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Old 10.10.2012, 10:41 AM   #1
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What happened to it? It was meant to be out last year?
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Old 10.10.2012, 02:41 PM   #2
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What book?
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Old 10.10.2012, 02:48 PM   #3
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Silver rain with a paper key? It was on Amazon and then it wasn't. A few years ago though.
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Old 10.10.2012, 03:12 PM   #4
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the one he wrote about philandering?
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Old 10.10.2012, 03:18 PM   #5
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Silver rain with a paper key.
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Old 10.10.2012, 03:18 PM   #6
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Old 10.10.2012, 04:09 PM   #7
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Wasnt there a poetry book?
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Old 10.10.2012, 07:27 PM   #8
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there was many poetry books. I have several. Which one are you talking about?
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Old 10.10.2012, 07:36 PM   #9
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ThirdPrize was trying to post which book but the posts were moderated, I've just approved them...





Last edited by stu666 : 10.10.2012 at 07:50 PM.
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Old 10.11.2012, 12:31 AM   #10
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I remember reading a review about "In Silver Rain With A Paper Key" perhaps at Rolling Stone magazine, which I took at the time as proof that a release would be imminent, and so I was sort of bummed to see they finally scratched off the idea of actually putting it out (Kind of strange that there were apparently some copies auctioned at E-gay or something for crazy prices at some point, though it was never clear if those were acts of scamming or what the hell). Given Thurston's involvement and huge interest both in music, poetry, and the aesthetic and everything related to small presses, I suppose it wouldn't be unreasonable to think the content initially planned to be included in that artifact, might find its way to our ears and minds through other different means like his recent solo records and those forthcoming as well as books and zines which were published recently and those which will follow. Incidentally, I've been reading "February 03" again during the last few days, which I had left to collect dust for a number of years...
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Old 10.11.2012, 03:53 PM   #11
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It was supposed to be a double 7 inch with book. I pre-ordered but was refunded when it was canceled. I assumed that the song count expanded and became Demolished Thoughts, which also included a few poems. Other print material became/to-become other things...?
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Old 10.11.2012, 07:24 PM   #12
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Now I'm really confused.

Some of Thurston's stuff made it to the poetry foundation website.

Now it's not there. See?


I KNOW some poems were there at one recent point because his name was so close to Marianne Moore's name, and I thought that was pretty cool.

(Some interesting, relevant stuff on the site anyway:

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Old 10.11.2012, 08:12 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by hirsute_biped
It was supposed to be a double 7 inch with book. I pre-ordered but was refunded when it was canceled. I assumed that the song count expanded and became Demolished Thoughts, which also included a few poems. Other print material became/to-become other things...?

This was more or less my take on it too, but I wasn't following that closely. I really like this song, I think it's one of his more successful journeys into that territory.

Really though, I'm replying to say that I once heard "Silver Rain.." playing in Starbucks, and have always wondered how that happened. Even having somewhat intimate knowledge of how their playlist works, I'm still curious. Which big conglomerate owns the company that owns Matador or however this would have to work for the track to have been made available to them.

Or was it on one of those mix CDs they sometimes offer? Was it released anywhere aside from Demolished Thoughts (which I still really like, btw)? I've heard a lot of curious stuff in Starbucks but most of it I can trace up the ladder...
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