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Old 08.25.2010, 08:34 AM   #41
the red terror
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Originally Posted by DeadDiscoDildo
So they were a super famous band who washed up.

That's not a cult band.

I s'ppose you're right. When their acclaimed album 2112 was released - y'know, before they "washed-up," that super-popular record shot all the way up to No. 61 on the U.S. rock album sales chart. They were like, only 40-something places beneath Pablo Cruise and Seals & Crofts, yup.

If Rush was "super-duper famous" then, it probably means Arcade Fire - with a No. 1 album in the United States - are household names and probably more famous than the Beatles. I mean, since we're doing breathless hyperbole and bluster, it must be true, right?
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Old 08.25.2010, 08:40 AM   #42
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I neglected to mention the most startling piece of the Rush doc. It has a color filmed sequence from the 1960s where a defiant teenaged Aleksandar Živojinović (Alex Lifeson) confronts his disappointed immigrant parents telling them over a supper table that he's quitting high school to become a rock guitarist, that an education diploma is unnecessary for what he needs to do, and his crestfallen dad telling him he's throwing his life away.

It feels like contemporary "reality tv" and hard to believe the thing was captured. Apparently it is from a doc by Allan King about troubled teens, and Lifeson was one of those teens. He conceeds today that his decision - though it worked out for him - is not one he would encourage for his own kids.
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Old 08.25.2010, 11:06 AM   #43
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the old do as I say not as I do - parental lesson. I never ever said that to my kids. I used to hear it from my Dad constantly.
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Old 08.25.2010, 05:13 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by the red terror
I s'ppose you're right. When their acclaimed album 2112 was released - y'know, before they "washed-up," that super-popular record shot all the way up to No. 61 on the U.S. rock album sales chart. They were like, only 40-something places beneath Pablo Cruise and Seals & Crofts, yup.

If Rush was "super-duper famous" then, it probably means Arcade Fire - with a No. 1 album in the United States - are household names and probably more famous than the Beatles. I mean, since we're doing breathless hyperbole and bluster, it must be true, right?

Who's talking about the charts, grandpa? LOL

I've never met a person in real life who hadnt heard of RUSH. Only people I know who know of Arcade fire are my age or hipsters...

Charts lol...

More people know who Rush are than the Pixies or Sonic Youth or Arcade fire or Clap Your hands say yeah put together.
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Old 08.26.2010, 03:44 AM   #45
Mortte Jousimo
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I love Rush seventies albums! After Signals their records started to get worse, even Grace Under Pressure and Power windows are OK records. I have also Presto in cassette, thereīs some good songs, but I havenīt listened it that much. To me it is quite same, how popular band is, I could like even U2, if they will do something that is worth of listening in the future (that I donīt believe).

I can understand that someone doesnīt like Geddy Lee voice. Thereīs are some vocalists that you like or hate. I think Robert Smith, Robert Plant and Morrissey are in this category too. I used to hate Morrisseyīs voice, when he sang in Smiths, but then I heard his solo production that I like. Now I have started to like Smiths also!
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Old 08.26.2010, 06:12 AM   #46
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I just remember the vocalist I hate: Axl Rose. Maybe Guns and Roses first albums could be good, but I just canīt stand the voice of Axl. It reminds me a cat that is just throwing up.
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Old 08.26.2010, 07:06 AM   #47
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rush from '76-'84 are one of my favorite bands ever (not to leave out a few other pretty good albums, but that's their peak for me.)

i've seen them three times (2002, 2004, and 2007) and they get more incredible as a live band with each tour. i wish i had the money to see them on the current time machine tour (where they're playing moving pictures in its entirety.)

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Old 08.26.2010, 08:40 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by Mortte Jousimo
I just remember the vocalist I hate: Axl Rose. Maybe Guns and Roses first albums could be good, but I just canīt stand the voice of Axl. It reminds me a cat that is just throwing up.

whne axl sings in his deep register it is excellent (parts of It's So Easy) but he can really hit the cat-in-heat squeals! ha!
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