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Old 05.01.2006, 03:22 PM   #1
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I am almost done read Crime & Punishment, and it is a great fucking book.

What book should I get by him next?
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Old 05.01.2006, 03:26 PM   #2
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i'm going to yield the floor to atari on this one-- he's our dostoievski expert no doubt
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Old 05.01.2006, 03:33 PM   #3
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Yes Atari is the Dostoyevsky (in all our different spellings) expert.

What I would reccomend reading next is Notes from the Underground and then The Brother's Karamazov.
I have The Idiot and Demons (The Possesed) but haven't got around to reading them yet.
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Old 05.01.2006, 04:48 PM   #4
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i think i read The Brothers Karmazov (Garnett) after I read Crime & Punishment (Coulson) too...it's so cool to read about all these people reading Dostoyevsky.

TheDom, the next one you read really depends on what aspect of Dostoyevsky's dialectical polemic you want to further explore. If you want to get an idea of the tribulatory conditions that Raskolnikov lived through in Siberia (which is omitted at the end from Crime & Punishment...instead D. just cuts straight to the Epilogue) then you might want to check out Memoirs from the House of the Dead which is semi-autobiographical. In the book, Alexander Petrovich is the author of the memoirs & serves a narrator; he has been imprisoned (complete with fetters) for murdering his wife. Fyodor was sent to Siberia for having a printing press & as you probably know, narrowly escaped death by firing squad.
If you want to go into the dark recesses of Raskolnikov's feverish madness & nihilism further, you might want to read Dostoyevsky's most disturbing work, The Possessed. Go to a good used book store if you can & find a Modern Library Constance Garnett translation; all you can find in new book stores is a Penguin David Magarshack at best & as others have commented on, this is the Dostoyevsky (i always use the Garnett spelling) title that has the most variations of translations & is also known as The Devils & also as Demons. Or read the short Notes from the Underground about "the Underground Man" who is "a basement dweller" & an older, more bitter, burned-out version of the nihilist.
If you want to go in the opposite direction & read about self-sacrifice you can read "The Idiot" about Prince Myshkin who in many ways is an expanded earlier character study of Alyosha Karamazov.

If you want a little of everything, then Constance Garnett's translation of The Brothers Karamazov will do well.
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Old 05.01.2006, 05:13 PM   #5
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Hey, thanks for the long post atari.

Judging by that, I think I'm going to go with The Possessed or Note From The Underground. Do I have to get those certain translations though? Will it take away from the book at all if I get another translation? I'm just asking just in case I can't find the right ones.
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Old 05.01.2006, 05:27 PM   #6
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It does matter to some & I have read these three translations. The Devils is the David Margarshack version & it's put out by Penguin which is a good publisher (they publish Jack Kerouac, for example). It's not too bad. The Constance Garnett version is usually the best with any Dostoyevsky & that is the case with The Possessed. I actually do like Jesse Coulson's somewhat newer translation of Crime & Punishment better than the Garnett translation though, & it's also my favorite novel, so ultimately it's gonna depend on the reader. Demons is the newest translation of the lot & is published by Vintage Press (they do some good authors too...D.H. Lawrence, for example) & is translated by Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky. It's still good, but it just loses something to me. I love the Howard & Edna Hong translations of Kierkegaard, but usually these "team-up" translations never work out all that well. Demons reads kinda more like Turgenev than Dostoyevsky. Ivan Turgenev is a good writer too though & I also highly recommend Fathers & Sons. The themes are very similar to those explored in The Possessed.
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Old 05.01.2006, 05:45 PM   #7
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Atari pretty much put it perfectly.

The Brothers Karamazov is my favorite of the ones I have read.
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Old 05.01.2006, 05:52 PM   #8
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Hey, thanks guys for the replies.

