are a couple.

i have a light switch in my bathroom that has three switches: one for lights, one for the vent, and one for heat. i usually turn the first and second on simultaneously with a flick of the side of my left hand, and if i somehow fail to turn them on (or off) simultaneously i have to turn them on, off, on, off, on, off, on, off, on, off -- five times, and if i screw up on one of those i have to start over until i get it right five times in a row. i just discovered yesterday that i smashed the switch partially into the wall by doing this.

also, i can't touch doorknobs in public places with my bare hands -- i always have to use the sleeve or bottom of my shirt to open it. and i can't touch the flusher in public toilets either -- i have to kick it (or use my elbow, in the case of a urinal).

let's see . . . i can't set alarm clocks or microwaves to multiples of 5 minutes/seconds, unless they have no such option (my new microwave only works in multiples of 15 seconds, which drove me mad for months).

when i turn off the television i have to set it to channel 3, then push up to channel 4, then turn it off.

i have to rinse out anything that held food or drink (except water), even if i'm going to throw it away.

i could go on, but i can't think of anything else now.
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Old 06.09.2006, 12:10 PM   #9
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It's actually a lot more sensible to use your elbow/ feet for public toilets. I hate wearing t-shirts in an office for this very reason (no sleeves for handles).
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 06.09.2006, 12:47 PM   #10
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I used to have OCD with washing my hands. I did it so obsessively that I got dermatitis- really dry skin that itched, flaked and broke so that kinda kickstarted me into being normal again.
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Old 06.09.2006, 12:58 PM   #11
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i don't have any, you weirdos!
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Old 06.09.2006, 01:24 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
i don't have any, you weirdos!

no toilet habits?

when i exercise i have to do the same number of everything. i look at everything clockwise before i touch it and other general stuff like that.
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Old 06.09.2006, 03:25 PM   #13
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I think I've told this one before, but insofar as speed allows, every word I speak/think, I type out imperceptibly with my fingers. I also simultaneously count the letters in the word to a 5, 7, 10, or 14 beat rhythm. This has lent me the absolutely useless ability to instantaneously know how many letters are in nearly any given word, on mere sight.

If I'm locking a door, I must turn the lock until it can go no further and hold it there for 5 seconds. I do this with oven knobs as well.

If I'm setting an alarm, I have to stare at the time for 5 seconds, and hold the switch in the 'auto' position for same.

I have to be chewing gum every waking moment.

I have to apply lotion within thirty seconds of washing my hands. If I wait longer, I have to wash them again.

When I tinkle, I have to wipe not once, but twice.
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Old 06.09.2006, 03:29 PM   #14
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I wash my hands alot at work. Probably once every 10 minutes or something. I brush my teeth more than 10 times a day. I have to drink coffee when I'm smoking or I won't smoke. I wear socks at all times. I iron my t-shirts and jeans. All of my cds are in alphabetical order(all 300+ of them) and seperated by official releases and pirated disks. Everything in my room is labeled.

I'm not that bad.
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Old 06.09.2006, 04:10 PM   #15
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Everyone has it! I live on 4th floor and when i'm using stairs to get to it, I always count stairs, but i'm using different language for each floor. And i've been doing that for years, but only few months ago I realized that was some kind of ocd becouse my exgirl had it big time! On the street, she counts women wearing orange clothes. While crossing over pedestrian zones, she walks only on those white lines and when she was making salad, she was putting stuff in it in alphabetical order. But all in all, she wasn't weird. A lot... So, I really think that everybody has ocd, but you need someone else to point at it. Or, test yourself: http://psychcentral.com/ocdquiz.htm
my score: 10

...and you can alwasy use something based on clonazepams & benzodiazepins to make ocd "go away".
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Old 06.09.2006, 04:13 PM   #16
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and if someone lives on 8th floor or higher i have to use elevator. lack of diffrent languages...
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Old 06.09.2006, 04:19 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I wear socks at all times.
what about when you take a shower or go swimming?
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Old 06.09.2006, 04:20 PM   #18
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Huh....I don't really have any weird habits like the above. I am starting to think that I'm the weird one considering the amount of people with odd OCD things.

I have got a friend who won't eat anything that's red though.
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Old 06.09.2006, 04:25 PM   #19
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NO, i have no OCd, im cool and you all suck mad ass at like.

however my half sister has it really badly and cannot function at all without medications.
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Old 06.09.2006, 04:29 PM   #20
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i dont have anything like that.
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