I have 2 cars hitting deer stories
My brother hit a deer a few years ago with his new car. The deer didn't die it was just injured quite a bit. Being the redneck that he is he decided to put it out of it's misery, however he was in the middle of nowhere at night, with no cell phone or gun on a deserted country back road. He did have a knife so he commenced to try and finish off what the car falied to. The deer would not die...he's covered in blood...and he starts waving his arms (while he is still holding the knife) at passers by hoping that some one will come along with a shot gun and a truck. Most everyone passes him by cause he looks like a crazed murderer trying to bring in another victim. Eventually a hick showed up and helped him out. They went ahead and cleaned the carcus and split up the meat on the side of the road.
One night my husband and I were smoking a ciggarette outside on the porch. The neighbor was driving down the dirt road and a deer shoots out of the woods. The deer and the truck's bumper colide. The deer staggers into our yard. It happened so fast we really didn't realize what was happening. He limped across the grass looked me in the eyes and fell to the ground. His body was convulsing. Ryan got his hand gun and put one through his brain. It was sooo sad. The redneck neighbors wanted the meat and they hit the deer so we let them take it out of our yard. At about 12:00 that night we wake up to flashlights in the yard. You don't just wander around people's yard out here in the middle of the night. People don't take to kindly to it. Come to find out the next morning that the idiots cleaned the damn thing and threw the inards in the woods which pissed off thier neighbors who called the game warden who then went to investigate the scene of the crime being my yard. It all turned out ok though nobody went to jail for poaching.