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Old 10.30.2017, 10:32 PM   #41
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Even Jandek wound up playing out.
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Old 10.31.2017, 08:10 AM   #42
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sure, only took him 3 decades to get there

and there’s also, in a way, gorillaz, ha ha ha

im not saying don’t play live— i’m just disagreeing with the idea that both things must go together mandatorily and right away or else nothing.
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Old 10.31.2017, 09:00 AM   #43
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I think there are arguments for and against playing live, but doesn't creating "content" seem like more fun? Does to me.


I used Waves plugins with ProTools. Can't get much more industry-standard than that. So yeah, the person pushing the mouse is paramount.
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Old 10.31.2017, 09:37 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by evollove
I think there are arguments for and against playing live, but doesn't creating "content" seem like more fun? Does to me.


I used Waves plugins with ProTools. Can't get much more industry-standard than that. So yeah, the person pushing the mouse is paramount.

Are you close to a school? Know anyone who does this shit?
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Old 10.31.2017, 09:39 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
sure, only took him 3 decades to get there

and there’s also, in a way, gorillaz, ha ha ha

im not saying don’t play live— i’m just disagreeing with the idea that both things must go together mandatorily and right away or else nothing.

I’m not saying right away or else nothing. I’m just saying I should have asked about that right away. Certainly he/they should wait until they’re ready/able to play live and reliably sound good. And if they’re not into it, no need.

Just saying, I think one of the things a lot of people still think when they hear new music they like is, “where can I see these guys?”
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Old 10.31.2017, 10:04 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Severian
I’m not saying right away or else nothing. I’m just saying I should have asked about that right away. Certainly he/they should wait until they’re ready/able to play live and reliably sound good. And if they’re not into it, no need.

Just saying, I think one of the things a lot of people still think when they hear new music they like is, “where can I see these guys?”

oh, right. previously i was addressing your sentence “But if you want to do this, this really has to be part of your thing.”

i was just saying no, really doesn’t have to. if he likes making content and doesn’t need the rest then that’s his business.

i don’t get the same reaction maybe cuz i grew up in a 3rd world country listening to bands i liked on cassette tapes dreaming of maybe someday seeing them live but knowing i wasn’t gonna or that they were already dead or whatever. so the live gig is not central to my experience, though they’re nice.

a funny story about a live gig i went to though.

one time this cuban singer-songwriter comes to the cuntry for some special event.

sells out a huge fucking arena. i got student tickets.

he comes in gets massive applause starts the show. he’s in the middle of singing something and suddenly the whole audience joins him for the chorus.

and after that he’s like “how is this possible? i’ve never sold a record here!”

ha ha ha ha


anyway, i like live gigs, but i’m used to scarcity and making do with what’s at hand and listening to dead people. it’s like that lou reed radio song a little bit. how does it go

gonna copypaste the central bit

Jenny said, when she was just five years old
You know there's nothin' happening at all
Every time she put on the radio
There was nothin' goin' down at all
Not at all

One fine mornin', she puts on a New York station
And she couldn't believe what she heard at all
She started dancin' to that fine-fine-fine-fine music
Ooohhh, her life was saved by rock 'n' roll
Hey baby, rock 'n' roll

Despite all the amputation
You could dance to a rock 'n' roll station
And it was all right
It was all right
Hey babe

im never gonna see lou reed live now. or fats. let’s play some fats.
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Old 10.31.2017, 11:57 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh, right. previously i was addressing your sentence “But if you want to do this, this really has to be part of your thing.”

i was just saying no, really doesn’t have to. if he likes making content and doesn’t need the rest then that’s his business.

i don’t get the same reaction maybe cuz i grew up in a 3rd world country listening to bands i liked on cassette tapes dreaming of maybe someday seeing them live but knowing i wasn’t gonna or that they were already dead or whatever. so the live gig is not central to my experience, though they’re nice.

a funny story about a live gig i went to though.

one time this cuban singer-songwriter comes to the cuntry for some special event.

sells out a huge fucking arena. i got student tickets.

he comes in gets massive applause starts the show. he’s in the middle of singing something and suddenly the whole audience joins him for the chorus.

and after that he’s like “how is this possible? i’ve never sold a record here!”

ha ha ha ha


anyway, i like live gigs, but i’m used to scarcity and making do with what’s at hand and listening to dead people. it’s like that lou reed radio song a little bit. how does it go

gonna copypaste the central bit

Jenny said, when she was just five years old
You know there's nothin' happening at all
Every time she put on the radio
There was nothin' goin' down at all
Not at all

One fine mornin', she puts on a New York station
And she couldn't believe what she heard at all
She started dancin' to that fine-fine-fine-fine music
Ooohhh, her life was saved by rock 'n' roll
Hey baby, rock 'n' roll

Despite all the amputation
You could dance to a rock 'n' roll station
And it was all right
It was all right
Hey babe

im never gonna see lou reed live now. or fats. let’s play some fats.

