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Old 11.06.2024, 01:38 AM   #1381
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looks like shit already
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Old 11.06.2024, 03:11 AM   #1382
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How can this many people be so fucking stupid?
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Old 11.06.2024, 03:26 AM   #1383
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Originally Posted by Skuj
How can this many people be so fucking stupid?
the average i.q. is 100?
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Old 11.06.2024, 03:33 AM   #1384
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I just cannot comprehend what is happening. The Psychopath is going to win.
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Old 11.06.2024, 03:37 AM   #1385
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I'm moving to fucking Scandinavia. Iceland is my first choice. Then Norway. Then Sweden.

I just cannot stand this mass dumbassery anymore.
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Old 11.06.2024, 03:59 AM   #1386
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Originally Posted by Skuj
I just cannot comprehend what is happening. The Psychopath is going to win.
so who is the stupid now?

come on. have you not been following the news for the past 4 months or whatever?

yes it is a fucking disgusting and extremely dangerous outcome

but beyond comprehension? no fucking way! if you comprehend but refuse to accept those are different words

where do we begin? with king lear's uncontested coronation earlier this year? his public display of senility on national tv? his slow and painful removal from the top of the ticket? the refusal to have an open primary and choose the stronger candidate? the reliance on abortion rights as the great mobilizer when prices and borders are the #1 concern? empty promises of 25k for housing that never are going to make it through congress? the inability of kamala to run away from the democratic reliance on the left in recent years?

yes there are much larger issues at stake here but voters are stupid and nearsighted, and democrats are stupid and naive, but republicans are fucking evil. and evil is winning today as it so often does in spite of comic books saying otherwise

i wanted the astronaut in the ticket. instead we got kamala and that kid's dad and borshon borshon borshon. all about mobilizing the women. the repukes gave us the dotard, vans, melon, and joe f. rogan: bros and more bros

maybe we will have a surprise upset in the morning or whatever. but even if kamala ends up squeaking by, what can democrats deliver?
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Old 11.06.2024, 04:11 AM   #1387
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
so who is the stupid now?

come on. have you not been following the news for the past 4 months or whatever?

yes it is a fucking disgusting and extremely dangerous outcome

but beyond comprehension? no fucking way!

where do we begin? with king lear's uncontested coronation earlier this year? his public display of senility on national tv? his slow and painful removal from the top of the ticket? the refusal to have an open primary and choose the stronger candidate? the reliance on abortion rights as the great mobilizer? empty promises of 25k for housing that never are going to make it through congress? the inability of kamala to run away from the democratic reliance on the left in recent years?

yes there are much larger issues at stake here but voters are stupid and nearsighted, and democrats are stupid and naive, but republicans are evil. and evil is winning today as it so often does in spite of comic books saying otherwise

i wanted the astronaut in the ticket. instead we got kamala and that kid's dad. the repukes gave us the dotard, vans, melon, and joe f. rogan.

You are (understandingly) handling this very badly.

Educational and Moral Decay are the main factors here. America is completely lost. Prepare for Civil War 2.

Maybe I'll post again in a year.
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Old 11.06.2024, 04:19 AM   #1388
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Originally Posted by Skuj
You are (understandingly) handling this very badly.

Educational and Moral Decay are the main factors here. America is completely lost. Prepare for Civil War 2.

Maybe I'll post again in a year.
the civil war is over. the wingnuts won.

i have no problem comprehending the shit that we're in

we've always had "educational and moral decay"

today it won again as it often does


(like wanting to fight inflation by decrying "price gouging". what kind of stupid economic theory is that?)

the repukes already locked the senate btw, regardless

every democrat who wanted manchin gone can cheer now
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Old 11.06.2024, 04:59 AM   #1389
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well, mierda, here we go again, only now worse...

let's go
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Old 11.06.2024, 06:27 AM   #1390
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it's 8:30AM and am watching Trump's victory speech.
Think it's best to go back to bed and stay there for the next 4 years ...

Iceland is beautiful though, I'll come visit you but only in spring or summertime
In winter it's dark 24/7
I might still now a place where you can get free gasoline (true story, accidentally )
what comes first,
the music or the words?


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Old 11.06.2024, 06:33 AM   #1391
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Originally Posted by _tunic_
Iceland is beautiful though, I'll come visit you but only in spring or summertime
In winter it's dark 24/7

Sounds like my room.

You either die a punk or you live long enough to see yourself become classic rock.

