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Old 10.07.2012, 07:51 PM   #1
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emeraldcocoon has a couple of kiss-ass net friends
Thought this might be of interest to you any of you in LA: Tom Surgal (White Out / Thurston Moore Trio / Blue Humans) and Richard Edson (ex-Sonic Youth / Konk) playing what may be their first ever duo show, along with some KILLER local support. Details below:

Emerald Cocoon presents -

From New York:

TOM SURGAL (White Out / Thurston Moore Trio / Blue Humans) with RICHARD EDSON (ex-Sonic Youth / Konk)

With local aktion:

DEPOT (member of Supreme Dicks)

Thursday October 11th
9pm doors

@ Human Resources
410 Cottage Home St
Los Angeles, CA 90012


Tom Surgal is an often unheralded percussive master bridging the gap between the outer fringes of the NYC avant jazz and post no-wave out-rock scenes. He did time with free guitar pioneer Rudolph Grey's Blue Humans (appearing on the seminal hard-panned masterpiece 'Clear To Higher Time'), helped introduce the free-er side of Thurston Moore to the world ('Klangfarbenmelodie' on the legendary Corpus Hermeticum label) before settling into the post-everything free form duo of White Out with Lin Culbertson which turned out to be a vehicle for collaborative albums with a series top caliber improvisers of every stripe (David Nuss, Jim O'Rourke, William Winant, Thurston Moore, Carlos Giffoni, C Spencer Yeh). Surgal is a percussionist of rare sensitivity who can mow you down with endless sheets of humming propulsive rolls, or sketch a silence out of whisper fine bird-like acoustic taps. The albums 'Clear To Higher Time', 'Piece For Jetsun Dolma' and 'China Is Near' are at the center of a kind of improvised music that has the electricity and grit of rock music and the soul-cerebrality of jazz - it is improvisation at its most unapologetic and therefore at it's most truly free... Tom will be performing solo and in duo with Richard Edson, Sonic Youth's original drummer and member of influential NY post-punk band Konk. His distinctive Latin and African influenced percussion was a defining element of everything he played on.

A member of cult recluses Supreme Dicks whose original intention was to use the name 'Bloviated Hydrofracked Cyclopean Wolfmen Peepers of the Crab Nebula aka My Life is Pretty Superficial, I Don't Really Do Anything' for this performance. Supreme Dicks pre-dated The Tower Recordings and NNCK in terms of inscrutable dada-esque weirdness mixed with psychedelia and folk forms.

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Old 11.16.2012, 02:57 PM   #2
scott v
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Did anyone go to this??? was the Surgal/Edson duo dualling percussion?
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Old 11.16.2012, 07:03 PM   #3
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Damn, I somehow didn't see this until now. I think some of Thurston's best solo improv work was with Surgal, they were regular collaborators for a while, not sure when that stopped...
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