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Old 09.30.2007, 10:53 AM   #483
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Workout Wars - Fonda Vs. Kendal!

Two women, two workout records- but which is best? Fonda has two records, but she uses the same music for both. It makes good business sense as the royalties are cheaper, but Kendal (Britain's answer to Goldie Hawn) does even better by re-recording the tracks using hired help! This is a master stroke which leaves Kendal just paying publishing- and good for us too as the result is so bad- it's good!

Contrast the competent sound-alikes with Kendal's posh & prim accent saying " with your legs open.." and you'll be too busy rolling on the floor to do any exercise at all.

Jane Fonda's Workout Record-

01- Can You Feel It
02- In Your Letter
03- Stomp
04- Bridge Over Troubled Water
05- Nights (Feel Like Getting Down)
06- Can You Feel It
07- The Bricklayer's Beautiful Daughter

Jane Fonda's Workout Record - Beginners 64mb
Jane Fonda's Workout Record - Advanced 99mb

Ripped and Encoded by Slothy@256kbps

Shape Up and Dance with Felicity Kendal-

01 - Isn't She Lovely
02 - Being with You
03 - I Will Survive
04 - YMCA
05 - Making Your Mind Up
06 - Can't Stop the Music
07 - Dancing Queen
08 - In the Navy
09 - Running Away from Love
10 - Rhythm, Movement and Throbbing
11 - Relaxation Theme (Gina's song)

Shape Up and Dance with Felicity Kendal 80mb

Ripped and Encoded by Slothy@256kbps

The blog above saved me from having to upload my copies of these two gems.