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Old 11.06.2024, 07:02 AM   #1392
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Originally Posted by _tunic_
it's 8:30AM and am watching Trump's victory speech.
Think it's best to go back to bed and stay there for the next 4 years ...

oh fuck he's already bloviating? glad im missing it. i see pennsylvania already red... 3 votes away...

don't go to bed. just keep on with your life but cover your ears

it's gonna be now trump melon trump melon trump melon aaaaaaaaaall fucking day in the news. as if we didn't have enough already of the fucking oligarchs

anyway i made some money buying the dollar most of last week and today. as much as i hate the situation, i will try to make the best of it because what else can one do? (i'm actually one of those who had fun during covid... true story). ps heard also that crypto went up tonight, but i don't touch the stuff.

anyway please try to have fun and keep your sense of humor no matter what. yes, it's gonna be shit, so we have to keep our morale high in spite of/because of everything. this isn't as bad as the gulag (yet?lol), but they also have jokes there. remember navalny? he was joking until the end


2016 was horrible for me because it caught me by surprise, like a kick in the balls. this year, i'm wearing a cup...
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Old 11.06.2024, 07:38 AM   #1393
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It's looking like Kamala is going to get something like ten million fewer votes than Biden did in 2020, while Trump's total stays pretty similar. Similar problem to 2016.
Making myself up as I go along. Check out my music-themed blog, 79:57.
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Old 11.06.2024, 10:20 AM   #1394
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Hats off to Trump, for only he could endorse Jimmy Saville's famous catchphrase for his campaign, and still win.
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Old 11.06.2024, 12:08 PM   #1395
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Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
It's looking like Kamala is going to get something like ten million fewer votes than Biden did in 2020, while Trump's total stays pretty similar. Similar problem to 2016.
what problem is that. "women would rule the world if they didn't hate each other"? xD

look, this was a shit campaign, with the cost of living for the poors at the forefront, and no response to it except more leftism like price controls, which everyone with 2 neurons knows dont work

the usa is a center right country. culturally i mean. people are very capitalistic here. even the proletarians. get used to this as a starting point for anywhere you want to get to

for example, (almost) everyone understands that the solution to the housing problem is to allow more construction where it's needed. and overregulation prevents that. giving free money to people for buying something that is not there would just put more pressure on the limited supply we have, and increase prices further

why can't leftists understand basic supply and demand? NO FUCKING IDEA ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


oh here is another: there is war with russia. the west doesnt want their gas. the us is the next gas supplier. allies like japan and europe would like greater access to this gas in the long term to secure their future. what do the democrats do? put a moratorium on gas exporting facilities!!


this was advertised as a good thing with a stupid cartoon with an immature voicever about "smashing greed" when biden was still running! fucking morons! the timing could not have been more unfortunate

meanwhile the german economy is in the shitter due to a lot of factors including high energy prices, and their government is ready to collapse. idk wtf is going on in japan either, now, with a parliamentary shift

but no, let's talk about borshon borshon borshon. which is getting worked out at the state level already

ps - looks like a red sweep now. satan has conquered
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Old 11.06.2024, 01:22 PM   #1396
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The micro-penis vote carried the election.
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Old 11.06.2024, 01:27 PM   #1397
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2024: The year people were A-okay with voting for outright fascists. fel (fuck everyone's lives)

I was really hoping the US would buck the trend of nations going for the most batshit far-right option. It would've been badly needed on a global scale. Alas, it was not to be. People don't ever learn. Urgh.


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Old 11.06.2024, 02:07 PM   #1398
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
The micro-penis vote carried the election.
trump musk and rogan have a lot of simps

Originally Posted by Antagon
2024: The year people were A-okay with voting for outright fascists. fel (fuck everyone's lives)

I was really hoping the US would buck the trend of nations going for the most batshit far-right option. It would've been badly needed on a global scale. Alas, it was not to be. People don't ever learn. Urgh.
i keep saying this, americans in general are a very right wing population

don't you remember the made-up reasons for the iraq invasion and how everyone lapped them up?

expect the worst of people and you'll never be disappointed xD
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Old 11.06.2024, 02:50 PM   #1399
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the republican party is 93% white males.

until the Great Replacement finally occurs the USA will vote for a fat white man over any woman or person of color.

We once again have a president that is functionally illiterate, a mental defective, and a RAPIST.

Good times....
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Old 11.06.2024, 02:56 PM   #1400
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!

don't you remember the made-up reasons for the iraq invasion and how everyone lapped them up?

That's why I said people don't ever learn. It's frustrating. And I'm not merely pointing fingers here - a third of the voting population chose to elect an authoritan party with Nazi-ties in Austria just about two months ago. The Conservative Party once again got plenty of votes too, despite having fucked over many important social institutions and rightfully having been the butt of many jokes. But I guess people never learn. The one time there is an actual upset, it is the even worse option. The world is cooked right now.

(The Conservative Party reigns with the Social Democrats, because coalitions are a thing here as long as they can reach 50% together and no one wants to work with the winners - but it's the stupidity of the voters that worries me)


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