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Old 01.28.2013, 04:49 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
If you love studious and strikingly beautiful Human Beings from a nation not your own, the library is for you. Trust me.*

(*edited for semantic paranoia)
Implying they'd "love" me back, and by "love", I mean, "try to look up my skirt with mirrored-shoes".
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Old 01.28.2013, 04:50 PM   #22
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ps (for glice) - upon further thought i get that rob's new title would seem to perpetuate the notion that attraction only happens between members of opposite genders, but does he really go around breaking other people's legs?
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Old 01.28.2013, 04:54 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
tiny, inconsequential snatches
vs. giant "sloppy dongs"

I see what you did there.
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Old 01.28.2013, 05:00 PM   #24
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Old 01.28.2013, 05:00 PM   #25
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Let's study each other. From the back our minds. HA!
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Old 01.28.2013, 10:13 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Suchfriends can fuck off though. Rasta is a shit state of mind to be in.

These gentlemen would like to have a few words with you about your recent comments regarding HIM Haile Selassie I
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Old 01.28.2013, 10:35 PM   #27
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what is funny is I've been seeing you trolling trying to get knox to diss you for like three days now and she just won't take that twomp bait cappin yo
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Old 01.28.2013, 10:56 PM   #28
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haha, I don't even know why, but I thought that Flotz posted those comments and he has most definitely been trolling her like crazy. I think she likes him, but does she know he is a robot and not a lesbian feminist?

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Old 01.28.2013, 11:31 PM   #29
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Today Rap music is the Lakers
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Old 01.29.2013, 07:12 AM   #30
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At least this is proof of how bothered you were by all the conversation.

I know I can't expect Suchfriends to be honest here, but I never said males aren't violent to other males.

Instead, I did imply that our patriarchal idea of manhood promotes violence.

For anyone who will insist on the biological determinism, I suggest... I don't know, reading?
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Old 01.29.2013, 07:14 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ps (for glice) - upon further thought i get that rob's new title would seem to perpetuate the notion that attraction only happens between members of opposite genders, but does he really go around breaking other people's legs?

in a way it's kind of worse because if he would break people's legs he'd have to do one at a time and by maintaining this speech he's endorsing and maintaining thousands of years of stigmatization and heteronormativity.
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Old 01.29.2013, 07:16 AM   #32
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also, congratulations on the "lesbian feminist" - in what world is that an insult?
besides, i'm sure flo is a lesbian feminist. <3
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Old 01.29.2013, 07:17 AM   #33
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i m going to post this picture here; i saw it posted somewhere else today.
i would post it in the irrelevant thread and only for not to be misunderstood that it has anything to do with the rape comments here or in the other thread, if there were any. but it is going to get lost in there.

so it has nothing to do with rape comments here
and i m bad for not taking the time to read both threads.


the point i want to make with this pic
is smth i wanted to say in the other thread as well, but now this pic helps me.

we dont exactly need feminism for that.
for me it is the way that people should normally think.
its because people are lazy or because it suits them better, not to try and think bit harder. you know, just do a couple of more turns in your thoughts. see more ankles of what you are thinking.
thats why i always welcomed extreme voices for example in politics, even if i might not agree with what their saying; even though it might come against my extremely anti-violent position in all matters.*
because it helps people to shake their minds a bit.

* and since i m honest, dont think for a minute that there arent times when i question this about myself.
i think harder when that happens. (totally irrelevant that now).
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Old 01.29.2013, 07:23 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by Nefeli
i m going to post this picture here; i saw it posted somewhere else today.
i would post it in the irrelevant thread and only for not to be misunderstood that it has anything to do with the rape comments here or in the other thread, if there were any. but it is going to get lost in there.

so it has nothing to do with rape comments here
and i m bad for not taking the time to read both threads.


the point i want to make with this pic
is smth i wanted to say in the other thread as well, but now this pic helps me.

we dont exactly need feminism for that.
for me it is the way that people should normally think.
its because people are lazy or because it suits them better, not to try and think bit harder. you know, just do a couple of more turns in your thoughts. see more ankles of what you are thinking.
thats why i always welcomed extreme voices for example in politics, even if i might not agree with what their saying; even though it might come against my extremely anti-violent position in all matters.*
because it helps people to shake their minds a bit.

