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Old 03.29.2012, 08:14 AM   #21
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Update: new Young Prisms is a very different beast than previous EP. I'm enjoying the classic shoegaze feel, but missing the volume. Still my pick for the week, at least.
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Old 03.29.2012, 08:29 AM   #22
Genteel Death
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Originally Posted by Decayed Rhapsody
the new Pheromoans album.

buying that today.
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Old 03.29.2012, 08:33 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by louder
perfume genius


I don't get the appeal of Perfume Genius at all. I mean, what's this video all about for a start???? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOpkr8uNWpk

My friend said it's sad that the macho guy looks like an even bigger fag than the singer.
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Old 03.29.2012, 09:00 AM   #24
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some gay shit. i put it in my list only to catch up with the hipsters on this board.
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Old 03.29.2012, 10:33 PM   #25
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i'm liking (some loving) these so far:

earth - angels of darkness, demons of light II
frankie rose - interstellar
lil b - gods father
xiu xiu - always
mirroring - foreign body
the magnetic fields - love at the bottom of the sea
andrew bird - break it yourself
leonard cohen - old ideas
big krit - 4eva and a day
lee ranaldo - between the times and the tides
shearwater - animal joy

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Old 03.29.2012, 10:52 PM   #26
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Rättö ja Lehtisalo: Matematiikka (coming 4.4).
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Old 03.30.2012, 06:50 PM   #27
Decayed Rhapsody
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Aw, Gabriele it's just not loud enough for you Why is it sad that anybody looks like a fag? That sounds awful loathsome. I like that Perfume Genius exists but I don't like anything that cloying, no matter who is doing it. The piano progression in that song is nice though. I think the video is supposed to be funny. The butch guy is a caricature of macho queerdom and you've got this waify twink putting on lipstick singing a saccharine love song with phallic talk about not being able to "keep it up." I think people are missing the humor of it and trying to make some big thing about sexuality and gender presentation. It's probably challenging for some straight people, but I'm a fag and I like my shit brash.
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Old 04.01.2012, 09:02 AM   #28
Genteel Death
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Originally Posted by Decayed Rhapsody
Aw, Gabriele it's just not loud enough for you Why is it sad that anybody looks like a fag? That sounds awful loathsome. I like that Perfume Genius exists but I don't like anything that cloying, no matter who is doing it. The piano progression in that song is nice though. I think the video is supposed to be funny. The butch guy is a caricature of macho queerdom and you've got this waify twink putting on lipstick singing a saccharine love song with phallic talk about not being able to "keep it up." I think people are missing the humor of it and trying to make some big thing about sexuality and gender presentation. It's probably challenging for some straight people, but I'm a fag and I like my shit brash.

Right, I'll post something serious for once. I don't have anything against anyone who looks like a fag, least of all because I am a big, bouncy one myself. What I strongly dislike about that song/video, and in general about Perfume Genius, though, is that he portrays homosexual introspection in ways that I see as being a cul de sac for how homosexuals in general are portrayed in the media. What my gay friend really meant with that comment is that those two don't look queer enough, and the use we generally give to the word fag is one of a homosexual who doesn't dare enough. Those types are generally boring and while they cry out for open mindedness on sexual issues, their preocupations end up excluding other types of homosexuals in the process. He knows all too well what it's like to be criticised for his appearance because he has a peculiar way of dressing, but one that doesn't necessarily fit the feminine/masculine criteria.

Not sure what the gay scene in NY is like, but the one in London has changed dramatically since the mid-90s. Where before it was more mixed, now it seems mostly monopolised by the two types represented on that PF video: bear and twink. That's all fine, for as long as common acceptance and understanding is widespread for other less conventional types.

A whole chapter should be opened on the can of worms that is the weak visibility of lesbians and transgender people in predominantly male bars which, ironically, have posters on the walls promoting a halt to transphobia etc. Home is where the hurt is.
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Old 04.01.2012, 09:06 AM   #29
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Oh and Perfume Genius' music is FUCKING AWFUL!
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Old 04.01.2012, 12:01 PM   #30
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well i am just an ignorant kid, but in my opinion..

indie was in its prime back in the late 80's-early 90's.. Surfer Rosa, Daydream Nation, You're Living All Over Me, Slanted & Enchanted, Loveless, Spiderland, etc.

the 00's still had some good stuff, like Is This It, Relationship of Command, Murray Street, Kid A.

