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Old 01.07.2007, 05:57 PM   #21
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Oh, it's obvious we're cunts. You trying to tell me something new?
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Old 01.07.2007, 05:59 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by swa(y)
hmm....it goes slightly beyond that. just slightly.

Only just slightly, however.

I posted a full-length reply on my other replies on this topic, so yeah.

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Old 01.07.2007, 07:44 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I'm trying to close the can of worms here, but ...

Merzbow is AMAZING, rightly judged as a hero of noise and the inventor (well.. maybe not inventor but the one who gave it a face, a meaning, etc.). But I'm just saying.. compared to a LOT of other noise artists, his work just doesn't interest me anymore. I mean, another example is Wolf Eyes. Lots of really good releases actually, but man... I dunno. Overrated as fuck.

Merzbow is another one of those artists who could belong in a hall of fame somewhere, but as far as noise goes his skronk just doesn't excite me as much as other artists. That's what I meant.

"Make feedback and make a living off of it" is just a general summary of him, and I'm proud of what he's done and so on and so on but man... it'd be so fun to just record an hour of silence or an hour of one feedback tone or an hour of beating on random metals or an hour of fucking around with a casio keyboard "telephone" setting and ANY LABEL EVER would release it just cuz, hey, it's merzbow. Doesn't matter the quality behind it... it's merzbow. I just get a laugh out of that. Not trying to be insulting here, doods.

everything you're saying is pretty subjective, though. whether you like it or not, merzbow focuses a bit more on texture and concept more than most other noiseniks out there who tend to just wank around and twiddle knobs. whether you like his work more than other cats is one thing, but to discount his discography to making a living off of feedback is just plain silly.

there isn't much skronk in his work either. harsh walls of sound and pulsating pulsy things? yes. but skronk? no. sonny sharrock had the skronk. merzbow has the saurieowrpuopeuoiuck.
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Old 01.07.2007, 08:19 PM   #24
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Okay, cool, allow me not to be subjective then: Merzbow has made a living making sounds that anyone in the entire world with no talent whatsoever could fart. He records toilets flushing, feedback, radio static, beating on metal shit, and rubbing his nipples, and people buy it in droves because it's merzbow. I DON'T DISLIKE MERZBOW. But I do find it HILARIOUS that he can just do any random boring bullshit, some people will hail it as genius, others hail it as shit, but when it comes down to it, no matter how interesting it is, it's really just.. well, noise.. and yet people spend tons of money on it. Crazy.

Subjectively, I'd gladly spend more money on interesting noise, since I own plenty of interesting noise releases. Merzbow is not very interesting to me.

[Same shit with mike patton though... love the dude, love his bands, but I mean, he could put out a cd of him farting and people would buy 100,000 copies... wait, that already happened! (adult themes for voice)]

And I hardly think Masami focuses that much on "texture". Maybe my definition of texture is different -- I'm thinking layers here. Pulse Demon, for example, is nothing but random noises cut up and spliced together forever. Not really textural, man. And the first 30 or so discs of the Merzbox are.. haha.. not textural at all. If anything is textural about him, it's his more recent (and least interesting) work with the laptop. Weird.

But you are right.. Merzbow definitely doesn't twittle knobs.

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Old 01.07.2007, 09:34 PM   #25
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hell, anyone could've done what warhol did, but they didn't. all he did was use funny colors on soup cans and invert the contrast of marilyn monroe photos and he's hailed as a proprietor of pop art.

maybe i'm a nut, but it's not really expected that an artists earliest work be his or her best. it grows and hopefully matures over time and that's what his has done, i believe.
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Old 01.07.2007, 09:41 PM   #26
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I think he got less interesting over time. But he's been doing at 30 years.

I dunno, I'm done with this thread, Merz is fine, just not my favorite. Yaay.

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Old 01.07.2007, 10:01 PM   #27
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aww man. nobody even got to call anyone else 'ghey'.
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Old 01.08.2007, 12:33 AM   #28
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wait, you complain about merzbow doing the same thing over and over... and then you name drop the rita?
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Old 01.08.2007, 11:37 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by atsonicpark

And I hardly think Masami focuses that much on "texture".

you are either insane or deaf
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Old 01.08.2007, 04:28 PM   #30
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Rest assured,atsonicpark,that with tons of realeses under his belt(and most certainly tons more to come) Merzbow has little time to ever think about yours,mine or anyone's internet thoughts.

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Old 01.08.2007, 04:51 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by porkmarras
Rest assured,atsonicpark,that with tons of realeses under his belt(and most certainly tons more to come) Merzbow has little time to ever think about yours,mine or anyone's internet thoughts.

Wrong again, Mr Marras. Mr Bow (or Steve as I know him) PMs me frequently. And he's bemused by what goes on. He says he'd like more pictures of balloons, if that's possible.
Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.

Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 01.08.2007, 05:09 PM   #32
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Mr Bowels?

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Old 01.08.2007, 05:13 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by porkmarras
Mr Bowels?

Nah, he sends me pictures of the Christenings he hi-jacks with his neo-circus music.
Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.

Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 01.08.2007, 11:23 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Glice
Wrong again, Mr Marras. Mr Bow (or Steve as I know him) PMs me frequently. And he's bemused by what goes on. He says he'd like more pictures of balloons, if that's possible.


Does this suffice, Mr. Bow?
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Old 01.09.2007, 01:40 PM   #35
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youre all right but my opinion is merzbow tackles the noise thing with something a bit special. its consistently merz even though it is a painstakingly huge amount of noise he has released. im now on cd 16 of the box set and its getting better......

noise comes in different forms and obviously everyone wont agree.... wolf eyes are the most overrated noise band i think. i only really like about 2 releases and just got black vomit and its ok on first listen.

there is a fine line between being in the white house and being in the shite house and a lot, A LOT of noise acts cross that line a lot......... its just a matter of separating the wheat from the chaff, like all music!!!
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Old 01.14.2007, 08:34 AM   #36
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haha I knew my name dropping of the rita would inspire controversy.

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Old 01.14.2007, 10:16 AM   #37
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up to cd 25 now.......
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