Abstract: Any Fall song can mean any old shit you can ascribe to the lilt in MES's whistling pipes. We listened to every Fall song ever recorded to see if any correlation between theme, mood and style emerged. We then quantified these using measurements that we made up, pretty much on the spot. We concluded that MES talks rubbish half the time, but that its quite fun, and occasionally wicked.
Null : All Fall lyrics are unrelated either to one another or any extraneous variable
Experimental : Certain Fall lyrics in certain songs convey a secret message, be it explecit or in code. And MES is definitely either a Mason, a high priest in Opus Dei, or Ayotollah of Iran (in disguise)
Sat arse down, starting with Live at The Witch Trials, ending with MES being sick on someones cameraphone. Keep whisky on standby.
A correlation graph with axes from 0 to infinity on four planes. The results look like an infinite, bottomless bottle of Stella Artois
He's written a couple of songs about football hasnt he? And then there was that one about one of the popes?
Future experiments should focus on something useful
"It is absolutely ridiculous, they are behaving like a cult" - The Vatican