Yeah, Thirst is pretty much a waste of time, it's WAY too fucking long. If it wasn't for the fact that he is technically an amazing director, it'd be worthless. He'll never do anything as good as Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance again.
Paranormal Activity.. caught about half of it at my girlfriend's house, and thought it was one of the worst things I've ever seen.
I watched:

surveillance - 6/10
David Lynch's daughter's stupid new movie is fun and entertaining and funny at times, and actually quite well-directed. Just don't take it too seriously, because it is also seriously retarded in every imaginable way and ultimately unsatisfying and doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense. Still, a clever (though Rashomon-inspired) concept and the thing is kinda exciting at times so what the hell. Nice face explosion too.

shortbus - 6/10
Some interesting shots, like the guy jerking off into his own mouth, but kinda felt like a waste of time. I'd rather watch an Araki film or something when it comes to frank, bizarre, somewhat surreal, extremely sexual movies.

taste of cherry - 7/10
One of the slowest and least-involving films I've ever seen, yet I have a feeling it's going to be one of those that sticks with me for a while.

exotica - 7/10
You never know where this one is going. It's quite similiar to a lot of Atom Egoyan's work, in how it's kinda detached and fragmented but also seems to have a strong interest in spirituality, underneath the surface of its sometimes-ugly coldness. All in all, the film just came off as downright WEIRD at times, yet with a strange maturity. It left me scratching my head and was ultimately a bit unsatisfying but I liked it well enough.
Also re-watched WHY DOES HERR R. RUN AMOK (8/10), MAN WHO WASN'T THERE (8/10), KAZAAM (6/10), and BAISE MOI (5/10).
Also saw some cool docs.. Helvetica and Manufactured Landscapes.. good stuff.