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Old 08.22.2008, 10:09 AM   #21
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i eat a dish of fish nearly everyday, i'm lucky to be surrounded by people that know how to cook it well.
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Old 08.22.2008, 10:25 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by EMMAh
I've been vegetarian for like, five years or so? I'll eat dairy, but no meat or fish.

The only time I ever crave meat, it's seafood. Mention salmon and I'm drooling haha.

So basically, do you think I should give in to the devil on my should and eat some fishes?

I'm honestly considering it, but these thoughts make me feel guilty as hell.

Yeah, moral dilemma.

yes. definitely yes. fish have very important fish oils which help against depression, fatigue, memory loss, etc. in other words fish is great for your brain.

we as humans have placed morals on top of our instincts, which cause permanent conflict. and we think morals and rules are superiors to instinct, but the body knows.
morality, on the other hand-- changes with fashion. yes, as humans we also have moral instincts-- but there are a lot of arbitrary rules that people make up as they go.

your body is the result of millions and millions of years of evolution. your ancestors ate fish. that's why they got smarter & moved to canada.

ha, so... definitely YES.

i can tell you i can easily live without cow, pig, and chicken meat. i dont really miss it. i don't or i rarely eat it.

however, i cannot live without fish and seafood-- it's a fundamental physical need for me.

besides, fish lacks the emotional brain of mammals. it's a whole other layer of brain-- before even reptiles.

and salmon by the way is one of the healthiest, most beneficial fishes there are. which is a reason they are worshipped-- in fact the whole ecology of the pacific northwest is salmon-based, did you know that? all those rainforests-- crazy as it sounds-- are salmon-based.


so eat it with love, eat it with respect, eat it with reverence, and eat it with gratitude, because you need it, and he would eat you if he needed you, so just say thanks and let it do you good.
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Old 08.22.2008, 10:48 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
eat it with love

I plan to use that one ASAP.
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Old 08.22.2008, 10:51 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I plan to use that one ASAP.

i hope that works!

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Old 08.22.2008, 11:04 AM   #25
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ha!!! oh god.. why have a moral dilemma or feel guilty about eating anything..

ok, you are a vegetarian.. ok, you like fish and want to eat it.. ok, go for it. fish and seafood is the healthiest and most delicios food you could ever eat... why take that away from yourself because you want to stand by vegetaian morals????

also to all fish eating vegetarians... you are hypocritical in calling yourselves vvegetarians...... you are not id your diet consists of fish! vegetarians do not eat any living flesh be it red meat, white or fish...

i have a mate who insists he is a strict vegetarian.. the last time we went out for dinner together he had a swordfish steak!!!! stupid!!

anyway.. you want to eat fish, go for it...its an amazing food and fuck everyone who tries to tell you otherwise....its your body...take care of it...

go for swordfish, shark, john dory, red mullet, mmmm im hungry now!!!
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Old 08.22.2008, 11:51 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Kegmama
it's ok to eat fish, 'cause they don't have any feelings!

(not really) my words exactly
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Old 08.22.2008, 12:01 PM   #27
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how i love grilled sardines and salad... and a cold lager shandy!

mmmm if only we had a summer in ireland again!!!
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Old 08.22.2008, 12:05 PM   #28
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we should all eat these fuckers but im sure they taste like shit tho!

A savage fish more terrifying than a piranha has been caught in Britain for the first time - sparking fears of a deadly invasion. The vicious giant snakehead eats everything it comes across and has even been reported to kill people.

The monster - from south-east Asia - has a mouth crammed with fearsome teeth, can ''crawl'' on land and survive out of water for up to four days. It is feared the fish had been smuggled in for an aquarium and then illegally released.
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Old 08.22.2008, 12:09 PM   #29
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lox. on a bagel. with onions and capers.


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Old 08.22.2008, 12:10 PM   #30
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ps- i recommend wild salmon over farmed salmon any day in spite of the price difference. farmed salmon because of its weird diet is actually kinda worthless. go wild!
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Old 08.22.2008, 12:14 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by EMMAh
I've been vegetarian for like, five years or so? I'll eat dairy, but no meat or fish.

The only time I ever crave meat, it's seafood. Mention salmon and I'm drooling haha.

So basically, do you think I should give in to the devil on my should and eat some fishes?

I'm honestly considering it, but these thoughts make me feel guilty as hell.

