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Old 11.29.2007, 05:41 PM   #1
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Coming from a family who loves the Indiana Jones movies, I'm half psyched there's a new one coming out ( I mean jeez, Marion is in it, it's scored by John Williams, directed by Spielberg ), and I'm half like.... Harrison Ford is 67 years old. My friend and I were having a debate about it the other night, we were watching Live Free or Die Hard where John Mcclane is climing on top of a truck and dropping into the cab and kicking the driver out with his feet, and taking control of the wheel. And one of us said " Do you think the new Indiana Jones will be any good if they have him doing stuff like this? Or should someone else be doing it because he is too old? " It's hard to say. But I have read that the movie is going to address the fact that he's getting old.
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Old 11.29.2007, 05:47 PM   #2
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I'm looking forward to seeing it. I love all the Indiana Jones films and I haven't heard much about the upcoming film, so I don't know what t expect. If it's a stinker (which it won't be) atleast the score will be fantastic.

I really like Live Free or Die Hard and all the ones before it. Classics.
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Old 11.29.2007, 05:55 PM   #3
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Frankly age isn't an issue. Are we saying Ford is too old or the fictious character of Indiana Jones is too old? Ford has never denied that he uses stunt doubles on the most dangerous stunts. So his health isn't at risk. Critics who say we aren't sure we want to see an "old" Indiana Jones there's this. The fans WANTED a 4th Indiana Jones, so now they are complaining he's too old? The character has drinken from the Holy Grail, so they could set this movie in the year 3000, Indiana Jones will still be alive. Old, but alive. The movie is done filming and Ford didn't get injured, so the stunts he did do for "Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls" went fine, or we would have heard otherwise. Look no matter how you cut this Ford is not going to look like he did on "Raiders", it just isn't going to happen. However seeing the pictures that were released there was one pic where he actually didn't look any older then he did in "Last Crusade".

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Old 11.29.2007, 06:04 PM   #4
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Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls, what a cool name.
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Old 11.29.2007, 06:39 PM   #5
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Old 11.29.2007, 08:01 PM   #6
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Just as long as they have that Asian kid driving a car again, I'm happy.
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Old 11.30.2007, 04:33 AM   #7
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Fucking stupid. Another reason why I don't pay attention to mainstream film anymore -- you have to go to a fucking "independant" theater to see David Cronenberg or David Lynch films now, because the mainstream box office is so overloaded with these stupid "Hollywood blockbusters". It's ridiculous. Mainstream film has been a dying art since the mid-90's; fuck, how many AMAZING films come out nowadays? Very very few. Even Anchor Bay has dropped the ball and released shit lately (Room 6 -- need I continue?). For the record, no more sequels to old ass films and no more goddamn remakes. I mean, the Departed was a great film, right? Yeah, well, it too was a remake! Even fucking little ass dumb comedies like 'I PRONOUCE YOU FAT GUY AND STEREOTYPICAL GAY JOKES HERE WE COME!' was a remake (of the film Strange Bedfellows -- a very very loose remake but come on). Also, many of my beloved horror favorites are being subjected to remakes; for fuck's sake, they're going to remake MIIKE films soon! And a remake of Battle Royale! What the fuck?!

...so, no, I'm not excited by this, Harrison Ford IS too old and his career was SHIT so he had to do this film, and this is fucking ridiculous. You can disagree, but you said honest thoughts, right?

For the record, I haven't seen Die Hard or Live Free but I really do love the films before it. And even if it IS good, it's still a sequel to a 20 year old film.. jesus, hollywood, get some new ideas, will you?

