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Old 02.08.2015, 06:28 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by whorefrost
Well reading this actually made me feel quite genuinely sad:
Bumping this Guardian link for anyone who overlooked it :-)
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Old 02.08.2015, 06:28 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by whorefrost
Well reading this actually made me feel quite genuinely sad:
Bumping this Guardian link for anyone who overlooked it :-)
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Old 02.08.2015, 08:04 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
My wife put it well. she said "well, then Thurston turned out to be a straight poser." and I asked what she meant and she said that Sonic Youth and it's members have always stood for authenticity and earnestness and a desire to be as un-fake as possible but only a fucking liar poser would pretend nothing is wrong for over a year after his wife caught him cheating and continue with the cheating. a real man would have kept his dick in his pants, explained to his wife that he wanted a divorce, and then go on with his life.

I said "Dang."

damn...that's some real fucking talk yo.
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Old 02.08.2015, 10:56 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
My wife put it well. she said "well, then Thurston turned out to be a straight poser." and I asked what sh, i wanted to bee meant and she said that Sonic Youth and it's members have always stood for authenticity and earnestness and a desire to be as un-fake as possible but only a fucking liar poser would pretend nothing is wrong for over a year after his wife caught him cheating and continue with the cheating. a real man would have kept his dick in his pants, explained to his wife that he wanted a divorce, and then go on with his life.
I said "Dang."

yeah but men think first with the dick then with heart...that's the male nature...so what? how could kept his dick on his pants...? at the end his heart (or dick ) spoke louder, he wanted to be with other person than with kim...
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Old 02.14.2015, 05:51 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Trash Drugs and Male Bonding (REAL LIFE magazine 1980) http://www.huckmagazine.com/playlist...ve/kim-gordon/


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Old 02.15.2015, 05:25 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
“During rehearsal, and all that week, I remember Thurston making a point of telling the band he didn’t want to perform this or that Sonic Youth song. It suddenly hit me that certain songs he wanted to leave out were about her.”


I get it. If anything, I ALWAYS thought it was a weird dynamic to have a married couple play music together SOOOO much. I mean, really, marriages need space. That is totally what work and jobs are for to begin with no? A private sphere and place of temporary separation? To have not only work and home life together, but when the work really is creating art that REFLECTS home life, really, what could we expect? That Sonic Youth lasted for so many years and put out so many records is a tribute to just how prolific of artists they really were, because in real life the challenges were monumental enough that honestly 99% of humans would have caved at the beginning!

Originally Posted by Genteel Death
The last song on The Eternal is “Massage The History,” the only song Gordon admits is about her marriage. “It has the line ’I dreamed’ in it, maybe because I was dreaming of the first record we ever made. It was before I found out what the dark cloud following Thurston around consisted of, but I already felt it.” On the song, Gordon sings, “Here’s wishing you were with me/ Here’s wishing we could massage history.” Having detected a downward slope in the marriage, Gordon chalked it up to normal relationship valleys, saying also that, “when a marriage ends … little things you never noticed before practically make your head split open … I was aware of his unhappiness, but I made excuses, too. I had my doubts about our relationship, but I pushed them under, reasoning that every long-term relationship has its pitfalls.” Her hope was evident in the song, which now plays like the dying gasp of Sonic Youth’s career.

In hindsight wasn't this obvious to just about everybody?

Originally Posted by greenlight
“Tom had moved across the country to escape her.” This move may or may not have been the catalyst for O’Rourke’s departure from Sonic Youth in 2005; O’Rourke set his sights for Japan around that time. One year later, Prinz and Moore started a publishing company together, Ecstatic Peace Library."

whaaa? so Prinz stands behind Jim leaving SY as well? unbelievable! if that is true, that means she is to blame for everything bad that happened with SY!?

I think what it reflects is that Thurston has a bad habit of over including his romance into his musical and artistic life. Dude, needs to take his dick out of his art making process! Further, I think it was a duh kind of moment, surely people close to the band began to notice the dipshit kind of shit Thurston was doing and like when all family or family-friend marriages start to break apart, people tend to want to duck out of the crossfire.

And I always though Jim left because he never really planned to be there so long.. he kind of wandered in and stayed for several years, but I totally dig what he did. His era is my all time favorite for Sonic Youth records, and I don't think they would have put out anything after A Thousand Leaves if it weren't for Jim.

Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Not surprised some males on this board lack any compassion for a woman who's been treated in such an appalling manner and is writing about her life and work. And Thurston Moore can whinge all he likes about some feminists not being mature enough to understand ''adult'' relationships, he himself should really get a crash course on why honesty would make him a mature individual to deal with straight away. Unless he hasn't met an actual person traumatised by their partner's cheating since he started being an Indie pin up. I am not Charlie, I am not particularly a feminist and I have never been cheated on.

I agree completely, some dudes on this forum really need to stop thinking with their dicks and use their hearts. If they've never had a deeply intimate relationship with a woman to be able to empathize (rather than understand, no man really understands women) with surely they have mothers or sisters or something??
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Old 02.16.2015, 03:33 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by diskaholic-anonymous
yeah but men think first with the dick then with heart...that's the male nature...so what? how could kept his dick on his pants...? at the end his heart (or dick ) spoke louder, he wanted to be with other person than with kim...
yeah, but he went on cheating - taking the easy path, instead of following what he supposedly wanted, facing it straight on, so he was not only cheating Kim, but himself. and that is very low.

also fuck these self-pitying men-are-animals arguments, the cheapest card up the sleeve.
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Old 02.16.2015, 09:26 AM   #68
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cheap card indeed.
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Old 02.16.2015, 08:32 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Be patient. If the book sells a lot of copies Kim will be able to show her more generous side to waiters.

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