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Old 12.05.2010, 01:01 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by Skuj
Dude....wtf? He seems like a wonderfully nice fellow to me, but really I don't give a fuck.....it's about the music, Man.....the music!!!

The music is piss-awful, though.

edit: not that I should talk. i'm totally listening to some awful awful shit right now.

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Old 12.05.2010, 01:02 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by SpaceCadetHayden
The music is piss-awful, though.

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Old 12.05.2010, 01:03 AM   #63
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so, you're saying it's less 'piss-awful' and more 'so bad i'd rather consume fecal matter-awful'

that's a wee bit harsh, wouldn't you say? I mean, there's not many bands I'd put below eating shit.

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Old 12.05.2010, 01:06 AM   #64
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Hahaha....I'm sayin we are going in circles, and I'm gonna have a nice long bath now, and listen to muthafuckin Halcyon Digest. Twice.
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Old 12.05.2010, 01:08 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by Skuj
Hahaha....I'm sayin we are going in circles, and I'm gonna have a nice long bath now, and listen to muthafuckin Halcyon Digest. Twice.

Circles are sweet, brothalimeau.

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Old 12.05.2010, 01:36 AM   #66
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pitchfork approved

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Old 12.05.2010, 04:01 AM   #67
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so everytime a band that is popular like deerhunter come along, and people on here like them, but some of us think they are shit - these people who like them will start attacking us "OMG U JSUT DIZLIEK DEM CUZ DEY POPULAR!" and they will bring up all these stupid references to animal collective and pitchfork. .

you know what we would say about a band like deerhunter if they weren't popular?

we prob would say less, because they are on our radar less and less significantly annoying. we might say something like "yeah, i heard them, didn't do anything for me. kind of pointless." we might be slightly nicer to them and maybe try to say something encouraging like "could be ok if they had time to develop, productions good at least."

now as i've demonstrated, we may be less harsh on them if they are less popular. this does not make us hypocrites, and here i shall demonstrate why.

let's say you are at a wedding and a slobbering coke head with downs syndrome has just shit his pants and is trying to clean it up with his hand while touching all the food. and let's say this tard decides to start regaling you all with an a cappella rendition of "sweet child o' mine" at the top of his voice.

now you are going to be annoyed with this guy, and shout loudly at him to stop, get the fuck out of the way and stop bothering us.

now what if this same guy is outside in the bushes away from the wedding guests, not touching any food and being more quiet? you might tell him to shoo, but you will be less annoyed because he is less in your face.

thus your reaction to him will be less severe.

its exactly the same with deerhunter and many other popular bands. the more in our faces they are, the more we will tell them to fuck off. this is not hypocrisy, it is us getting annoyed due to over exposure.
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Old 12.05.2010, 06:11 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by atsonicpark
This band has an album entitled TURN IT UP, FAGGOT.

I mean, if there was any question about this band's intelligence or artist worth.. there ya go.
blame the audience I guess, they took the tile of chants the band received during early gigs. Horse Cock Phepher isn't the most artist worth album title ever, being in the same reign.

I loved Cryptograms wen it came out and still turn it regularly, it's nothing to special but just nice to listen to. Castle did bore the fuck out of me at times but also has some great songs. I see Deerhunter overal as a 'cool band' which also doesn't bore me live but it's pretty clear to see why some people find them extremely boring live.
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Old 12.05.2010, 07:26 AM   #69
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I just woke up after sleeping for 12 hours and I don't fucking care about an argument about Deerhunter so I'm not going to even try to answer. But I'll say one thing :

Originally Posted by atsonicpark
For the record, Glice has the best taste of anyone here.

There is no such thing as "best taste of". Because you have the most eclectic taste amongst a certain array of people or you listen to the most bands or you can write a 50,000 word review about any of them does not mean you have "greater taste" than anyone because that simply has no point. There is no objectivity in taste. And I don't see why the hell taste should be a competition anyway. I like Kylie Minogue, should I stop and listen to her because it makes my taste "shittier" ? Eh, I just happen to like her.

Another thing : it depresses me to see such a thread going on for 5 pages while the Moon Wiring Club thread is dead already. Damn.
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Old 12.05.2010, 08:26 AM   #70
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subjectively, i don't believe in objectivity.
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Old 12.05.2010, 09:04 AM   #71
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I'm glad I have my own taste and nobody else's.
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Old 12.05.2010, 09:08 AM   #72
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Glice does have the best taste.

