Thanks. I've got like 20 of his albums. He's another one of those dudes with a billion albums. I have all the Emeralds, Mcguire, etc etc etc up to a point. All the Robedoor, Pocahaunted, like 200 Merzbows, 100 Wolf Eyes, all Nurse With Wound, all Sun City Girls/solo projects/related, almost everything any member of the Boredoms has ever been involved in, all Fahey.. actually, pretty much every "solo acoustic guitar" album you can think of, probably 200 CD's of just that shit... etc. I have like 50 live Number Girl albums. I'm not "bragging", anyone can get this stuff via internet means, though some have obviously been difficult to find.
What I'm really trying to say is, I have OCD, as everyone knows. I get to a point where it's almost crippling. I just.. I HAVE TO HAVE IT ALL. It makes me just stop and think, OKAY. I GOTTA HAVE EVERYTHING. MORE THAN I CAN EVER FULLY ENJOY. Though, honestly, I have listened to all the stuff I just mentioned -- a lot of it, multiple times. But I am trying to control my obsessions. I could see myself getting obsessed with Ferraro. I just haven't gotten around to it... yet.
No way can I get obsessed with Skaters though. They have like 5000 albums! The ones I've heard haven't impressed me too greatly, actually... it just sounded like nothing, just no fi stuff, they do this conceptual "packed in dirt" stuff; again, I think I got my weirdo noise niche covered with Runzelstirn and Gurgelstock (who I have like 50 albums by also haha). But if you could reccomed some good releases, I'll check em out. Just trying to be careful not to get too crazily obsessed!