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Old 01.24.2013, 09:22 PM   #1
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I've been using iTunes as an alarm a lot lately. I find I have a hell of a time picking the right songs to use. I generally have two alarms. The first is a "meds" alarm... It's usually set for around 6:00, and when it goes off, I get up for a sec, take my pills, and go back to sleep for another half hour.

Then I set a song to get me up and moving in earnest. I usually look for low key, chill, emotionally neutral instrumentals for meds, and a more energetic song to really wake up to.

This is how bored I am: I'm actually curious what you (would) use for these two alarms. Right now I'm using instrumental Yo La Tengo for meds and Don Caballero for getting the fuck up. But I always want something different.

Any suggestions? The second Try to think of stuff my mind goes blank, so bring it only you're as fucking dead to the world bored off your ass as I am
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Old 01.25.2013, 02:09 AM   #2
Genteel Death
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The song ''Fall'' by Cold Sun, from their awesome 1969 LP ''Dark Shadows'', has been my wake up alarm for a while.

Previously it was Puffy Areolas' ''Noble Rot''
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Old 01.25.2013, 05:16 AM   #3
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My phone plays the intro to Wild Flower Soul to wake me up.
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Old 01.25.2013, 12:29 PM   #4
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I used to use a few tracks from Aphex Twins' Ambient works 2. No percussion. Perfect.

Now it's mostly Radio 2 with Vanessa Feltz and Chris Evans spouting blathery bollocks.
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Old 01.25.2013, 09:45 PM   #5
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I find that, at least half the time, I'm either pissed off and desperate, or absolutely fucking terrified beyond belief at the thought of the following day and the terrors that I know it will bring, so I usually like to have a "you can do it!" song and a "fuck you world" song, both cocked and loaded.

"the Gash" is my current motivational go-to, with"Fire Back about your new baby's sex" for a back up. "Eliminator jr" is my "world fucker." But it's quite a challenge to choose a song that you like so much that just hearing it in the morning helps you through the day, but that won't lose some of its magic if you play it, repeatedly, during the worst several minutes of your life every goddamn day.

So I'm tying to steer clear of favorites and find some songs that just make damn good, non-obnoxious alarms, and (preferably) don't suck.

A good jazz station ... Hard bop, perhaps, would work. Nothing too jarring, but nothing that I'd sleep through either.
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Old 01.25.2013, 10:00 PM   #6
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"Sunday Morning" by VU.

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Old 01.25.2013, 10:08 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by noisereductions
"Sunday Morning" by VU.


Yup. But that's for Sundays. My weekend alarm has to have a different vibe than my weekday alarm.

Also, perfect as it is, there is such a thing as too perfect. I'm not trying to turn my life into a Wes Anderson movie. Also, I need some hobbies.
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Old 01.25.2013, 10:17 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Severian
Yup. But that's for Sundays. My weekend alarm has to have a different vibe than my weekday alarm.

Also, perfect as it is, there is such a thing as too perfect. I'm not trying to turn my life into a Wed Anderson movie. Also, I need some hobbies.

haha this i s one of the best posts I've read here.

But I hear you. "Sunday Mornign" sounds so good waking up after debauchery.

For soem reason I used to wake to Prince's "Let's Go Crazy" on weekdays. NO reason... but... it worked.
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Old 01.26.2013, 11:42 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by noisereductions
haha this i s one of the best posts I've read here.

But I hear you. "Sunday Mornign" sounds so good waking up after debauchery.

For soem reason I used to wake to Prince's "Let's Go Crazy" on weekdays. NO reason... but... it worked.

Hey, that's not a bad suggestion. In fact that sounds (oddly) perfect! I love Prince, but it would never occur to me to use a Prince song as an alarm in a million years

You know, if I did want to go "Wes Anderson," I might as well go all out and use "These Days." You know, just to fully embrace my inner "neo-Holden Caulfield" hipster cliche douchebag, because honestly- I love that song.

Wake up feeling all Luke Wilsoney n' shit.
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Old 01.26.2013, 11:04 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
haha. you know this says a lot about you and even more of a reason for Genteel to pick on you.

Pick on? I'm not familiar with that term, but I feel like it once meant something.... Oh! Got it. Yeah, that was a thing when I was 12.

In adulthood, when someone blabbers away at you publicly and tries to impress an audience by insulting you, it's not called being picked on... It's called "being too close to an asshole."

It's also, usually, a cue to relocate, because there's shit that needs to be done and isn't going to do itself.
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