Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I didn't cultivate positive bacteria from tv commercial advice or drinking Yukult.. I have it naturally from eating right.
the drag is that I will automatically loose my good shit in taking the antibiotics.. It is not about hype or publicity, I have ALWAYS avoided antibiotics..
and further, I truly experienced the negative side-effects of wiping out your bacteria from the last time.. so I am not sure.. I am trying to fish through all the publicity and hype literature about 'probiotics' and get some actual FACTS regarding this issue..
so any REAL help out there aside from saying, "do what the doctor says silly" cuz I didn't talk to that dude for more than 15 minutes, and I have been having EXCELLENT health and PERFECT digestion for the past 4 years at least! that is a damn fine track record..
I was thinking of taking garlic and echinacea instead.
at the least I plan to sleep on this decision
(oh yeah, and its advent so I can't have yogurt until January)
that tv! goat kefir is teh shiznit. by the way, your gut bacteria goes away also when you fast-- which you do. so fear not.
then again, i do not like antibiotics unless I MUST. e.g., post-surgery, or if i have a nasty-ass pneumonia-- but i haven't had that in years & years-- these days when i feel a little ill i take to bed so i never develop a full blown flu or secondary bacterial infections-- so i hear what you're saying. whenever i use a disinfectant is only topical-- h202 or alcohol and very rarely some neosporin (if, say, the cut is getting worse).
if you want some juju medicine, then stuff a fucking garlic clove in your ear canal, ha ha. or something. not sure about echinacea.
regarding "probiotics" & shit, get yourself some organic goat kefir man-- goats fucking rule. organic, no fruit, no additives, no GMOs, just the goat and her tit and a bucket of ferment and eventually yr mouth. oh yeah. then: out the ass happy.
but anyway, goat tits or not, you don't want that nasty infection to return-- garlick didn't stop it. i'm sure the anti-pharisaic code would forgive your advent yogurt in case of illness. you can always take tablets but i find live shit is way better.