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Old 09.05.2008, 10:13 AM   #141
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Originally Posted by pbradley
Obama voted with Bush 95% of the time in 2007?

Because that seems to be the biggest anti-McCain point I've been hearing.

no one voted WITH BUSH.

Bush does not get any vote whatsoever in senate.
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Old 09.05.2008, 10:15 AM   #142
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Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead

hahahaha, she wishes she was that cool. I love that movie.
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Old 09.05.2008, 11:31 AM   #143
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of course the rethuglicans could be using her for the female vote, and then once in office she might have to quit for some reason, and then McCain could bring in Ghouliani or even Cheney.
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Old 09.05.2008, 11:44 AM   #144
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* Palin recently said that the war in Iraq is "God's task." She's even admitted she hasn't thought about the war much—just last year she was quoted saying, "I've been so focused on state government, I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq." 1, 2
* Palin has actively sought the support of the fringe Alaska Independence Party. Six months ago, Palin told members of the group—who advocate for a vote on secession from the union—to "keep up the good work" and "wished the party luck on what she called its 'inspiring convention.'" 3
* Palin wants to teach creationism in public schools. She hasn't made clear whether she thinks evolution is a fact.4
* Palin doesn't believe that humans contribute to global warming. Speaking about climate change, she said, "I'm not one though who would attribute it to being manmade." 5
* Palin has close ties to Big Oil. Her inauguration was even sponsored by BP. 6
* Palin is extremely anti-choice. She doesn't even support abortion in the case of rape or incest. 7
* Palin opposes comprehensive sex-ed in public schools. She's said she will only support abstinence-only approaches. 8
* As mayor, Palin tried to ban books from the library. Palin asked the library how she might go about banning books because some had inappropriate language in them—shocking the librarian, Mary Ellen Baker. According to Time, "news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire Baker for not giving "full support" to the mayor." 9
* She DID support the Bridge to Nowhere (before she opposed it). Palin claimed that she said "thanks, but no thanks" to the infamous Bridge to Nowhere. But in 2006, Palin supported the project repeatedly, saying that Alaska should take advantage of earmarks "while our congressional delegation is in a strong position to assist." 10
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Old 09.05.2008, 11:46 AM   #145
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alaska has around 700,000 citizens
that is less than half of Houston TX

the mayor of houston has to deal with more than the governor of alaska ever has to.

what a fucking pathetic joke.

mccain is a fucking old feeb.
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Old 09.05.2008, 11:57 AM   #146
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
alaska has around 700,000 citizens
that is less than half of Houston TX

the mayor of houston has to deal with more than the governor of alaska ever has to.

what a fucking pathetic joke.

mccain is a fucking old feeb.

he really sealed the deal for obama's win, didn't he?
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Old 09.05.2008, 12:07 PM   #147
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I hope so
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Old 09.05.2008, 06:35 PM   #148
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
no one voted WITH BUSH.

Bush does not get any vote whatsoever in senate.
No shit, but he still favors and opposes legislation in speeches which were analyzed in the Congressional Quarterly's Presidential Support studies. There is no doubt over the validity of the study. What is under discussion is that McCain did vote 95% of the time with Bush (i.e. Bush's policies) last year but only during the 44% of the total votes McCain was attending.
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Old 09.05.2008, 09:34 PM   #149
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Originally Posted by tesla69

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin told ministry students at her former church that the United States sent troops to fight in the Iraq war on a "task that is from God."

In an address last June, the Republican vice presidential candidate also urged ministry students to pray for a plan to build a $30 billion natural gas pipeline in the state, calling it "God's will."

Palin asked the students to pray for the troops in Iraq, and noted that her eldest son, Track, was expected to be deployed there.

"Our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God," she said. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's plan."

A video of the speech was posted at the Wasilla Assembly of God's Web site before finding its way on to other sites on the Internet.

Palin told graduating students of the church's School of Ministry, "What I need to do is strike a deal with you guys." As they preached the love of Jesus throughout Alaska, she said, she'd work to implement God's will from the governor's office, including creating jobs by building a pipeline to bring North Slope natural gas to North American markets.

"God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that," she said.

"I can do my job there in developing our natural resources and doing things like getting the roads paved and making sure our troopers have their cop cars and their uniforms and their guns, and making sure our public schools are funded," she added. "But really all of that stuff doesn't do any good if the people of Alaska's heart isn't right with God."

Palin attended the evangelical church from the time she was a teenager until 2002, the church said in a statement posted on its Web site. She has continued to attend special conferences and meetings there. Religious conservatives have welcomed her selection as John McCain's running mate.

Rob Boston, a spokesman for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, lamented Palin's comments.

"I miss the days when pastors delivered sermons and politicians delivered political speeches," he said. "The United States is increasingly diverse religiously. The job of a president is to unify all those different people and bring them together around policy goals, not to act as a kind of national pastor and bring people to God."

The section of the church's Web site where videos of past sermons were posted was shut down Wednesday, and a message was posted saying that the site "was never intended to handle the traffic it has received in the last few days."


