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Old 03.10.2013, 01:58 PM   #1
Genteel Death
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Saturday, March 9, 2013


So this is where I get to tell you everything you never wanted to hear me say. While it's been a fantastic ride and I hope everyone has enjoyed it, the recent news that issues pertaining to copyright online are now being re-interpreted by the powers-that-be in alarming new ways means that there's no point in pushing this boulder up a hill any longer. Mutant Sounds' original founder Jim is in full agreement with my sentiments and everything except for the texts has now been deleted. I understand this is really crushing news for many and I sympathize with your pain but I also hope you can see why the time has now come to call it a day.

Thanks to every one of you that have expressed your enthusiasm and moral support for Mutant over the years. I'm convinced that this music and a better understanding of it and its historical place will continue to spread, as it's been circulating around out there for some time now, so a thousand other platforms await your own able hands and intentions. My texts (those on the posts put up by vdoandsound) at least still reside under my control and thus they are now deemed anti-copyright and you are free to spread them far and wide, though proper attribution on these would obviously be appreciated when they're used.

For those who would like to be kept abreast of Vas Deferens Organization activity, a twitter account will be launched shortly to keep everyone interested up to date and to periodically hand out free material that we own.

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Old 03.10.2013, 09:43 PM   #2
the end of the ugly
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There's been such a passionate outpouring against our abandoning Mutant Sounds, so much encouragement from fans, artists and labels associated with the albums that we've shared to find some way to continue that it's driven us to devise a new way to keep Mutant alive.

While all former posts will remain as text archives only, Mutant Sounds will now carry on sharing rare, unreleased and long out of print music both new and old from many of your favorite artists here. It's just that this material will now be shared with the full authorization of each artist and, as a result, will be hosted on our personal Dropbox account.

Make sure to get the word out to your friends: Mutant has not died. It's just transformed and is now about to emerge like a butterfly from a chrysalis. Stay tuned and keep your eyes peeled for more goodies. The first fruits of this will begin appearing next week…


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Old 03.10.2013, 11:43 PM   #3
the end of the ugly
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Interesting developments, blogs getting artist permission to release stuff digitally. I always thought mp3 blogs would be great barometers of what should get a physical reissue.
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Old 09.14.2015, 06:50 AM   #4
Silver ✴ Rocket
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For all of you who thought Mutant Sounds was a thing of the past, take heed! Mutant has reconfigured itself and will now be presented by Eric Lumbleau and Matt Castille of Vas Deferens Organization as a two hour broadcast on Dublab, occurring on the second Friday of each month, from 8-10 PM and debuting this Friday night. Thanks to all our long term supporters and welcome on board to one and all for phase 2 of this adventure. For those so inclined, a new Vas Deferens Organization video from our forthcoming album "Gag Reflex" can be found here
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