oh yes, it would highly affect me. the worst case could destroy my love for an artist/band completely. the reason for that is that I dont just like the notes he/she produces, instead of that I like the whole package. the atmosphere, the emotions, the "message". and if this message will be delivered by an asshole I cant take it serious anymore, because I wont respect the person or her work anymore, no matter how much I adored it beforehands, (for the wrong reasons maybe? imagined something different?)
but Ive been on the lucky side so far. met the hairy guys from at the drive-in while being a big fan of them, met eddie vedder (yes, I know) while being a big fan. and some major minor "celebs" too.
the only one I was really afraid of was Lee. and it was the only one where I had thoughts about the "what-if-asshole-topic" before actually talking to him, because it ment such a shitload to me. plus the situation was the most intimate, no one else was around and a bigger time-frame then ususal in such situations like meeting eddie vedder and telling him how great the show was....what could ve happened that would be a big deal? he could have ignored me, but that wouldnt be too bad either.
the lee situation could have been the über-major-letdown. but I am glad it wasnt. maybe the most memorized 3- cigarette lenght-conversation Ive done so far, hahaha
"Beat the stage for an extra ending with monkeys"