* and since i m honest, dont think for a minute that there arent times when i question this about myself.
i think harder when that happens. (totally irrelevant that now).

the fact is, dear, we do need feminism for that.
if you think that's how people should normally think, then you already are a feminist.
and the sad truth is, they don't. not the majority of them.
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Old 01.29.2013, 07:28 AM   #35
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Old 01.29.2013, 07:32 AM   #36
A Thousand Threads
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Originally Posted by knox
in a way it's kind of worse because if he would break people's legs he'd have to do one at a time and by maintaining this speech he's endorsing and maintaining thousands of years of stigmatization and heteronormativity.
Well, but only in a way. What's worse, symptom or disease?
Don't want to sound esoteric, but i'm all for a holistic approach.
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Old 01.29.2013, 07:47 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by knox
the fact is, dear, we do need feminism for that.
if you think that's how people should normally think, then you already are a feminist.
and the sad truth is, they don't. not the majority of them.

yeah what i was concluding up there, is that we need feminism for that, because people dont think harder. or like i said we need various voices to exist, nomatter if we agree or not with them.
and i m a feminist since i can remember myself.
but i was always considering myself humansmth instead, because i m thinking women and men as humans and thats how i express and get through my feminism. its like saying i am a feminist, is like accepting there is an issue by default and then trying to fight for women's rights, whereas i prefer to speak like there isnt an 'issue', because there shouldnt be one.

yeah, not expressing it well.
an example- have said all these before..
the riot girrll thing. i didnt like it called that way. i understand that perhaps there wasnt any other way to be called. however, it made me think that it transmitted further more he idea, that women dont have their place in music world etc.
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Old 01.29.2013, 07:48 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by A Thousand Threads
Well, but only in a way. What's worse, symptom or disease?
Don't want to sound esoteric, but i'm all for a holistic approach.

I don't know, to be honest.
Legally, you'd look at it one day.
Morally, it'd be a different story.

But of course it's always better to tackle the source of the disease instead of just treating/masking isolated symptoms?
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Old 01.29.2013, 07:53 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Nefeli
yeah what i was concluding up there, is that we need feminism for that, because people dont think harder. or like i said we need various voices to exist, nomatter if we agree or not with them.
and i m a feminist since i can remember myself.
but i was always considering myself humansmth instead, because i m thinking women and men as humans and thats how i express and get through my feminism. its like saying i am a feminist, is like accepting there is an issue by default and then trying to fight for women's rights, whereas i prefer to speak like there isnt an 'issue', because there shouldnt be one.

yeah, not expressing it well.
an example- have said all these before..
the riot girrll thing. i didnt like it called that way. i understand that perhaps there wasnt any other way to be called. however, it made me think that it transmitted further more he idea, that women dont have their place in music world etc.

Feminists fight for equality, yeah.
There are very good texts that show how it is impossible to be a humanist without being a feminist.

Pretending an issue is not there never makes it go away and it always seem to give an advantage to whoever is taking advantage of that situation.

I don't think "riot grrrls" called themselves that. I think a patronizing, sexist media did, as they turned it into a commodity for their own amusement.

I have discussed this with Glice many times, but you would have no idea how many people simply assume I don't write music or play instruments just based on my gender. Or people who feel that somehow it's cute to see a woman playing or how many times people compile 'women in music' lists. They also seem to think 'female vocalist' is a genre.... but this is a story for a different thread.
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Old 01.29.2013, 08:35 AM   #40
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i agree with all that.
just to clarify, i m not pretending or avoiding anything.
i speak openly and say what i feel is needed to be said; i just do it without feeling that i have to characterize myself in any way.
i mean, i have met men who have said to me: i m a feminist.
so what?
from the way you will talk, i will understand many things about what you are.
or when people say, i m homosexual friendly.
if you think about it, its ridiculous to say smth like that.
i understand that we say terms, because it saves us time and dont get me wrong i used to call myself out to people a feminist for years, when i was little, i still might do if i have to, i just prefer to do things the way i do now.
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