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Old 05.29.2008, 08:54 AM   #1
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DNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's asses
This record looks awesome

Available for order now, Shipping end of May: limited edition(less than 200 copies!) 2LP version of TUNNEL CANARY's long delayed vinyl debut. and 1LP(400 copies)

Formed nearly 30 years ago at the height of Vancouver BC's early punk scene, amidst Canadian HARDCORE progenitors like D.O.A., NO EXIT and SUBHUMANS, TUNNEL CANARY emerged with a sound more in common with the then still incubating UK POWER ELECTRONICS scene and a militant attitude/lifestyle more in-line with straight edge hardcore or East-Asian asceticism.

Influenced by avant-garde guitarists like Fred Frith and Keith Rowe, contemporary electronic composers like TUDOR, STOCKHAUSEN, and CAGE, and NO WAVE bands like MARS and DNA, TUNNEL CANARY produced a volatile and often violent mix of pure-noise, synthesizer music, free-improv, and confrontational performance art. Centered around the chaotic guitar-noise antics and synth compositions of guitarist Aleh Kaheen (now: Nathan Holiday) coupled with the accusatory and often absolutely-hysterical caterwauling of vocalist Ebra Ziron, and supported by the tasteful and powerful bass punctuations of David Sheftel, TUNNEL CANARY's unique sound sits somewhere in the spheres of POST-INDUSTRIAL, PROTO-POWER-ELECTRONICS, and NOISE while remaining outside the aesthetic trappings of any one of these genres.

This 2LP set is the definitive TUNNEL CANARY document; Culled from material recorded between 1980 and 1983 representing the bands most prolific and powerful period. Included on this set is the bands sole released work 'JIHAD'; Edited and re-named "Erdang" and released on the cassette compilation "Stitching Small Tears" in 1981; here the track has been restored to its complete length and original title. Also included are two extended live recordings from 1983 (included on LP 1) and 1980 (included on LP 2) exemplifying the immense power and range of the group in a performance setting.

American/Canadian Noise Legend, and early Tunnel Canary ally GX JUPITTER LARSEN ( of THE HATERS) remembers the TUNNEL CANARY live experience:

"At the time Tunnel Canary was never thought of as being part of either the industrial or noise scene. They were often referred to as No Wave. But unlike any other act that might have had that same label, the sound of Tunnel Canary was far more abstractly and absurdly structured. Tunnel Canary simply pushed things much further than any other punk act at the time. They weren't just complex. They weren't just subversive. The energy of their sound was as excessive as their performances were brief. It was like receiving concise punches to the head from within your own brain. Always dazed afterwards, you never felt the same having had experienced them. A Tunnel Canary show had layer after layer of racket fragments bouncing somewhere between the back of your teeth and your inner ear. They were the classical complaint against calm, and the archetypal battle against boredom. They made you realize there was more to punk than just safety pins and leather. I remember seeing them open up for a William Burroughs reading in 1981. They blew the PA in seconds! Nathan I know doesn't care much for that one, but I remember Burroughs telling me how he loved it. We all loved it. Tunnel Canary was a wake-up call for those of us fortunate enough to catch them live in those early days. When we heard them we heard the future, and the future was going to be loud!"


Absolutely no expense has been spared in the manufacturing of this record: expertly mastered by Joshua Stevenson (magneticring, samara lubelski band, caste-exotic archives, etc). Cut twice for quality assurance. Imported black paper poly-lined inner-sleeves. Quality offset printed, double-sided, 2-panel heavy card-stock covers. A HUGE 25.5" x 34" offset printed poster! And a beautiful vinyl-ink screen-print on the b-side of the live LP.

sound clips at: www.punkhistorycanada.ca
and www.myspace.com/rundownsun

shipping: May 26th

PAYPAL TO: therealjosh@hotmail.com

MORE INFO: rundownsun@hotmail.com

for 2LP $25.00 usd + postage

for 1LP $16.00 usd + postage

please add $12.00 usd for postage in North America

international customers please e-mail for postage rates.

please note i will be away from May 15th-22nd and all orders will be shipped after May 26th.
Old 05.29.2008, 03:36 PM   #2
golden child
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I played with this band at their reunion, there was also a documentry about them at the show. Their set was serious overload, sooo over the top and inspiringly awesome. I never heard of them previous to looking 'em up when I told I was gonna be playing with some legendary cult Vancouver punk band (their more punk in attitude, don't expect subhumans or whatever).

Been meaning to pick up this LP, but I am a poor man, its on the top of my list though

If I can find it there is this awesome video of them playing in the street in the 70s, just a guitar and singer

from the show:


was kinda surprised to read about this here, I guess I am not the only one who spends alot of time over at the Troniks board...
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Old 05.29.2008, 03:38 PM   #3
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DNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's asses
Yeah dude that place is killer

you played with them?? wtf tell me more
Old 05.29.2008, 04:11 PM   #4
golden child
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um, smoke machines, strobe lights, screetching noise guitar and screetching female singing.

i know of a few more screenings coming up, but you probably arent in the Pacific Northwest? They are in Portland, Eugene, Seattle and maybe a few others.

also never realized before seeing the film that the Haters are from BC, and Tunnel Canary a major influence in their formation.

"The general creative approach of the band can be summed up in the
following quote from the writings of Cornelius Cardew-
'The ideology of a ruling class is present in its art implicitly, the
ideology of a revolutionary class must be expressed in its art

dunno man, what else do you wanna know? I actually was thinking about trying to get in contact with them about releasing some stuff, and still might...

here is a video from the reunion i found
here is another old one, they dont usually play with a drummer though, and this one is pretty mellow

i have never heard any of their recorded material but I can't imagine it being to different
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Old 05.29.2008, 04:12 PM   #5
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DNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's assesDNAINTHEDNA kicks all y'all's asses
damn rad

yeah i preordered the 2-LP

Old 11.02.2008, 09:39 AM   #6
Toilet & Bowels
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Originally Posted by DNAINTHEDNA
damn rad

yeah i preordered the 2-LP


Heard them just recently, amazing
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