But I ultimately have to agree with SYRFox.
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Old 12.05.2010, 09:24 AM   #73
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Nobody has the best taste, let's put it this way.
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Old 12.05.2010, 09:40 AM   #74
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i bes tast
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Old 12.05.2010, 09:53 AM   #75
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I miss the user summer.

"Any of you guys heard the new Porcupine Tree? OH WAIT I FORGOT, THIS BOARD IS WAY TOO COOL FOR ANYTHING LIKE THAT "
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Old 12.05.2010, 11:50 AM   #76
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Now you all go listen to Moon Wiring Club.
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Old 12.05.2010, 11:53 AM   #77
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buy mrc cds and lps from his site

cos you can't think for yourself and you have no taste.

i made it easy for you.
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Old 12.05.2010, 05:07 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by SYRFox
Now you all go listen to Moon Wiring Club.

I second that.

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Old 12.05.2010, 05:49 PM   #79
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I think deerhunter is just severely overrated. I saw him on conan last week doing "helicopter" and it was just really boring and apathetic. He's not that good of a musician or songwriter and his music is just all so slow and depressing.
"I said I didnt mean to take up all your sweet time
Ill give it right back one of these days
If I dont meet you no more in this world then uh
Ill meet ya on the next one
And dont be late "
-Jimi Hendrix

...And me just another dream theory, lost inside your eye

"when my mind's uncertain my body decides
what it will do to get through the hell of the night
as I trip on the ocean that leads through your eyes
well my eyes can't wait til they finally see through you"
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Old 12.05.2010, 05:52 PM   #80
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hey guys. i found something that can unite us all together, deerhunter lovers and haters alike.

what do you get when you take - 1 group of idiots with synths + crack addiction + hipsters and journos who know how to hype?

you get the death of fucking music.

i shouldn't laugh, because in the last few moments of their lives, when these idiots die of their crack addictions, they will look back on the "good times" and be so utterly disgusted and embarrassed as they remember this performance their brains will just send the message "fuck it, just stop beating dude" to their hearts.

i disliked this band before i saw that video which was the first time i've ever heard them. i disliked them because of this puke inducing article

Nestled among deliberately amateurish photos of blowjobs and hipster junkies at the Museo Universitario del Chopo was a cluster of photos entitled “Hidden Valley.” Ugly teens rode BMXs, fucked around with paintball guns, popped pills and smacked one another with a stick in a barren field between a parking lot and a housing development. Suddenly, in the middle of Mexico City, I was back at home in the suburban wastelands of the Midwest. I knew this “space of anarchy” well; not specifically of course, but generically, and absolutely. Away from parents, teachers and cops, Hidden Valley is the type of place you can experiment with adolescent stupidity as you futilely resist the first onset of Middle America ennui.

I think the wastoids in Salem know it too. They’re officially from Chicago, but I know better. White kids are rarely “from” Chicago. Instead, they’re usually refugees from crappy Midwestern suburbs and dying towns, desperately in search of culture but finding only public transit and better drugs. Salem’s music—a hazy, loping, lo-fi electro—fits that rudderless Rust Belt existence as guilelessly and artlessly as a glassy stare. I can’t say it’s good per se, but it speaks to me. And probably others—there are many of our breed, born under Reagan into a world where our destinies have already been mortgaged. Not “no future” in the cool Johnny Rotten rallying cry sense, but “no future” in that withdrawn, hopeless, Gummo type of way. Not sexy or cool. Not even sad. But maybe a little scary.

This is why the music of Salem speaks more to me than that of more polished, professional and literate indie bands to which my white college-educated self should be demographically attracted. Instead of presenting a simulacrum of a time when people believed that rock could offer world-altering truth, change hearts and minds, and soundtrack youthful romances, Salem delivers the starkness of what neoliberalism has left us—drugs and death. Instead of nostalgia, whether painful or idealized, you’ve got numbed verses like “It’s hard to remember / What we did last November.” There’s not even any sex: Salem’s music is too slow for the club and too weird for the bedroom. As Holland says, “Sex has nothing to do with making music,” and anyway, the antidepressants have robbed him of his libido. I think Salem’s conscious of the distinction between their music and the more entitled upper middle class fantasies of their peers. At a disastrous show for the privileged Twitterati of SXSW, they played their music from a recording while smoking a cigarette in front of footage of a car-crash. This isn’t simple épater le bourgeoisie, it’s more inward-focused and nihilistic than that. When the ruling class is as insulated and unresponsive as it is today, why bother with a fuck you? Might as well get high.


epitome of hipster bullshit.
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