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Old 05.15.2008, 05:49 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Gogogonorrhea
Although a lot of the Zionists wanted the "holy land" out of religious reasons, you just have to concede that was the most uncomplicated choice for a jewish state. Feel free to name me another place where a jewish state could have been created.
There never was a Palestine state anyway, it always was part of other states and at the time of the creation of Israel it was under British control.

Also thousands of jews were already living in that country because they had to escape from Nazi Germany and had to go somewhere.

The allowedly harsh reactions of Israel against Palestines always were acts of defense. Without a doubt a lot of these reactions are exaggerative but if Palestines would stop their aggressions today there wouldn't be any more fights and a Palestine state could be created immediately. Sadly they don't stop.

how is displacing millions of people out of ideology the simplist solution? It is only the simplist solution to a zionist who was proposing such a solution to begin with, to the arabs it was a "catastrophe" not a solution. while they may not have had a country, as the cliche goes, possession is 9/10 of the law.. they were there first, and not no mythology either, tangibly. people living in refugee camps in lebanon and jordan still have the land deeds to property they lost to Israel.
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Old 05.16.2008, 04:36 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
people living in refugee camps in lebanon and jordan still have the land deeds to property they lost to Israel.

It's a shame that there are still "refugee" camps in Lebanon and Jordan, that we now have refugees of the 3rd generation. Why do Arabs tread their palestinian brothers in such a way? Jews who had to leave their arab homelands after 1948 were integrated into israeli society, why didn't the same thing happen to palestinian arabs in Lebanon? is it because integrating the palestinian arabs into other arab societies would mean to acknowledge that they will never return to the palestine, to the part of it that is now israel? why are they not allowed to leave the camps and become a part of their host country's society?

why are the grand children of someone who had to flee or was driven out of Israel still considered a refugee? Am I a refugee too because my grandparents where driven out of East Prussia in 1945?
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