03.11.2010, 09:40 AM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: I moved from hillbilly Florida to hillbilly Alabama
Posts: 3,723
Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Does the mockery and cynicism the SYG crowd directs towards your religious testimonies either a) enforces your faith or b) detracts?
I am curios because while I post quite a bit of religious material on this board, it is often cloaked in mysticism/banter/intellectualism where as your religious posts are most clearly 'testifyin' and I have always wondered what motivates you to testify/witness to a crowd of folks who honestly don't give a shit?
Great question!
a) Enforces fr sure.
I never really thought of it as testifying per say. But you could say it's true. I am who I am and sometimes, I just type out these thoughts I have. I do not separate my spirituallity from the rest of me. So most of my thought and reasoning is very connected with god. My sole purpose on here is not to come and witness. I joined because I wanted to know what other people who were obsessed with Sonic Youth were like. I know that there are alot of people out there that were not exposed to god with good connotations. I think people have distorted views because of the church's actions. I want people to know that not all people who believe in god and christ are not completely closed minded and hateful to those that are not "christians".
I know most don't give a shit. It really does not bother me. I'm just a fool on a hill. Yellin cause I have no power to do anything else.
I admire your intelect approach to the topic of spirituallity. I guess i am just more simple minded. I just believe. It is the only thing I have.