I was impressed by SY's show--especially compared to the two previous ones. I liked how the backdrop paintings changed with the lighting. I liked those 5x5 lights on stage.
But, please, allow me to reminisce. The year, 1980(?), the band Genesis--yeah, I know well past their prime but I didn't realize that yet. But the lighting, OMG, the lighting. First half of the show, fairly conventional except that the lights changed color fast--no rise time/no decay just on-off with different colors. Then, the lights were on the audience--thought, Hmm, didn't see any pointed at the audience--as they swung towards the stage! The birth of Varilights was a wonder to behold. Hard to believe they are so ubiquitous now.
Siouxsie had a fantastic show for Peepshow. Peter Gabriel's were generally pretty darn good. I don't think anybody could match The Tubes for a stage show.
Odi profanum vulgus et arceo