"This country is going straight to hell."
Confusion is next and next after that is the Truth.
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Old 09.14.2008, 06:18 PM   #150
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I kind of hate to bring this thread back, but the word needs to get out about this Alaska Women Reject Palin rally that totally trumped her own pro-rally when she was in Anchorage recently.

Apparently, that's because Alaskan women, know a little bit more about her than the rest of the country!
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Old 09.14.2008, 06:29 PM   #151
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I'm gonna be her for Halloween.
Now if I could only find a cheap ham to put lipstick on...
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Old 09.14.2008, 08:10 PM   #152
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Anyone see SNL? Tina Fe as Palin was great.
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Old 09.14.2008, 08:57 PM   #153
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Originally Posted by tesla69

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin told ministry students at her former church that the United States sent troops to fight in the Iraq war on a "task that is from God."

In an address last June, the Republican vice presidential candidate also urged ministry students to pray for a plan to build a $30 billion natural gas pipeline in the state, calling it "God's will."

Palin asked the students to pray for the troops in Iraq, and noted that her eldest son, Track, was expected to be deployed there.

"Our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God," she said. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's plan."

A video of the speech was posted at the Wasilla Assembly of God's Web site before finding its way on to other sites on the Internet.

Palin told graduating students of the church's School of Ministry, "What I need to do is strike a deal with you guys." As they preached the love of Jesus throughout Alaska, she said, she'd work to implement God's will from the governor's office, including creating jobs by building a pipeline to bring North Slope natural gas to North American markets.

"God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that," she said.

"I can do my job there in developing our natural resources and doing things like getting the roads paved and making sure our troopers have their cop cars and their uniforms and their guns, and making sure our public schools are funded," she added. "But really all of that stuff doesn't do any good if the people of Alaska's heart isn't right with God."

Palin attended the evangelical church from the time she was a teenager until 2002, the church said in a statement posted on its Web site. She has continued to attend special conferences and meetings there. Religious conservatives have welcomed her selection as John McCain's running mate.

Rob Boston, a spokesman for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, lamented Palin's comments.

"I miss the days when pastors delivered sermons and politicians delivered political speeches," he said. "The United States is increasingly diverse religiously. The job of a president is to unify all those different people and bring them together around policy goals, not to act as a kind of national pastor and bring people to God."

The section of the church's Web site where videos of past sermons were posted was shut down Wednesday, and a message was posted saying that the site "was never intended to handle the traffic it has received in the last few days."
This is fuckin' scary shit...that someone can actually believe that.
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Old 09.14.2008, 09:24 PM   #154
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Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
Anyone see SNL? Tina Fe as Palin was great.
i saw it on youtube. tina fey nailed it.
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Old 09.15.2008, 07:53 AM   #155
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Just found this New York Times article link (from the Guardian site) on Ms Palin:

http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/14/us/politics/14palin.html?_r=1&sq=palin&st=cse&scp=4&pagewanted =all&oref=slogin

No surprises really, but again it goes to show what a real piece of work she is.

I was amused also by the news that Ms Palin's claims to have visited Ireland have been exposed as hogwash (she was on a plane that touched down there simply for a refuelling stop), and ditto Iraq (she "saw" Iraq from Kuwait, at the Kuwait-Iraq border). She has also claimed knowledge of Russia - how? By being able to see a tiny part of the Russian coastline from Alaska at a certain time of year.

Still, her and McCain seem suited to each other, seeing as he's a piece of work too. Ugh.
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Old 09.15.2008, 02:55 PM   #156
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Old 09.15.2008, 03:26 PM   #157
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!

It would appear that noone outside the US is allowed to watch it. Does it involve hot dogs, or people playing with hacky sacks?
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Old 09.15.2008, 03:31 PM   #158
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Originally Posted by demonrail666
It would appear that noone outside the US is allowed to watch it. Does it involve hot dogs, or people playing with hacky sacks?

hot cocks and nut sacks? is that all you can think of?

yes, that's it.

no, it's -- wait let me see

oh. looks like youre gonna have to stick to the bbc and that dude with the horrible white crocs. SORRY.


ps-- your last chance-- i hope it works-- very fucking funny

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Old 09.16.2008, 09:25 AM   #159
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om http://mudflats.wordpress.com (which is my go-to local blog for this whole mess)

" [He] says that Palin also helped push the evangelical drive to take over the Mat-Su Borough school board. “She wanted to get people who believed in creationism on the board,” said Munger, a music composer and teacher. “I bumped into her once after my band played at a graduation ceremony at the Assembly of God. I said, ‘Sarah, how can you believe in creationism — your father’s a science teacher.’ And she said, ‘We don’t have to agree on everything.’

“I pushed her on the earth’s creation, whether it was really less than 7,000 years old and whether dinosaurs and humans walked the earth at the same time. And she said yes, she’d seen images somewhere of dinosaur fossils with human footprints in them.”

Munger also asked Palin if she truly believed in the End of Days, the doomsday scenario when the Messiah will return. “She looked in my eyes and said, ‘Yes, I think I will see Jesus come back to earth in my lifetime.’”"
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Old 09.16.2008, 09:26 AM   #160
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newsflash: there is no god. we can date fossils. they're older than 7,000 years old.
dumb bitch.
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