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Old 07.27.2009, 06:12 PM   #1
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I put it on last night and went all the way through. I must say, WS is defiantly one of my favorite records, totally in the top three. I haven't seen a lot of positive talk of it though. Any other lovers? Or at least share why you think its not up to snuff. (You'd be crazy though! How can you top The Diamond Sea, Skip Tracer, and Washing Machine??)
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Old 07.27.2009, 06:21 PM   #2
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Washing Machine is incredible. When I first purchased it, No Queen Blues was my absolute favorite, which I find so weird now. It's a great song, don't get me wrong, but in comparison to the other tracks, it's not a standout. I could go on and on about each song as I'm sure others could, but I'll just say a few things:

I wish Becuz and its coda were combined.
The Diamond Sea isn't even in my top 5 for the album (although the first breakdown is beautiful).
Saucer-Like is my favorite tune.
Panty Lies rocks.
^ check out my 2010 "cover" of Blink
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Old 07.27.2009, 06:22 PM   #3
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I don't think it's underrated as a whole, though I think some songs on it might not get the recognition they deserve for various reasons. For example, I think the title track is, musically, SY's best song ever. But the vocals.. yeeeeeah. Not my thing.

Panty Lies used to be my least favorite SY song but the guitar riffs are amazing.

In fact, the riffing on that album, as a whole, is incredible. Some of the weirdest riffs ever.

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Old 07.27.2009, 06:33 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I don't think it's underrated as a whole, though I think some songs on it might not get the recognition they deserve for various reasons. For example, I think the title track is, musically, SY's best song ever. But the vocals.. yeeeeeah. Not my thing.

Panty Lies used to be my least favorite SY song but the guitar riffs are amazing.

In fact, the riffing on that album, as a whole, is incredible. Some of the weirdest riffs ever.

Really? I love Kim's vocals on Washing Machine. Panty Lies is great as well, and your right about it being screwed up, even for SY. Every single chord is diminished to hell.
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Old 07.27.2009, 06:43 PM   #5
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No poll? YES. Is it their best? No. But "No Queen Blues," "Becuz," "Diamond Sea," etc. C'mon.
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Old 07.27.2009, 06:48 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by noisereductions
No poll? YES. Is it their best? No. But "No Queen Blues," "Becuz," "Diamond Sea," etc. C'mon.

Hey Mr. 5800 posts, you feel free to put up a poll. Ill just chill over here with all 9 of mine.
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Old 07.27.2009, 06:50 PM   #7
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It is my favorite of all SY records, or any record ever for that sake. It has a certain undiscribable mood unlike any other SY record. And over ten years after I first heard it I still hear new things EVERY single time. Despite it being the record I´ve heard the most times of any. There is so much going on. So much details like in ATL & NYCG&F (maybe Nurse & Murray Street too to a lesser extent.) that I dont find in their new records. Rather Ripped & The Eternal is so flat in comparison.
Im not gonna hear new things every time in RR in ten years.

Layers upon layers. A much bigger spectrum of guitar noises than nowadays too. Thats why the start of Antenna seems a bit cheap, because they come from this stuff. So many of the sounds were "How the fuck do they do that?" upon first(and later) hearing(s).
The wahwah solo/noise/freakout on Becuz is somewhere inbetween pure noise and a melodic solo. I love the way the noise is much more incorporated in the music than "here comes the noise part" type thinking.
The noise parts are so well thought out! Not just the "we have to put a noise part in here because thats what people expect" but the noise is there because it serves the music and vice versa.

The crossfade in the Washing Machine song "here´s a quarter go put in the washing machine..." and then it evolves into the fuzz harmonics riff, wow. Goosebumps.

I could go on and on.. The end of Junkies Promise. The weird intro solos on Saucer-Like and No Queen Blues. There is so much that is not present in their music anymore. I really miss how the music and noise worked together . Sonically this record is so rich!