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Old 11.30.2007, 05:06 AM   #8
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Mainstream film has its perks.
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Old 11.30.2007, 08:10 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Fucking stupid. Another reason why I don't pay attention to mainstream film anymore -- you have to go to a fucking "independant" theater to see David Cronenberg or David Lynch films now, because the mainstream box office is so overloaded with these stupid "Hollywood blockbusters". It's ridiculous. Mainstream film has been a dying art since the mid-90's; fuck, how many AMAZING films come out nowadays? Very very few. Even Anchor Bay has dropped the ball and released shit lately (Room 6 -- need I continue?). For the record, no more sequels to old ass films and no more goddamn remakes. I mean, the Departed was a great film, right? Yeah, well, it too was a remake! Even fucking little ass dumb comedies like 'I PRONOUCE YOU FAT GUY AND STEREOTYPICAL GAY JOKES HERE WE COME!' was a remake (of the film Strange Bedfellows -- a very very loose remake but come on). Also, many of my beloved horror favorites are being subjected to remakes; for fuck's sake, they're going to remake MIIKE films soon! And a remake of Battle Royale! What the fuck?!

...so, no, I'm not excited by this, Harrison Ford IS too old and his career was SHIT so he had to do this film, and this is fucking ridiculous. You can disagree, but you said honest thoughts, right?

For the record, I haven't seen Die Hard or Live Free but I really do love the films before it. And even if it IS good, it's still a sequel to a 20 year old film.. jesus, hollywood, get some new ideas, will you?

I actually thought The Departed was crap. Haven't seen the original, so I can't make any judgments on that one.

I heard they were remaking Near Dark. Which should be super shitty.

I think the overuse of CGI has ruined a lot of mainstream movies for me. It can be used and it can look seamless, but people always want to go overboard for some reason, and abuse those capabilities that we have now.

I work at a movie theater now (not the sort that shows independent movies either). I haven't actually seen any of the movies that are out now in full, but I have seen the last 5 minutes of all of them, and they all end the same way.

With that said, I do enjoy the experience of going to the theater and seeing the blockbusters. I think when I was 8 years old my mom let me go to the movies without an adult for the first time. I went with my best friend, and the theater was packed, there wasn't a single seat left in the place. I can't remember what we saw, but I do remember that while we were all waiting for the movie to start, some kid got up in front of the screen and started to breakdance. And other people threw candy at him.
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Old 11.30.2007, 08:35 AM   #10
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i dunno about indie jones but i sure am damn excited for THE DARK KNIGHT!
Old 11.30.2007, 06:18 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by luxinterior
With that said, I do enjoy the experience of going to the theater and seeing the blockbusters. I think when I was 8 years old my mom let me go to the movies without an adult for the first time. I went with my best friend, and the theater was packed, there wasn't a single seat left in the place. I can't remember what we saw, but I do remember that while we were all waiting for the movie to start, some kid got up in front of the screen and started to breakdance. And other people threw candy at him.
Definitely, going to Hollywood blockbuster movies, shitty ones in particular, is awesome entertainment. We crack so many jokes and be extremely douchey. I almost feel bad for the people that actually want to enjoy the movie.

Example: Superman Returns. My friend loudly says, half way through the movie, "OH!!! So that is Superman!" and later on "This is the worst Starwars movie ever."
Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
i dunno about indie jones but i sure am damn excited for THE DARK KNIGHT!
Fo sho!
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Old 11.30.2007, 08:38 PM   #12
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Just ignore atsonicpark, he doesn't like anything, except trying to fake his own death on Sonic Youth gossip forums.

And Lux Interior I agree, the Departed was crap.

Also, Kingdom of the crystal skull is NOT going to be the final title.
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Old 11.30.2007, 08:42 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
Frankly age isn't an issue. Are we saying Ford is too old or the fictious character of Indiana Jones is too old?

Jones not Harrison Ford. I'm honestly not worried because Spielberg said he's going to address the fact that Indy is much older. He's not too old, what I'm saying is it would be silly to have just put the costume back on him and tried to make a new Indiana Jones movie without addressing the fact that he's 23 years older than he was in Last Crusade. It would just look like a sad joke if they did that. But I know they are not going to do that.