Yeah, moral dilemma.

Food is not something you should ever feel guilty about. There's nothing wrong with eating anything that provides nutrition, especially if you're craving that thing. A craving is often a sign that your body needs something in that food. You should eat it and not worry about it.

Tibetan Buddhists eat meat because that is what their environment provides them to eat, in the mountains where not a lot of vegetables grow. If good sources of nutrition are available to you and you enjoy them, you should not deny yourself.
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.
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Old 08.22.2008, 12:39 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by PAULYBEE2656
we should all eat these fuckers but im sure they taste like shit tho!

A savage fish more terrifying than a piranha has been caught in Britain for the first time - sparking fears of a deadly invasion. The vicious giant snakehead eats everything it comes across and has even been reported to kill people.

The monster - from south-east Asia - has a mouth crammed with fearsome teeth, can ''crawl'' on land and survive out of water for up to four days. It is feared the fish had been smuggled in for an aquarium and then illegally released.

wow. first creature i've been scared of in quite some time... out of water for 4 days?!?!

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Old 08.22.2008, 12:43 PM   #33
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wild salmon= bright pink

farmed salmon=real dull flavourless beige colour.....
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Old 08.22.2008, 12:50 PM   #34
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I say eat anything
Nearly every other living creature out there would gladly dine on your corpse.
why not return the favor? (I kow there are animals, such as cows and panda bears that feed solely on vegetsbles, but they woudl be very glad to have your rotting corpse fertilize the green plants they will eat, in which case you would be eaten by worms, bugs, bacteria, etc.)
think of it as granting their atoms immortality

everything you eat provides atoms for your body.
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Old 08.22.2008, 01:05 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by GrungeMonkey
eat it all

get a big mac in you

Uhhhh, noooooo...

Originally Posted by Pookie
Mind you, I'd be angry too if all I ate were lentils.

Now now, lentils are way underrated.

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Old 08.22.2008, 01:07 PM   #36
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eat the damn fish EMMAh

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Old 08.22.2008, 01:16 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by PAULYBEE2656
also to all fish eating vegetarians... you are hypocritical in calling yourselves vvegetarians...... you are not id your diet consists of fish! vegetarians do not eat any living flesh be it red meat, white or fish...

i have a mate who insists he is a strict vegetarian.. the last time we went out for dinner together he had a swordfish steak!!!! stupid!!

I disagree with this, it's like vegans telling vegetarians that they're not real vegetarians because they eat dairy.

There are many different types. The ones that eat fish are called pescatarian.

Originally Posted by gmku
A craving is often a sign that your body needs something in that food. You should eat it and not worry about it.

This is the biggest load of crap haahha. So, when you crave a bag of chips and a thing of pop, or body needs it?

Anyways, I don't think I'm going to start eating fish regularly. From time to time though, why not. If it bothers me so much I don't have to go it again. It's not like it's hard to cut something out of your diet.

I'm mostly just mad at myself for not eating fish when I was in Trinidad and Tobago. Apparently the shark was too fucking good.

I don't ever want to eat cows, chickens, pigs, or anything like that. I think that's pretty damn disgusting.

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Old 08.22.2008, 01:23 PM   #38
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well i'm a vegetarian to, been so for ten years, and i won't eat fish simply because i can't even stand the thought of eating it. i never liked the taste of fish or meat so i won't ever crave it. but if you do, go ahead!

btw i just got the results of a blood test and apparently i have a serious lack of iron, vitamin B12 and blood in general. that's the bad thing of being the only vegetarian in a family of eight: the others don't want the good veggie food and no one has the time to cook extra dishes so i usually eat whatever the rest eats minus the meat. it's going to change though, these results made my mom see it actually is important :P


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Old 08.22.2008, 01:27 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Nearly every other living creature out there would gladly dine on your corpse.

girlgun was discussing her uncle's cremation. I told her (and I want everyone else here to witness) that I DO NOT WANT this to happen to me. cremation would destroy my nanobot's abilities to self-recreate.

I want to be fed to the wolves.
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Old 08.22.2008, 01:32 PM   #40
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"vegetarians" who eat fish are just deluded.
you are still eating the muscles, the flesh and connective tissue of a living breathing animal.

if you don't eat them something else will. vegetarians are not doing animals any favors. just their own conscience.
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