Originally Posted by nicfit
yes she is!
not yet 100% hooked (even if i love more than a few characters), but I sure hope they'll go on at least till the end of the series..did you watch the "unaired" 13th episode of S1?
ha ha! It ain't illegall till you get caught!
Well, the "creator" is the same as SOA, writing is really good and actors too, imo.
the setting is way less redneck-ish (even if as you say even SOA setting is really well developed), it's even more "dirty" and violent, so if you're after "ultraviolence" I guess it's a sure bet.
7 seasons in total, loved all 6 till now, will start with 7th soon.
ep 13-- OF COURSE! with that cute nerdy girl w/ thw big teeth who reminds me of this old disney character
the SOA creator is otto btw (but you knew that)
i'll check out the shield man thanks
btw good to see you around