As for the Dark Knight. I just can't get excited about it, because it is a remake of my favorite movie ever made.
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Old 11.30.2007, 09:24 PM   #14
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I also have heard that the intent of "Crystal Skulls", is to bring the series full circle. Part of the main reason that Karen Allen is also in the film. There should be lots of refferences and probobly a good joke or hundreds of them comparing "Crystal Skulls", with "Raiders".
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Old 11.30.2007, 09:56 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by EyeballGrowth

As for the Dark Knight. I just can't get excited about it, because it is a remake of my favorite movie ever made.

its not a damn remake you apple!
god when will people understand that the christopher nolan batman films are a fresh start, with non of the previous movies in mind...this is not a remake of tim burtons 80s batman film with the joker dancing around to Prince.
Old 11.30.2007, 10:28 PM   #16
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Sorry you are just not going to be able to sell me on that. Tim Burton's Batman is the darkest Batman movie ever made, much more than Begins. Begins had tons of various elements of the first two batman movies stitched into it. Like for example, the mob bosses sidekick guy who is eating the falaffel is completely taken from Lt. Eckhart from the 1st batman movie. They based his clothes, his apperance, the things he said, EVERYTHING on Lt. Eckhart. Also Batman talks WAYYY too much in Begins. He yells and shouts and has alot to say, very unbatman. In Batman he says " I'm Batman. Hold on. How much do you weigh? And Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight? " That's IT, much darker, much better, he doesn't scream and yell, perfect. Stating the fact that Nicholson dances to Prince in that one scene doesn't disrespect the movie one bit, that's the only scene of it's type in that film. And Prince and Elfman were perfect for the score, couldn't imagine that movie without Prince.

I just don't want to see the Joker redone is all. It was a flawless job in the original, and there is no way it's going to be as good or even close. The only thing Begins had going for it is they did a great job with Scarecrow, but he was only in 2 fucking scenes. Unforgivable

Also this



I mean, I pick up all kinds of shit for it but I can't help it, I hate Batman Begins for a reason. Just the way I feel. C'mon, I'm not the only one. Someone please agree with me
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Old 11.30.2007, 10:39 PM   #17
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"Tim Burton's Batman is the darkest Batman movie ever made, much more than Begins."

Bruce wayne in Batman89 was a joke

"Like for example, the mob bosses sidekick guy who is eating the falaffel is completely taken from Lt. Eckhart from the 1st batman movie."

wasnt that Detectiv Flass the corrupt cop? have you not heard of a homage?

"very unbatman. In Batman he says " I'm Batman. Hold on. How much do you weigh? And Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight? "

you cant compare batman begins to batman 89 when trying to say whats the better batman, you have to compare them to the original source..the comics

"I just don't want to see the Joker redone is all. It was a flawless job in the original, and there is no way it's going to be even close to as good. The only thing Begins had going for it is they did a great job with Scarecrow, but he was only in 2 fucking scenes. Unforgivable"

Jack nick just played Jack nick in joker make up,(a fat old man..thats not who the joker is) it wasnt that amazing really. The only thing Batman89 had going for it was the joker..they had batman but was only in 2 or 3 fucking scenes.
Old 11.30.2007, 10:44 PM   #18
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hey, blue letters, what are you trying to say?
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Old 11.30.2007, 10:59 PM   #20
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Sorry you're wrong and I'm right. I love how even the new Batman Director said he didn't want to remake it because of how perfect Nicholson was as the spontaneously violent Joker. Then WHY DID YOU?? If you want to talk about staying true to the comics, than joker would've just been the Red Hood. The scarred criminal with the Red Hood over his head was what he originally was. Don't give me that staying true to the original comics garbage. Batman Begins was not based on Bob Kane.

God it didn't NEED to be explained, the movie took place after the fact. Specially the scene where Batman is hand carving the metal newly designed Xtreme batsymbol. Fucking bull, blasphemy, shit sandwich. Batman yells and screams, the xtreme batmobile was a shit sandwich, scarecrow was in the film less than 3 minutes, the dude was a copy of eckhart ( it was not a homage, just a ripoff ), the backstory was boring, and uninteresting, the scene with bruce waynes parents being killed in Batman was WAY darker than in begins which was just a halfassed copy of that scene to start with. I WIN I WIN I WIN!!
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