To be honest I don't really see the point in blaming Pitchfork again and again. Sure, they got this boring hipster thing, etc, and I rarely agree with them (their Best New Music is complete bullshit too). But I mean, it's the fucking Internet. (please note I'm not saying "INTERNET IS SERIOUZ BIZNESS BIATCH". I'm so bored with that). The point is in the fact that the user selects his own content. It's not as if you were in front of a television with one or two channel to watch. If there's content you do not like or agree with you got plenty of things to watch/read instead. If you do not like Pitchfork, why bother about them? (the same applies to the threads in a board actually...) There's plenty of other things to "select". I'm especially saying that for atsonicpark actually, since I've already read you complaining about the payola and stuff many times already... By paying attention to them you're actually reinforcing their power.
That said, I fully agree on the fact that people should care more about music and use the awesome tool that is the Internet. We are in a time where you can basically find anything you want and nobody seems to understand, they still need to follow the advices of said "experts" which can point in the right direction; while everybody is actually able to find out their own music they are going to like. I guess music is not that important for everyone. (this is the moment when I'm not sure what point I am trying to make anymore)