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Old 04.14.2015, 04:57 PM   #21
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But the Animated Series literally WAS for kids.. it was an afterschool cartoon
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Old 04.15.2015, 10:10 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Dick Tracy (the movie) sucks so fucking much. I can't believe anyone still watches that fucking piece of shit. What a goddamned nightmare it owuld be to have to watch that horror again.

Dick Tracy was outdated in the 50's! fuck Dick Tracy. fuck that shitty ass comic strip.

Batman is GAWD.

Heath Ledger was OK, as Joker. He was NOT funny. The Joker was and always will be FUNNY, as well as a psychopath murderer. That is why Ledger's Joker (actually Nolan's Joker, since he wrote it) is not as great as I hoped. I come from a long familiarity with the source material, and the Joker was never so heavy handed as to strive so much to "prove" anything to anyone, especially not Batman.

The whole point of the Joker is that he is the anti-thesis of Batman. He has a sense of humor.

Actually, Ledger has a number of funny (or maybe "funny" is a better way of putting it) scenes in TDK. The Nurse's outfit pulled right out of a 1940's costume closet? The malfunctioning detonator? The way he fucked with that chest puffing leader of the (ahem) black mob? He did a much better job being simultaneously funny, hideously likeable, AND terrifying to the bitter end than Nocholson did.
In my opinion (and the opinion of... Well, pretty much everyone).

He does not follow logic. He does not follow crime's "rules", etc. The Joker in Nolan's films was more of a standard Hollywood psychocreep, with perfectly laid plans, to achieve specific ends. That is NOT the Joker!

Man, that's exactly how Ledger played it and Nolan wrote it. No logic. No playing by "crime's ruless"... He burned a mountain of cash, for fuck's sake.

It's all a matter of taste, but Ledger was nothing like your average Hollywood psycho, from where I was sitting. He was the bloody Joker, and he earned an academy award for his performance. That's saying something. Even if he partly won through sympathy votes....
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Old 04.16.2015, 08:13 AM   #23
Rob Instigator
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I dug it, no lie, but the Ledger Joker was too much of a sad clown. not a jester
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