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Old 10.20.2010, 08:51 PM   #41
invito al cielo
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Originally Posted by afreespirit
You obviously know nothing about history.

you obviously know nothing about writing a well-reasoned answer. or history.

Originally Posted by afreespirit
As bad as any corporation could potentially be they are nothing next to the unrestrained power of the state. Look up Nazi Germany, USSR or Communist China for starters.

we obviously don't have any examples of a fully corporate-run government just yet, but it stands to reason that in such a situation the public would have no recourse whatsoever just like corporate employees who don't belong to a union work at the whim of the top executives. without a division of powers, we have totalitarianism. the countries you are talking about are totalitarian; just because we don't yet have Monsanto-brand totalitarianism it doesn't mean it would be better than the nationalist/imperialist kind.

nevertheless, there are many atrocities carried out by business throughout history. to name a few examples:

-the colonization of india at the hands of the east india company
-the slavery trade that fed the american cotton industry, and the sugar/slaves/rum triangle. all business.
-the opium wars in china, in which british commercial interests forced the chinese to open up their ports to their drug trade
-the control of various banana republics at the hand of the united fruit company, which caused incidents like the banana massacre which you've never heard about
-the genocide of native americans in order to build the railroads, raise cattle, establish plantations, cut timber, mine for gold-- all business
-the taking of panama from colombia for the canal (shipping business)
-the panama invasion & the burning of panama city
-the unholy marriage of hitler with german industrial interests (volkswagen, mercedes-benz, bmw, junkers&co, IG farben-- and... the bush family & american company IBM!) without which he wouldn't have had the military or political power he wielded.
-italy's fascism, in which the government got seriously into bed with business
-3 million dead in Congo over coltan to make your fucking cellphone work.
-oil wars galore

it's all business and it has always been about business.

you obviously know nothing about history. all you can do is name some "evil stereotypes" without offering any kind of reasoning. your myopic view of history is that of a rich, privileged white cunt who knows nothing about 3rd world countries feeding your lardbag or being at the receiving end of the shaft of history. (hah, the chuckles)

if you don't want to be pwned like a fool please articulate your points better instead of mumbling random ad-hominems and utter idiot crap.
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Old 10.22.2010, 12:40 PM   #42
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genocide is the only answer.
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