Originally Posted by alteredcourse
Has anyone played Dragon Age yet? I was thinking of picking it up.

I played a couple hours and I'm superhooked, but I need to wait till I have more "regular" free time coz the mythology and stories are simply too good to be read in a rush.
Gotta love Bioware, they're so good at writing their games they can make a faceless alien sexy.
Or maybe that's just me overgeeking.
Anyways, there's the collector edition with some extra stuff and some extras for ME2 too, yay.
in the meantime I'm playing Modern Warfare 2, which is simply too good in the sp campaign. I know it's short (I haven't completed it yet, btw), but I played MW1 till the other day coz I love to replay the missions I like the most (WAR PIG FTW) as a sort of stress-reliever, and a good portion of the missions are simply GREAT.
jon boy, supposedly there are a few workaround that can restore the "dedicated servers" situation, I'm not an online gamer so I can't tell wether those methods/news are rubbish or not, you might want to check those out googlin' or something (I don't have useful links to give you coz I read that in some italian forum).
why the hell I keep typin' "COZ"?
perhaps coz the instrumental base to Beyonce's "That's why you're beautiful" is the closest thing to a new Slint track in years.