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Old 08.11.2011, 02:30 AM   #1
Mortte Jousimo
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I wonder, has here already been thread about Elevators and Erickson...

Any fans here?

I haven´t been a big fan, but I have the best of Elevators and Erickson I think of Demons in cassette. I hadn´t been listened them a long time, but listened both recently. And Elevators really hit me!!! I can´t understand why they didn´t hit me at the first, maybe because that time I recorded them there were lots of great music I listened. You´re gonna miss me, Levitation, She Lives (In a time of her own), Never Another, Thru the Rhythm, the Kingdom of Heaven, Slip Inside this House, Earthquake, May the Circle remanin unbroken, they´re all just great! This band is really essential to listen to all SY fans! I think they were also the darkest part of sixties like Velvet and Stooges. And I don´t know did Joy Division members listen this, but I think JD-style had come somewhere between Velvet and Elevators. Must buy some of the sixties originals in the next vinyl happening!

That Erickson solo is a little bit more kind of "adult" stuff than Elevators, but there is some strange atraction, when the music is like John Fogerty´s solo works (Erickson´s voice is very close to the Fogerty´s) and the lyrics is like "Two headed dog", "I walked with a Zombie", "Don´t shake me Lucifer", "Night of the Vampire"...
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Old 08.11.2011, 09:24 AM   #2
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I love 13FE!

Roky's solo stuff is pretty cool aswell but far away from as great as 13FE.
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Old 08.11.2011, 09:50 PM   #3
the end of the ugly
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I love this group, they're one of the best american psychedelic bands out there. I used to listen to these guys all the time when I was tripping and just go off into another world.

The band is genius on so many levels. the beautiful lyrics and melodyto "splash", the howling scream roky provides on "youre gonna miss me", the huge head trip of kingdom to heaven. Add on top of that the insightful lyrics of Tommy Hall who's jug playing makes you feel high no matter where you are. They're one of the few bands to also improve on a dylan song (It's all over now baby blue) They're a great example of a band being totally original when it comes to being psychedelic instead of sticking to the formula of extended guitar workouts, they prove true pscyhedelia is a state of mind.
"I said I didnt mean to take up all your sweet time
Ill give it right back one of these days
If I dont meet you no more in this world then uh
Ill meet ya on the next one
And dont be late "
-Jimi Hendrix

...And me just another dream theory, lost inside your eye

"when my mind's uncertain my body decides
what it will do to get through the hell of the night
as I trip on the ocean that leads through your eyes
well my eyes can't wait til they finally see through you"
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Old 08.12.2011, 07:04 AM   #4
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love 13FE AND Roky. Brilliant stuff.

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Old 08.13.2011, 04:27 PM   #5
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Love 'em. Saw Rocky play with The Black Angels as openers and backing band Halloween night 2008, they played several Elevators songs that hadn't been played live in 40 years, with the dude from Black Angels on electric jug! Mind blowing, best halloween show EVER! released on DVD http://www.amazon.com/Night-Vampire-.../dp/B0048M18Y8
Unfortunately some lame costumed girls jumped onstage and hugged Roky durring a few songs, totally threw him off and he stopped singing, the band had to pick up and sing for him. Dude is fragile, you can't do that to him..
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