but right now it sucks. hopefully it'll get better. maybe we need a really great aggressive rock band to come and destroy all the fake, generic hipsterish stuff.
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Old 04.01.2012, 12:08 PM   #31
Decayed Rhapsody
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Okay, I get it now. I share a similar dislike of that Magnetic Fields person and that latest video for those very same reasons. NY isn't too different from London with the bear/twink dichotomy, although the twinks have started sporting beards now and everyone looks the same. There is increasing trans and genderqueer/gender non-conforming visibility in the NY arts world, but my perception might be skewed because I'm around those people all the time. I agree that the vid is problematic in some ways but I don't feel the need to police that guy's shit and I don't think his work is some kind of bellwether for all queer cultural production. Half the shit on the LOGO network is far more insidious. PG just suxxx.
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Old 04.01.2012, 12:08 PM   #32
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rap and r&b are keeping my interest in new music, otherwise i'd just stick to my 70's/80's records.

if you look at my fav albums of 2011, you won't find even one indie record.

maybe there's just something wrong with me, idk.
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Old 04.01.2012, 12:52 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Decayed Rhapsody
Okay, I get it now. I share a similar dislike of that Magnetic Fields person and that latest video for those very same reasons. NY isn't too different from London with the bear/twink dichotomy, although the twinks have started sporting beards now and everyone looks the same. There is increasing trans and genderqueer/gender non-conforming visibility in the NY arts world, but my perception might be skewed because I'm around those people all the time. I agree that the vid is problematic in some ways but I don't feel the need to police that guy's shit and I don't think his work is some kind of bellwether for all queer cultural production. Half the shit on the LOGO network is far more insidious. PG just suxxx.

It's not a case of policing this guy's music, why would I ever want to do that? He exists, not much we can do about it. It's more irritation at the fact that this poor man's Anthony & the Johnsons, another dull genius for the thoughtful gay guy, is hailed as the producer of masterpieces by people on the scene (I'm particularly thinking about a couple of ''influencial'' DJs here) who profess to try and educate their punters by playing interesting music. And guess what? They then use their stupid FB pages to critcise that same scene for not being receptive enough of more interesting music. Go figure.
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Old 04.01.2012, 01:01 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by louder
well i am just an ignorant kid, but in my opinion..

indie was in its prime back in the late 80's-early 90's.. Surfer Rosa, Daydream Nation, You're Living All Over Me, Slanted & Enchanted, Loveless, Spiderland, etc.

the 00's still had some good stuff, like Is This It, Relationship of Command, Murray Street, Kid A.

but right now it sucks. hopefully it'll get better. maybe we need a really great aggressive rock band to come and destroy all the fake, generic hipsterish stuff.
I'm always wondering how someone can like At the Drive In and have so little interest for hardcore/punk music other than the usual suspects. That's the perception I have of their fans anyway. Personally I think they have a couple of good songs and are generally rubbish. Perhaps they have been sucessful but their influence is not all that beneficial to their fans.
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Old 04.01.2012, 01:14 PM   #35
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yeah most of their fans haven't even heard of all the bands which inspired them.. Drive Like Jehu, Swing Kids, Indian Summer, etc.

i used to listen to a lot of small & obscure post-hardcore/emo bands back in my highschool days, however i've kinda grown out of that scene. really i just namedropped ATDI cuz recently i revisited their output after a long time and all of it still sounds fresh to me, each album had some great tracks.
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Old 04.01.2012, 02:27 PM   #36
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new Sandy Bull live 1976 (w/ Rythm Ace drum machine getting co-credit)

