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Old 03.15.2015, 01:53 AM   #1
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Old 03.15.2015, 04:45 AM   #2
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Thank you, Moshe.
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Old 03.15.2015, 01:42 PM   #3
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Two of my favs thanks for posting moshe..

A great read me and lee always talk about the dead, glad he has more time to reflect on this as he works on that dead tribute album..
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Old 03.15.2015, 02:14 PM   #4
Genteel Death
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Grateful Dead suck. Get over it Such Lee.
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Old 03.15.2015, 03:11 PM   #5
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Genteel you talkin out your ass.. call us when you band survives 50 years
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Old 03.15.2015, 04:24 PM   #6
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Having only come to appreciate the Dead for what they were in recent years, I have been intrigued by Lee's formative Dead fandom and how that informed his SY input. The main connection to SY music I see is the loose approach to song-forms, with structured composed sections breaking down into unstructured loose sections which may or may not return to the composed section, or can veer off into extended collective improv. The seamless transition from studio recording to live recording on Karen Revisited seems like a sly reference to Anthem Of The Sun. I wasn't sure what era he experienced, cool to hear that it was relatively early (my fave too), & especially that he was at Watkins Glenn in '73. Somewhat cautious but still looking forward to hearing the indie-Dead tribute when it comes out.

As to whether the Dead suck or not, it is complicated. I would say there were times they were incredibly good, and others when they did suck ass. It helps to be a fan of folk, folk-rock, psychedelic-folk-rock, psychedelia, country-rock, the classic rock era, and jazz fusion in general to appreciate them. Music fans strictly into punk (proto & post inclusive), skronk, avant improv*, industrial, etc... will not find much to love. There is/are listless stoned noodling, very bad vocals, cheezy guitar synths, cheezy keyboard sounds, and some mediocre songs to be found at various points within their catalog. Their itinerant fanbase did a lot to turn many people off to their music without hearing much of it. I did not like their long improvised jams much until I got into jazz first, and a bit later jazz fusion (the good bits!), and only then came to understand them as a folk-rock band approaching jazz-fusion from the rock side of the fence. Their slow ballad songs walk a fine line between harnessing a slow-burning deep intensity (on a good night and/or decade), or lifeless meh (on a bad night and/or decade); probably also dependent on the listeners moods, tastes and perceptions. I still don't like all their material or eras, but have found a lot that I do like.

*there is a strain of avant electro-acoustic improv within their broad pallete, but you probably don't want to hear me go on about it...
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Old 03.15.2015, 04:56 PM   #7
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Its very simple and even lee touched on it. Dead records can be dull and a let down.. its their live music that is their best. To discover what makes the Dead great you need to listen to their live records, the bootleg recordings (soundboard only), and live DVDs like View From thr Vault. It especially helps if like some of us you are able to attend a Dead show in person.
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Old 03.15.2015, 10:07 PM   #8
Genteel Death
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Genteel you talkin out your ass.. call us when you band survives 50 years

I don't have a band.
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Old 03.15.2015, 10:08 PM   #9
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Gee with that rosy attitude I wonder why
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Old 03.15.2015, 10:11 PM   #10
Genteel Death
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Old 03.15.2015, 10:12 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I It especially helps if like some of us you are able to attend a Dead show in person.

i went to a few dead shows back in the day. they smelled like pee and patchouli. good times nevertheless.
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Old 03.16.2015, 08:23 AM   #12
Lee is Free
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Very succinct, Hirsute. Yes lots of both good and bad I their catalog-both live and record. This tribute album-from what I heard-gonna knock folks out with how good so many of their songs were.

Originally Posted by hirsute_biped
Having only come to appreciate the Dead for what they were in recent years, I have been intrigued by Lee's formative Dead fandom and how that informed his SY input. The main connection to SY music I see is the loose approach to song-forms, with structured composed sections breaking down into unstructured loose sections which may or may not return to the composed section, or can veer off into extended collective improv. The seamless transition from studio recording to live recording on Karen Revisited seems like a sly reference to Anthem Of The Sun. I wasn't sure what era he experienced, cool to hear that it was relatively early (my fave too), & especially that he was at Watkins Glenn in '73. Somewhat cautious but still looking forward to hearing the indie-Dead tribute when it comes out.

As to whether the Dead suck or not, it is complicated. I would say there were times they were incredibly good, and others when they did suck ass. It helps to be a fan of folk, folk-rock, psychedelic-folk-rock, psychedelia, country-rock, the classic rock era, and jazz fusion in general to appreciate them. Music fans strictly into punk (proto & post inclusive), skronk, avant improv*, industrial, etc... will not find much to love. There is/are listless stoned noodling, very bad vocals, cheezy guitar synths, cheezy keyboard sounds, and some mediocre songs to be found at various points within their catalog. Their itinerant fanbase did a lot to turn many people off to their music without hearing much of it. I did not like their long improvised jams much until I got into jazz first, and a bit later jazz fusion (the good bits!), and only then came to understand them as a folk-rock band approaching jazz-fusion from the rock side of the fence. Their slow ballad songs walk a fine line between harnessing a slow-burning deep intensity (on a good night and/or decade), or lifeless meh (on a bad night and/or decade); probably also dependent on the listeners moods, tastes and perceptions. I still don't like all their material or eras, but have found a lot that I do like.
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Old 03.16.2015, 10:06 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Lee is Free
Very succinct, Hirsute. Yes lots of both good and bad I their catalog-both live and record. This tribute album-from what I heard-gonna knock folks out with how good so many of their songs were.

Looking forward to it, and to seeing the Dust again on the west coast whenever that happens next, though sadly likely not in serial fashion via sweaty campervan.


here was our other thread on the subject with the same usual suspects going at it:
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Old 03.18.2015, 04:59 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Moshe


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Old 03.18.2015, 11:44 PM   #15
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Folks wonder why we still post here its because at least once a year LeeIsFree randomly posts on threads.. i remember when he called me out for something that i can't remember.. good times
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