Here's something I wrote a while ago for a site called
Here it goes:
You Know You're Right is Kurt Cobain's suicide note, screamed over and over again to unsuspecting radio listeners worldwide.
In it, he tells a
story of a
man; here the
lyrics are more
coherent and
structured than in any other of his songs; a man who lives in a
world of pain and is surrounded by it in everything he sees. He sees the pain in all
human beings and the pain they cause each other. The
burden of his
insight causes him to realise the
futility of his existence and how, it would be a
bane to those who
love him and care for him, as he could never, at this point, see or feel or understand anything beyond the all-encompassing pain that has enveloped his life. He still recgonizes the dynamics and subtleties of everyday human
interaction; but his judgement is clouded by all
the hurt that swirls through his life.
He does his best; he knows the people around him might
help him if he gave them a chance, if he helped them realise what he realises, without of course alluding to the pain that he knows so well, make them realise without realising the pain. But, he cannot
lie and cannot
delude himself. He either does not have the neccesary tools of the mind to articulate his thoughts or he doesn't really understand his own thoughts. Or, maybe he just isn't capable of the
self delusion; that is so inherent in all of us; which enables us to pretend that everything is fine and nothing really bad has ever happened in this world. Maybe because of this latter, the pain wins over him and he succumbs to it, he
relishes it and accepts it. In the course of the song, he comes to terms with it, and comes to terms with how it would forever
distance him from all those that he loved, all those he knew and in fact all of the rest of humanity, for those who realise Pain in its totality never seek out company or
solace in others like them, they only
shun themselves and everyone else, refusing to break the bubble of suffering for fear of
propagating that thing which is so dear and near to their hearts, or for fear of their very small worlds being invaded and conquered, or just for fear, pure, cold
This man realises; that whatever he decides is
the right thing to do; he cannot
escape the
harsh reality that has become his world and cannot escape the
responsibility that comes with that reality, the responsibilty of making sure that the pain is contained, within him and him only. In the end,
when the credits roll, whether he lives his life, or chooses to end it, or escape it; he knows that he is already a
martyr and that the weight of all that pain and the responsibility that comes with it, rests solely on his
hunched and broken shoulders. The final word screamed in this song is the word pain, its totality and utter finality inescapable to the man whose story is being
In the case of Kurt Cobain, that man decided to end his life and
cease the suffering. And in doing so, embraces and contains the pain inside himself, never to be vented outward, forever.