I gotcha. “Rock n Roll” by the Velvets is a great song too, so I’m digging your illustration of this point.

I came from White first-world privilege where in order to even really be considered a fan of something, you kinda had to see it live. At least that was the mentality.

But yeah, it’s his business, and whatever works. Just spitballing. I feel bad that I grew up in this musical epicenter where I could see bands people only dreamed about in other parts of the world. Icky.

Also saw Lou Reed. Oh my god. Magical. Not the music necessarily, just the experience of seeing this dude I’d fallen in love with in person. I barely remember the concert itself, and I feel like a fucking lame ass being so proud of it (he was just a man, right?) but I am. Made my heart happy.
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Old 10.31.2017, 05:41 PM   #48
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o man. i wanted to be in the audience in wim wenders’s “faraway so close” ha ha ha ha

you know the one?

but anyway

whatever works indeed
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Old 10.31.2017, 06:02 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
o man. i wanted to be in the audience in wim wenders’s “faraway so close” ha ha ha ha

you know the one?

but anyway

whatever works indeed

Isn’t that the sequel to the original “Wings of Desire” (not the Nick Cage/Meg Ryan/Goo Goo Dolls remake)? I don’t think I’ve seen it.
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Old 11.01.2017, 03:03 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Severian
Isn’t that the sequel to the original “Wings of Desire” (not the Nick Cage/Meg Ryan/Goo Goo Dolls remake)? I don’t think I’ve seen it.
right right. the very one.

not as poetic as the first installment but tons of fun (for me anyway) and yeah lou reed is in it ha ha ha

check it out some time
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Old 11.01.2017, 07:14 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
right right. the very one.

not as poetic as the first installment but tons of fun (for me anyway) and yeah lou reed is in it ha ha ha

check it out some time

Oh shit, I didn’t know Lou was in it (or had forgotten... I have read “Transformer” and tons of other LR/VU shit, so I really should know this).

Will def check out. Thank you!
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Old 11.04.2017, 10:07 AM   #52
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Did I say Crystal Castles? I meant Crystal Stilts. Whoops.
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Old 11.15.2017, 04:44 PM   #53
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so how is this project going? need updates!
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Old 11.15.2017, 05:17 PM   #54
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Man, This totally reminds me of some of the more straightforward stuff from Eric's Trip, with a more confident singer.

I dig Come Clean a lot. Attic is Flooding too. Real cool stuff man. Fuck, so many talented people on this board. Too Much is real cool as well. Looping sounds like it could have fit in on the Peaky Blinders soundtrack. Fuckin A.
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Old 11.16.2017, 07:46 AM   #55
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That was nice to wake up to! Thanks Rob. I thought I'd get a patented "Sucks!" but a compliment is almost as good.

1.) Found an engineer dude I like and trust. Saving up money. I guess the version I released is the "workshop" version.

2.) We're not getting along well, so I doubt we'll be playing soon. But...

3.) I think I have enough confidence that I'm going to release 3 or 4 songs on my own and play some solo shows.

Problem: my real name is a bit clunky and not memorable. I'm thinking of using a catchy pseudonym. I wish I had thought of something cool like "St. Vincent."

"Matthew" is fine, and I'm thinking a word before or after might work. "Matthew Flailing" or "Weeping Matthew" or something.

I dunno. Suggestions? Or is this a non-issue? Maybe one dude on stage with a guitar should always go by a proper name?
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Old 11.16.2017, 09:10 AM   #56
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Bill yourself as "Atthew"
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Old 11.17.2017, 07:05 AM   #57
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I can't tell if you're joking, but that made the list.

Is "Math You" the stupidest fucking name ever?
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Old 11.17.2017, 07:09 AM   #58
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yes. but why does it have to be your name? youre gonna end up with “wett ham”

there was a piece on pseudonyms on the bbc i read recently... i’ll post you the link when i get a chance
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Old 11.17.2017, 09:24 AM   #59
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Old 11.17.2017, 09:39 AM   #60
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Put it on the list.

Was this the article? Pretty interesting.

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