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Old 04.03.2012, 01:59 AM   #37
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How does music sound when it's only influenced by itself?
In order to solve such a kōan one should totally lose himself in the deep aural arts of Pekka Airaksinen.
Helsinki born Airaksinen started his eccentric musical career in the mid-sixties remixing ”Twist and Shout” by The Beatles. He looped one bar of the song for ages at a youth dance with his friend J.O. Mallander. ”The audience did react”, he remembers. ”At least two people told us to put it down.”
In late sixties Airaksinen was best known as the musical master mind behind the notorious avantgardist group Sperm, which released a groundbreaking album of noisy minimalism called Shh! in 1970.
Two years later Airaksinen, always ahead of his time, released One Point Music, a seminal composition filled with clattering rhythm box beats and eerie organ grooves.
After One Point Music, he vanished into the ether for more than a decade, mostly concentrating in Buddhist meditation and inner space traveling.
In 1984 Airaksinen was finally ready to shower the universe with Buddhas of Golden Light, his most exquisite work to date. A mesmerizing musical message of expanded consciousness, transmitted via Roland's TR-808 -rhythm composer and Yamaha's DX-7 -synthesizer. Buddhas of Golden Light quietly became a cult album and a sought-after collector's item among the more high-spirited music lovers. And after 28 years its Indian -vibed electronic be bop still lacks comparison: even Sun Ra's cosmic jazz doesn't measure up.
Buddhas of Golden Light is one of the all-time favorite records of the Harmönia -staff, so it was mind-blowing for us to find out that there were more tapes existing from the same era.
(Airaksinen's modest enterprise was to compose an ode to every 1000 Buddhas of buddhist mythology.)
And here they are: cream of the crop, first time on vinyl as a limited edition of 500 copies!
Respectfully remastered and selected by Team Harmönia, the music of Other Power sounds more contemporary in 2012 than contemporary music itself does. (Take "Simhaghosha" for example. Sounds like ultra-advanced instrumental hip hop, doesn't it?)
Without a further ado: enjoy these intergalactic soundscapes from the mind of a true visionary.
This was high tech jazz a decade before Underground Resistance, and instead of Detroit it was recorded somewhere in the foggy forests of Finland during 1978-1985.
Pekka Airaksinen: Other Power (Harmönia, HRMN-18)
Format: 12”/MP3/Wav
Release date: 17.03.2012
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Old 04.03.2012, 07:20 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by louder
well i am just an ignorant kid, but in my opinion..

indie was in its prime back in the late 80's-early 90's.. Surfer Rosa, Daydream Nation, You're Living All Over Me, Slanted & Enchanted, Loveless, Spiderland, etc.

the 00's still had some good stuff, like Is This It, Relationship of Command, Murray Street, Kid A.

but right now it sucks. hopefully it'll get better. maybe we need a really great aggressive rock band to come and destroy all the fake, generic hipsterish stuff.

Agreed. Right now, straight forward (simple? Classic) Indie rock is at an all time low. Every new Indie rock/ pop band just seems like a rehashing of something else. There's good music out there right now, but that genre needs a hero.

I think you underestimate the '00s though. There were a number of bands that, I believe, will be viewed as absolute classics in the coming decades. My own personal feelings aside, I think the big Indie pop groups of the sits will be viewed like we who grew up in the '80s and 90s view Pixies, Pavement, Sebadoh, Yo La Tengo, and so on.

Who was the at the top of the heap in the '00s? Arcade Fire, Deerhunter, Spoon, Wilcox of course, the Stripes ti some degree, Deerhoof, Animal Collective... could have been better, but could have also been far worse.

Of the bigger Indie acts, I think Deerhunter was probably the best to come from the decade. They're transition from noise to post-pop reminds me a little of SY honestly.
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Old 04.03.2012, 07:54 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Genteel Death
A whole chapter should be opened on the can of worms that is the weak visibility of lesbians and transgender people in predominantly male bars which, ironically, have posters on the walls promoting a halt to transphobia etc. Home is where the hurt is.

I've been hanging about quite a bit with a trans-woman recently, and we usually end up in gay bars because her reception is a bit better there. That's not to say that you don't get comments. Gay boys can be cruel, but not as bad as straight boys. Ultimately, there's about 3 places where no comments happen or the slightest hint of it gets the kicked out - an anarchist collective, a late-night gothy gay bar and a (brilliant) feminist-lesbian place. I'll tell you one thing, lesbians really know how to keep ale well. Maybe ale-keeping lessons are what they secretly do once the dog's settled in to the new place.
Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.

Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 04.03.2012, 09:21 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by louder
well i am just an ignorant kid, but in my opinion..

indie was in its prime back in the late 80's-early 90's.. Surfer Rosa, Daydream Nation, You're Living All Over Me, Slanted & Enchanted, Loveless, Spiderland, etc.

the 00's still had some good stuff, like Is This It, Relationship of Command, Murray Street, Kid A.

but right now it sucks. hopefully it'll get better. maybe we need a really great aggressive rock band to come and destroy all the fake, generic hipsterish stuff.
I don´t think it´s just indie, it´s the whole popular culture that hasn´t been very powerful in 2000-decade. And that weakening tendency has started already in the end of seventies. There has been exceptions from this (some very great albums) but I have found very rare new interesting artists in 2000-decade. Although I´m not a big fan of hiphop, I think also in HipHop and maybe part of the metal has been the freshest music of 2000-decade.
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