Originally Posted by Sonic Youth 37
Extremely disappointed upon 1st listen.
I wouldn't say it's disappointing. It's a 3/5. But if you heard CLIPSE PRESENT RE-UP GANG from last year, that was a 2/5. This is better. It's certainly not nearly as good as HELL HATH NO FURY, but who's really shocked? That was a record that's perfect becuz of the circumstances under which it was recorded. On the flip, this is a Different kind of Clipse record. It's their first official post-fame album if you know what I mean. They now officially have Everything to lose. Which makes for a different record. The opening verse on the album sort of expresses that concern. At any rate, my feeling is that this is a transitional album. Transition to What, I'm not so sure. But even the fact that it was released so late in the year with no marketing push seems to back that up.