I'll be heading out to a couple of book stores in the next day or two to see if I can find a Garnett translation.
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Old 05.01.2006, 06:28 PM   #9
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I might have to check for certain translations from now on...
It never really occured to me how much the translation can affect a work.
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Old 05.02.2006, 12:18 AM   #10
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I've heard there are people that don't like the Garnett translations, such as Nabokov, but then again Nabokov didn't really like Dostoevsky.
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Old 05.02.2006, 08:00 PM   #11
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Oh, yes "Notes From Underground" is amazing, if you can find it get a book that has that as well as "The Double", and his other novellas "White Nights", "The Meek One" and "Dream of a Ridiculous Man", Barnes and Noble have a book that has all his novellas in one book.
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Old 05.02.2006, 08:59 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
I've heard there are people that don't like the Garnett translations, such as Nabokov, but then again Nabokov didn't really like Dostoevsky.

yeah, Nabakov wrote this in his autobiography Speak, Memory:

"Non-Russian readers do not realize two things: That not all Russians love Dostoevsky as much as Americans do, and that most of these Russians who do, venerate him as a mystic and not as an artist. He was a prophet, a clap-trap journalist and a slapdash comedian. I admit that some of his scenes, some of his tremendous farcical rows are extraordinarily amusing. But his sensitive murderers and soulful prostitutes are not to be endured for one moment - by this reader anyway."

I was a little too rough before on the David Madgarshack translation; it's actually pretty good. You may be able to find that one (The Devils) in a regular bookstore, although it does seem I see Demons a lot in bookstores too. Also, by the way all three translations make note that they feature the "lost" chapter "At Tihon's. Stavrogin's Confession" or as "Stavrogin's Confession." This chapter has been included for quite some time in all the editions.

Damn, I just read the wiki entry for Constance Garnett & she gets lauded, then slammed for being "too British" & not accurate enough (for Tolstoy's Anna Karenina especially is the specific charge.) The entry for the book also starts this way with a rather dumb criticism.

The Devils, also translated as Demons or The Possessed, is a 1872novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky. The Possessed is an earlier translation, made famous by Constance Garnett's version, but is somewhat inaccurate; the original Russian title refers to the demoniac possessors rather than the possessed.
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Old 05.02.2006, 09:12 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
Oh, yes "Notes From Underground" is amazing, if you can find it get a book that has that as well as "The Double", and his other novellas "White Nights", "The Meek One" and "Dream of a Ridiculous Man", Barnes and Noble have a book that has all his novellas in one book.

actually, that's something to look into also, TheDom. There are a few different compilations of short stories out there too.
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Old 05.02.2006, 11:00 PM   #14
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Do not read the Brothers Karamazov after Crime & Punishment. Go through his entire short works, then read it, or perhaps read the Idiot first.
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Old 05.03.2006, 12:24 AM   #15
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Maybe you should get a book by an Author you didn't hear about from Family Guy.

I couldn't resist. You KNOW you heard about him from Family Guy
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Old 05.03.2006, 11:24 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by EyeballGrowth
Maybe you should get a book by an Author you didn't hear about from Family Guy.

I couldn't resist. You KNOW you heard about him from Family Guy

Just because you heard about Dostoevsky for the first time VIA Family Guy doesn't mean everyone else did. Crime and Punishment is an assignment that many schoolteachers give their students, and the Brothers Karamazov is a popular college read.
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Old 05.03.2006, 02:42 PM   #17
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I didn't hear about him for the first time Via Family guy. I just have a strong belief that you did, because unfortunately LOTS of people did. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just felt like being disruptive.
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Old 05.03.2006, 06:23 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by EyeballGrowth
Maybe you should get a book by an Author you didn't hear about from Family Guy.

I couldn't resist. You KNOW you heard about him from Family Guy

I don't watch Family Guy....

I couldn't find the other translations, so I just got Notes From The Underground + The Double as one book. Haven't cracked it open just yet though.

Thanks again for the help.
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Old 11.22.2009, 03:27 PM   #19
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At the time of this thread, I had only read The Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment, and The Idiot.

I just read House of the Dead, Notes From The Underground. Both are wonderful. Also of his short stories, Dream of a Ridiculous Man is great.

All I have left on my bookshelf is the Possessed, which I began to read a long time ago, but then never finished it because I went into a dark period of my life from about 2005-2008. I need to get back to that soon, but I'm going to read a few other things first:

Lewis Carroll- Through the Looking Glass
Gabriel Garcia Marquez- 100 Years of Solitude
Dostoyevsky- White Nights (in the same book as Notes and Dream)
Joseph Conrad- Heart of Darkness
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Old 11.22.2009, 03:46 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by EyeballGrowth
Maybe you should get a book by an Author you didn't hear about from Family Guy.

I couldn't resist. You KNOW you heard about him from Family Guy

it's sad that people believe in the cultural hegemony of SHIT like fg enough to assume noone would read or explore literature on their own if it wasn't referenced by seth mcfarlane.
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