I have to respect what they do nowadays, but I feel what they do now is just a tiny percent of something that is/was/should be/could be so much bigger.
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Old 07.27.2009, 07:00 PM   #8
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Listening now. I forgot the amazing guitar interplay in Unwind from ca. 2:32 onwards.
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Old 07.27.2009, 07:00 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Newfoundland

It is my favorite of all SY records, or any record ever for that sake. It has a certain undiscribable mood unlike any other SY record. And over ten years after I first heard it I still hear new things EVERY single time. Despite it being the record I´ve heard the most times of any. There is so much going on. So much details like in ATL & NYCG&F (maybe Nurse & Murray Street too to a lesser extent.) that I dont find in their new records. Rather Ripped & The Eternal is so flat in comparison.
Im not gonna hear new things every time in RR in ten years.

Layers upon layers. A much bigger spectrum of guitar noises than nowadays too. Thats why the start of Antenna seems a bit cheap, because they come from this stuff. So many of the sounds were "How the fuck do they do that?" upon first(and later) hearing(s).
The wahwah solo/noise/freakout on Becuz is somwhere inbetween pure noise and a melodic solo. I love the way the noise is much more incorporated in the music than "here comes the noise part" type thinking.
The noise parts are so well thought out! Not just the "we have to put a noise part in here because thats what people expect" but the noise is there because it serves the music and vice versa.

The crossfade in the Washing Machine song "here´s a quarter go put in the washing machine..." and then it evolves into the fuzz harmonics riff, wow. Goosebumbs.

I could go on and on.. The end of Junkies Promise. The weird intro solos on Saucer-Like and No Queen Blues. There is so much that is not present in their music anymore. I really miss how the music and noise worked together . Sonically this record is so rich!

I have to respect what they do nowadays, but I feel what they do now is just a tiny percent of something that is/was/should be/could be so much bigger.

Wow, I totally agree with you that WS has some incredibly diverse and wonderfully bizarre sounds in it, and sounds unlike any other record I own.

The freaky, empty intro to Skip Tracer. Thurston's voice on Diamond Sea, and the lyrics themselves? Almost every song has kind of a creepy, warped feel to it. None of the rhythms seem quite right, and all of the guitar work is just haunting and unsettling. Music doesn't get better.

Guess this record gets more love then I thought! Great.

Though I like their new stuff as well. RR wasn't my favorite, but it was better than some other stuff they've put out, and I totally enjoyed The Eternal as well, better than all the hate its gotten.
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Old 07.27.2009, 07:02 PM   #10
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Underrated? I don't think so. i like this album alot!
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Old 07.27.2009, 07:11 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Latham
Hey Mr. 5800 posts, you feel free to put up a poll. Ill just chill over here with all 9 of mine.

You've got 9 polls?

That's a lot of work for a girl.
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Old 07.27.2009, 07:18 PM   #12
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It's my favorite SY album. I'd say it's pretty underrated after seeing a lot of pretty average grades for it in that "rank yr SY albums out of 10" thread or whatever. I'm not going to bother waxing poetic about it since Newfoundland already nailed it, but yeah, amazing album.

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Old 07.27.2009, 07:24 PM   #13
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I think they get a lot of nice pretty and skronky guitar sounds on it.

But in many ways I feel emotionally detached from the music when I listen to it, with the exception of he Diamond Sea, which is why I don't count it among my favorites.
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Old 07.27.2009, 07:25 PM   #14
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I have no idea why itèd be underrated. Itès always been one of my favourite SY records. Itès very exciting and energetic and has great songs. I thought it was appropriately titled because itès like they were putting all their earlier and later sounds together and swirling them around.
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Old 07.27.2009, 07:44 PM   #15
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Yes. Sort of. Maybe not around here, but at large - definitely.
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Old 07.27.2009, 07:52 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
You've got 9 polls?

That's a lot of work for a girl.

Perhaps I should clarify. I felt that you were more entitled to put up a poll, as you have over 5000 posts and I have 10 now. More people would participate in a poll coming from a much more experienced member of the board. Thus, leading to a better poll.
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Old 07.27.2009, 07:52 PM   #17
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blame it on the bbq of Memphis.
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Old 07.27.2009, 08:49 PM   #18
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It's an amazing album. It's probably my second favourite SY album.
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Old 07.27.2009, 10:04 PM   #19
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It's probably my favorite of SY's 8 post-Dirty records. I might even prefer it over Dirty and Goo.
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Old 07.27.2009, 10:19 PM   #20
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In my top three along with Daydream Nation and Sister.
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