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Old 07.30.2009, 01:32 PM   #21
Savage Clone
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If anyone wants a pristine, unplayed copy of the 1997 split vinyl 5-inch they did with Xerobot, PM for details. I have the last copies of this release straight from Coat Tail records, and this was limited to 1000 copies when it was released twelve years ago.
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Old 07.31.2009, 12:22 AM   #22
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xerobot, now there's a name I haven't heard in forever.

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Old 07.31.2009, 07:42 AM   #23
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they're probably my favourite live band ever but i hardly listen to their records because i don't think their energy is really captured in recordings at all, at least not the ones i've heard.
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Old 07.31.2009, 04:00 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I distinctly remember it being on tons of "top 100" lists and all that nonsense. Also, shortly after it came out, they toured with Tool and they did the theme song for Perfect Hair Forever. They grew much larger in success afterwards.
Yeah, I have to agree with ya there. I remember one track specifically on Bambi's... I think it was called Crack Plaster Cast(?)... I thought it was quite 'poppy' (i say that pretty loosely) for them.
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Old 07.31.2009, 08:47 PM   #25
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listened to "squeak queak creak" today, still sounded ok. but just for sure not where i'm at musically anymore. they're music is too tight, needs more breathing room, like king crimson who wre tight as fuck but still had room for thier guitars to swirl and thier drums to switch up, etc..

listen to pink reason
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Old 11.04.2009, 04:58 AM   #26
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new melt banana ep:

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Old 11.04.2009, 06:36 AM   #27
chrome noise tape
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never saw they live and that's fucking sad
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Old 11.04.2009, 09:57 AM   #28
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I was lucky enough to see them twice live in Tokyo. Both times were amazing, but I discovered what they mean about being unable to tour Japan...

For one, they were about third tier of both bills. A few gaijins like myself were super excited to see them, but the Japanese people didn't react much at all. At one show everyone went batshit, but that was just because everyone was drunk (later in the festival day). People were happy to see me so happy, though.

The other time, no one reacted at all. Totally stood still silently. Same thing for DMBQ (which seems impossible). Then they reacted to some twee guitar J-Rock that sucked.

Don't think Japan has an awesome subculture just because of all the cool shit that makes it to the States. It's clearly much more difficult for a prize band like Melt Banana to make it in Japan than it would be if they lived in NYC or something.

Oddly, though, the show that I stood still was about the best I've seen from them. Might have simply been that I was actually watching rather than going weird.
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Old 11.04.2009, 01:21 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Rupert 'Stiles' Stilinski
I was lucky enough to see them twice live in Tokyo. Both times were amazing, but I discovered what they mean about being unable to tour Japan...

For one, they were about third tier of both bills. A few gaijins like myself were super excited to see them, but the Japanese people didn't react much at all. At one show everyone went batshit, but that was just because everyone was drunk (later in the festival day). People were happy to see me so happy, though.

The other time, no one reacted at all. Totally stood still silently. Same thing for DMBQ (which seems impossible). Then they reacted to some twee guitar J-Rock that sucked.

Don't think Japan has an awesome subculture just because of all the cool shit that makes it to the States. It's clearly much more difficult for a prize band like Melt Banana to make it in Japan than it would be if they lived in NYC or something.

Oddly, though, the show that I stood still was about the best I've seen from them. Might have simply been that I was actually watching rather than going weird.

yeah, i saw them 3 times in tokyo and it was never as good as when i've seen them in london. when i saw them in tokyo there was one crazy japanese dude who was at each show and determined to mosh but otherwise it was all just people standing still. I think the band tend to get more into it when they play abroad though as the crowd give them a much stronger reaction.
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Old 11.05.2009, 09:48 AM   #30
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Fuck yeah. They're gonna be in chicago Nov. 30.
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Old 11.06.2009, 09:32 PM   #31
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anyone hear this melt banana lite business?


doesn't sound too lite, haha...

it should probably be called 'melt banana laser' instead
stay awake to the ways of the world
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Old 11.30.2009, 07:22 PM   #32
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Gonna go see 'em tonight!
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Old 11.30.2009, 07:48 PM   #33
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saw them last week. they were fucking incredible. have fun, dude!

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Old 12.01.2009, 02:20 AM   #34
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Just got back.....and yes.

I'm fuckin' deaf. The show was....amazing.
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Old 12.01.2009, 02:21 AM   #35
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Got pics. I'll post 'em later\z
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Old 12.01.2009, 04:46 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by chairman of the bored
anyone hear this melt banana lite business?


doesn't sound too lite, haha...

it should probably be called 'melt banana laser' instead

Just got that but haven't had a chance to listen yet. I'm intrigued by the idea of synths though.
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Old 12.01.2009, 05:33 PM   #37
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argh amazing live band.i saw them by absolute chance last year in brighton and it was honestly one of the BEST live shows i have ever seen. their records definitely don't do them justice.

can't wait to see them again...
I think if kissing someone could make them pregnant
the last person I kissed would have had their kid by now...
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Old 12.01.2009, 05:54 PM   #38
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yeah, i'm not sure if i can listen to their records sitting on my ass/exercising/dancing my ass off at home ever again. if there ever were a mandatory live band, melt-banana would be it.

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Old 12.04.2009, 12:33 AM   #39
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So true, I'm pretty bummed I didn't even know they were in town here the other night.
Chout's rare Sonic Youth vids:

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Old 10.18.2010, 10:07 PM   #40
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I saw Melt Banana at Colchester Arts Centre on Sunday, I dont think ive ever been moved like that watching a band before, it was like being 17 again only without the badness. They were earth shattering.

it was odd because it was a Sunday night and the Arts centre is a converted church, with no barriers or nothing. And the best thing about seeing them in such a provincial setting on a Sunday is all the curious locals showed up, and you could tell that noone went out for a piss or a fag at any stage of the performance. I think its the best gig ive ever seen, and it finished at 9.45.
"It is absolutely ridiculous, they are behaving like a cult" - The Vatican


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