12.13.2022, 08:09 PM | #1 |
invito al cielo
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Del Boca Vista
Posts: 18,320
https://news.google.com/stories/CAAqNggKIjBDQklTSGpvSmMzUnZjbmt0TXpZd1NoRUtEd2p6d2 Y2b0JoSFRTV09adXJUd1BDZ0FQAQ?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen
All I can say is that for over three decades the guy's music has been more than a soundtrack to me; it's been a portal to a full universe of living art that feels as real as the shitty rat race with which we deal every day. I was just in my first teenage years when Twin Peaks aired where I live. Even though parts of it were censored (the dictatorship was gone in name but not in culture) and, sadly, the original language was dubbed/revoiced (this was before cable), Lynch's vision, augmented formidably by Badalamenti's unique sound-world (don't even try to replicate it), sucked me into a rabbit hole I still couldn't find my way out of if I wanted to. At school, nobody knew what the fuck I was on. Boys were into fútbol, girls were into bullshit (sorry not sorry); I was into something that words, at least at that age, could never have done justice - not that I would have been understood anyway. Thank you to Angelo and David, and Julee, who also passed away this year. This isn't over, guys - the sycamore trees are still out there.
You either die a punk or you live long enough to see yourself become classic rock. |
12.13.2022, 08:12 PM | #2 |
invito al cielo
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Del Boca Vista
Posts: 18,320
You either die a punk or you live long enough to see yourself become classic rock. |