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Old 10.04.2014, 12:20 PM   #1
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Located at 475 Abeel Street, Kingston, NY

Lee Ranaldo: Lost Highways
Each of the works in Lee Ranaldo’s Lost Highways series presents the world as seen through a windshield. As a solo musician and founding member of pioneering noise-rock band Sonic Youth, Ranaldo has been regularly touring for decades—most of it by car, van, bus and truck. “The question I set forth for myself is: how does one draw a moving landscape? It’s like trying to draw a rushing river.” Ranaldo approaches the question from different angles, at times pushing his front-seat vistas toward a quick, gestural minimalism, at others allowing for jagged flourishes of detail and rich applications of color.
This is his first solo show at One Mile Gallery.

Opening reception October 4th, 6-8pm. Show runs through October 25th.
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