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Reload this Page Angelo Badalamenti, 1937-2022
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Old 12.13.2022, 08:09 PM   #1
The Soup Nazi
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The Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's assesThe Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's assesThe Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's assesThe Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's assesThe Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's assesThe Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's assesThe Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's assesThe Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's assesThe Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's assesThe Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's assesThe Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's asses
https://news.google.com/stories/CAAqNggKIjBDQklTSGpvSmMzUnZjbmt0TXpZd1NoRUtEd2p6d2 Y2b0JoSFRTV09adXJUd1BDZ0FQAQ?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen

All I can say is that for over three decades the guy's music has been more than a soundtrack to me; it's been a portal to a full universe of living art that feels as real as the shitty rat race with which we deal every day.

I was just in my first teenage years when Twin Peaks aired where I live. Even though parts of it were censored (the dictatorship was gone in name but not in culture) and, sadly, the original language was dubbed/revoiced (this was before cable), Lynch's vision, augmented formidably by Badalamenti's unique sound-world (don't even try to replicate it), sucked me into a rabbit hole I still couldn't find my way out of if I wanted to. At school, nobody knew what the fuck I was on. Boys were into fútbol, girls were into bullshit (sorry not sorry); I was into something that words, at least at that age, could never have done justice - not that I would have been understood anyway.

Thank you to Angelo and David, and Julee, who also passed away this year. This isn't over, guys - the sycamore trees are still out there.

You either die a punk or you live long enough to see yourself become classic rock.

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Old 12.13.2022, 08:12 PM   #2
The Soup Nazi
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The Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's assesThe Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's assesThe Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's assesThe Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's assesThe Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's assesThe Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's assesThe Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's assesThe Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's assesThe Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's assesThe Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's assesThe Soup Nazi kicks all y'all's asses

You either die a punk or you live long enough to see yourself become classic rock.

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